Sentences with phrase «of molecular clock»

This divergence between the two forms of malaria was used by the scientists as a kind of molecular clock.
If each generation represents a new opportunity for DNA substitutions, then generation time might explain the relation between body size and the rate of the molecular clock.
Sometimes referred to as tip dating, tip calibration is a method of molecular clock calibration in which fossils.
Perhaps one of these, or a component of the molecular clock itself, will become a favored target for drugs to relieve jet lag, the side effects of shift work, or sleep disorders and related depressive illnesses.
Dissatisfied with such wobble in the basic gears of the molecular clock, evolutionary biologists Sudhir Kumar and Sankar Subramanian decided to establish a more reliable mammalian mutation rate based on as many gene sequences as possible.
The activity of telomerase in adult stem cells merely slows down the countdown of the molecular clock and does not completely immortalize these cells.
They also took advantage of the molecular clock (which allows instances of species divergence to be dated based on the numbers of mutations accumulated over time) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the host species.
Such estimates of ancient divergence times could contain substantial error caused by uncertainty of the molecular clock assumptions, confounding effects of horizontal gene transfer, and errors in estimating sequence homology (i.e., similarlity).
genetic equidistance result directly led to the formal postulation of the molecular clock hypothesis in the early 1960s..
Most adult cells have little to no telomerase activity, and the progressive shortening of their telomeres serves as a kind of molecular clock that limits the cells» — and, some believe, an organism's — life span.
Together with other members of Dr Wijnen's laboratory, Karolina discovered a developmental role in flies for one of the molecular clock components that is also found in humans.
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