Sentences with phrase «of mom bloggers»

Over time, you can build up a core group of mom bloggers who will help you with your campaigns in exchange for a free sample.
She advocates for the UN Foundation's Shot@Life, RESULTS and The ONE Campaign, a member of Mom Bloggers for Social Good, Global Team of 200 and ONEMoms, and her work appears in The Huffington Post, World Moms Blog, Broken Light Photography, and the Elephant Journal, in addition to three of her own blogs.
In May of 2013 I traveled to India as a member of Mom Bloggers for Social Good where I reported on water, sanitation, newborn health and education.
Toy industry experts, the California welfare - to - work program known as CalWORKs and an armful of mom bloggers heartily shout, «Yes!»
My friend Clare, who wrote the Slashfood article you referenced, said she thinks a lot of the mom bloggers themselves don't really understand what Mom Central is all about.
You're vindicated by the scores of mom bloggers who joke about being driven to drinking wine out of sippy cups.
Abbie and her crew of mom bloggers are always willing to laugh at their pitfalls as well.
One of the peculiarities of the Mom blogger world is the near - constant parade of Top Mom Blogger Lists.
Remember the firestorm that erupted when a group of mom bloggers chose to promote a popular brand of bubble bath?
Nestle asked a large group of mom bloggers to fly out to California this week for a sponsored event.
While on my recent press trip for the Oz the Great and Powerful premiere, the group of mom bloggers was surprised with a trip to the Disney Animation Studios to learn all about how the movie Wreck - It - Ralph was made.
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