Sentences with phrase «of monetary policy stimulus»

Hardening its resolve that the days of ultra-cheap money must come to an end, the central bank Tuesday stopped describing higher borrowing costs as a possibility, stating unequivocally that «over time, some modest withdrawal of monetary policy stimulus will likely be required.»
At the lower end of the income spectrum, in particular, households that went through foreclosure or had underwater mortgages were less able to take advantage of low interest rates, which curtailed the effect of the monetary policy stimulus, Raskin noted.
«While some modest withdrawal of monetary policy stimulus will likely be required over time, consistent with achieving a two per cent inflation target, the more muted inflation outlook and the beginnings of a more constructive evolution of the imbalances in the housing sector suggest that the timing of any such withdrawal is less imminent than previously anticipated.»
The «current outlook,» it announced in July, when it hiked the target overnight rate for the first time since 2010, «warrants withdrawal of some of the monetary policy stimulus in the economy.»
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