Sentences with phrase «of more readers»

When you get your book in the hands of more readers, good things can happen.
If you embrace visual content marketing you will reap the rewards in terms of more readers, followers, leads, clients, and, of course, revenue.
If some readers loved your book, it's your responsibility to get it in front of more readers so they can enjoy it.
But you can get your self - published book into the hands of more readers than you'd ever think was possible, and the right book cover is the way to get there.
The goal is to get your name and work in front of more readers, to boost the success of your book launch.
For a long time I dreamed of seeing my book at # 1 on Amazon; of more readers finding my books and transforming their lives, because the books is at # 1 and actually has a chance at being shown to potential readers.
But if real readers do like your books, then you have an obligation to keep getting your book in front of more readers who will like it, and possibly mitigating negative reviews that aren't relevant to your ideal readers as much as possible.
You can adapt the advertising to fit your budget, and though you may find more success with more money, you can still get your book in front of more readers with small advertisements than with no advertisements at all.
For authors whose works are already a part of Select and are producing successful returns, this announcement opens up the possibility of more readers choosing to borrow the titles, offering the authors more opportunity to earn the royalties associated with lending.
RSJ also supports authors and readers by providing marketing opportunities to help get great books into the hands of more readers via online promotion, knowledgeable workshops, and conferences celebrating talented authors of romantic and women's fiction.
It paid for itself and helped me reach a TON of more readers.
They are also a great way to get in front of more readers -LSB-...]
This perpetuated the cycle of more readers wanting more books.
NYCWN's #ThePageExchange is a project that aims to get books into the hands of more readers in New York City.
Offering your book for free gets you in front of more readers.
By applying your outside the box thinking to the marketing side of your publishing business, you'll be able to come up with new and unusual ways to get your product in front of more readers.
«It's been well received as an e-book and our goal is to get it into the hands of more readers
So we should consider print / POD, audiobooks, Nook, Kobo, library distribution through Overdrive, Oyster, Scribd... whatever we can do to put ourselves in front of more readers.
I'm really excited about how I can use blockchain to get my book, Escape The Cubicle: Quit The Job You Hate, Create A Life You Love, into the hands of more readers.
And aren't they both better off getting the book in front of more readers?
Ebooks have made commutes, travel time, and layovers a venue to get what we write into the hands of more readers.
Publishers are capitalizing on this growing trend by working with libraries to put authors» works in the hands of more readers — digitally.
But you can get your self - published book into the hands of more readers than you'd ever think was possible, and the right book cover
Hi nice blog, nice information, thanks for this information, Tim Grahl is a self - publishing expert who has dedicated the last seven years of his life to helping authors get their books into the hands of more readers.
This is the second in my series on using Wattpad to promote your writing and get it in front of more readers.
This may be shocking to some readers, but I can say with complete confidence that I like Final Fantasy V more than FF 6,7, and all of the

Phrases with «of more readers»

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