Sentences with phrase «of mosquitoes»

When we first arrived we had a bit of a mosquito problem in our room, but the hotel was quick and rid the problem in no time at all!
This may come as a surprise to some people, but there are over 3,500 different species of mosquitoes in the world.
One way to reduce the risk of heartworm disease for your pet is to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your backyard.
For several months, the process knocked back local populations of mosquitoes by 80 percent or more.
For viruses, the most important trait was the number of mosquito species able to act as a vector.
None was contracted locally, but officials fear a type of mosquito present here could start spreading the virus.
There are a number of measures, however, that can be taken to control local temperatures and fight the spread of mosquitoes by supporting healthy local ecosystems.
The first step in the transmission of mosquito - borne viruses is no mystery: it's the pesky insect's bite that allows the virus to enter its victim's bloodstream.
The best time to do this is before the start of mosquito season in your area.
What do veterinarians need to know about the role of mosquito control in heartworm prevention?
Just consider the breeding of mosquitoes and the diseases they carry.
The team injected viruses into the skin of the mice with or without the presence of a mosquito bite at the injection site and compared the reaction.
The 16 - bed dorm is classic style with two rows of mosquito net draped bunk beds aligned in a large wooden bungalow.
Just like dogs, cats become infected with heartworms through the bite of an mosquito carrying heartworm larvae.
The proportion of mosquitoes with a resistance gene rose from 75 to 95 percent over the course of the trial.
He combines sometimes - dire predictions about the threat of mosquito - borne disease with what some call a knack for public engagement.
Although pets that spend time outdoors are at increased risk of mosquito bites, it only takes a second for a mosquito to fly through an open door and bite your indoor cat.
All cats, including indoor cats, are at risk because of mosquito exposure; there is NO treatment for cats once they've contracted this parasite.
In areas where there are long lasting mosquito populations, and with over 70 kinds of mosquitoes carrying the disease, it is highly likely that one will bite and infect your dog.
One afternoon (or morning, or night, because time is fluid when the sun never sets) we see clouds of mosquitoes, rising from the earth in solid columns.
Instead, it is deposited in a tiny drop of mosquito saliva adjacent to the mosquito bite.
I think the strength of mosquitoes as a vector in their movement is their diversity and their abilities to adapt to different hosts and that changing environmental conditions can enhance their development and survival.
Therefore, accurate and up - to - date information for the geographical ranges of these mosquitoes have been urgently needed to guide surveillance and enhance control capacity for these mosquitoes.
It is therefore important to take steps to reduce the risk of health issues as a result of a mosquito bite.
As in dogs, cats acquire heartworm disease through the bite of a mosquito infected with heartworm in an immature life stage.
When there's stronger rivalry, only 40 instead of 75 percent percent of mosquitoes hold the resistance gene after six generations.
But you only have to think of the annoying buzz of a mosquito around your head during the night, to know that bugs get indoors.
With a growing presence of research, the dangers of mosquitoes are being more realized.
That is, until we hear that all too familiar buzz of the mosquito.
There are tons of mosquitoes down here, and we do not want you getting sick.
Make the most of your yard for as many months of the year as you can without the annoyance and harmful effects of mosquitoes and ticks.
They did this in a part of the mosquito known as the fat body, its version of the liver.
If you want to protect people from malaria, keep the disease out of mosquitoes.
The larvae introduced by the mosquito grow for 1 to 2 weeks under the skin at the site of the mosquito bite.
Since there are a lot of mosquitoes where I live, we have the dog on heart worm medication to be safe.
The scientists record how many of the mosquitoes are knocked down and how many die.
There's snow on the ground in the winter and an abundant amount of mosquitoes in the summer, just to name a few of seasonal quirks.
Living in NC, the presence of mosquitoes throughout the spring, summer and early fall months means greater chances for your dog to contract heartworms.
The newest weapon against malaria comes from the most unlikely of places — the guts of a mosquito.
I love the idea of that door, but it would just let in the hordes of mosquitoes living in our world!
Yes, the south in the summertime does have its share of mosquitoes.
The fly genome is easily manipulated, and it can be used to test the functions of mosquito genes that are also present in flies.
Who would have thought of mosquitoes being put to work to help decrease and control the mosquito population?
In the absence of mosquito bites and their accompanying inflammation, the viruses failed to replicate well, whereas the presence of a bite resulted in a high virus level in the skin.

Phrases with «of mosquitoes»

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