Sentences with phrase «of multiple payments»

It allows you to deal with a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments which can be time - consuming and often leads to missed payments.
I used to be so stressed from trying to keep track of multiple payment due dates.
You make one payment to one lender with one deadline every month in place of multiple payments to multiple creditors with multiple deadlines.
This can help make it easier for you budget, since trying to keep track of multiple payment dates and amounts for multiple cards each month can be difficult.
Because of multiple payments for different loans, there has historically been a high default rate, as juggling multiple loans gets tricky.
Many students choose to consolidate loans to avoid the confusion of multiple payments at different times of the month.
The new loan will offer a single monthly payment at a fixed rate instead of multiple payments with multiple interest rates.
The result is a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments.
Rather than keeping track of multiple payments and interest rates each month, you only have to worry about making one payment — with one lower interest rate.
A spokesman for the governor, Matt Wing, said the money was the first of multiple payments that Mr. Cuomo would receive for the book, although he would not elaborate about the overall size of the governor's book contract.
The monthly payment will probably be much less than the sum of the multiple payments, and student loan consolidations usually have lower interest rates than conventional loans.
Ease of mind - having one monthly loan payment to think of is healthier for your state of mind, rather than thinking of multiple payment dues in one month.
Or if you need a policy that gives you the flexibility of multiple payment lengths, check out Northwestern Mutual.
What's more, because you'd be paying one payment each month instead of multiple payments, you would simplify your monthly money management and reduce the possibility of missing a payment, which could damage your credit rating.
A Debt Consolidation Loan (DCL) allows you to make one payment to one lender in place of multiple payments to multiple creditors.
If you have a hard time keeping track of multiple payments and due dates, consolidating your debt could help ease the process.
A third reason some borrowers choose to refinance is to have only one payment, instead of multiple payments each month.
A third reason some borrowers choose to refinance is to have only one payment, instead of multiple payments each month.
You make one payment to the lender each month, instead of multiple payments to multiple lenders.
The result is a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments.
Simplification from only having one monthly payment to one lender instead of multiple payments to various companies
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