Sentences with phrase «of multiple pregnancies»

However, this approach has been linked to an increased risk of multiple pregnancy, so close ultrasound monitoring of ovarian response is always indicated.
It is important to say that in case of a multiple pregnancy there's often a situation when one of the babies has a surplus of waters.
Another important reason for the increase in number of multiple pregnancies is the use of fertility drugs and fertility procedures.
While the great majority of multiple pregnancies result in healthy babies, any pregnancy with twins or more is considered high risk.
In this case there is a big chance of a multiple pregnancy.
Many moms of multiples also report being completely surprised at the diagnosis of a multiple pregnancy simply because they didn't experience anything out of the ordinary.
Usually the manager will be able to give you something off in honor of your multiple pregnancy.
At the 11th week of multiple pregnancy you will feel better, as the nausea will not be so frequent.
According to statistics, the majority of multiple pregnancies end with early childbirth.
While this may be indicative of a multiple pregnancy, other factors can cause this as well.
Learn more about the types of multiple pregnancies and how they occur.
This helps us identify the healthiest, most viable embryo to be transferred, which helps increase the success rate and reduce the incidence of multiple pregnancy.
This means patients and doctors are under less pressure to maximise the immediate chance of pregnancy by transferring more than one embryo, which comes with the risk of multiple pregnancy.
Having sex is forbidden in case of multiple pregnancy.
They reached a peak and started to go down because as fertility treatment technology has advanced, reproductive specialists have found ways to reduce the number of multiple pregnancies.
Here are some of the more common fetal complications of multiple pregnancies:
Although it differs from woman to woman, some of the more common signs and symptoms of multiple pregnancy include:
The United States and Canada have the world's highest rate of multiple pregnancies following fertility treatments.
Risks of a multiple pregnancy include premature labor and delivery, maternal hemorrhage, C - section delivery, pregnancy induced high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes.
Topics include healthy lifestyles, physical and emotional challenges of a multiple pregnancy, signs and stages of labor and birth, relaxation and breathing techniques, medical interventions, and what to expect during your hospital stay.
It's more probable that their retroverted womb is the result of multiple pregnancies, which often makes childbirth easier in and of itself.
Do parents not make decisions to abort one baby and keep the other, especially in cases of multiple pregnancy such as when one uses IVF?
Transferring more than one embryo increases the likelihood of a multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.).
Fertility drugs aren't the only cause of multiple pregnancies.
At VCRM, we take the issue of multiple pregnancies very seriously.
The majority of multiple pregnancies do have a happy ending; even worst case scenarios can be remedied by the miracles of modern medicine.
Be sure to talk with your doctor about some of the more difficult topics like the maternal and fetal risks of a multiple pregnancy versus a singleton pregnancy.
PFC offers CCS as an option for patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), as a treatment for recurrent miscarriage, prevention of aneuploidy in pregnancy, and for women that wish to improve implantation rates, reduce miscarriage rates, and reduce the risk of multiple pregnancy after IVF.
That doesn't leave much room for food, which is why heartburn and indigestion are all - too common among in the last stage of multiple pregnancies.
Overall, vanishing twins occurs in about 20 to 30 percent of multiple pregnancies.
A later diagnosis of multiple pregnancy happens only in two cases: when a women does all tests later, at the 4 - 5th month, either if the first survey was conducted too early and the number of embryos could not be determined properly.
This represents a baby that was part of a multiple pregnancy but sadly all of the babies did not survive.»
During the presentation, Dr. Schriock gave an update on current Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) technology, focusing on CCS, egg and embryo freezing, reduction of multiple pregnancy, fertility preservation and using ART for family planning.
Several studies have suggested that obstetric outcomes in pregnancies after ART are worse than those seen after spontaneous conception, a trend usually attributed to the higher proportion of multiple pregnancies in ART (and as a result prematurity and low birthweight).
Accurate dating of the pregnancy Early diagnosis of many major fetal abnormalities The detection of multiple pregnancies with.
In the event of a multiple pregnancy, the maximum number of weeks of benefits is increased by five weeks, from 18 to 23 (four for the special plan).
PGS reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies because we can more confidently transfer one healthy embryo and therefore reduce the incidence of twin pregnancies.
This increase in the number of multiple pregnancies is primarily because about one - third of the women who are having babies are over the age of thirty, and that is the age for women when they are more likely to conceive multiples.
There was another interesting finding of this review: Women who took vitamins before or during their pregnancy had an increased chance of a multiple pregnancy (such as twins).
A gynecologist at the examination of the future mother already on the 8th week is able to suspect symptoms of multiple pregnancy.
Researchers report more cases of vanishing twin syndrome in women older than 30, though that may be due to the fact that older mothers in general have higher rates of multiple pregnancies, especially with the use of fertility treatments.
In case of a multiple pregnancy, doctors recommend to abstain from sex, too.
We don't know if we will be blessed with another baby down the road, but after nursing the past 4.5 years straight and carrying two babies I am more aware than ever of the challenges of multiple pregnancies.
Diagnosing the cause can be complicated, so my first bit of advice is to never assume it is a sign of aging or a result of multiple pregnancies.
Preventing Complications in Twin and Multiple Pregnancies The vast majority of multiple pregnancies are free of complications.
In the case of multiple pregnancies, you might notice that there doesn't seem to be any improvement at all, no matter how long you hold out.
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