Sentences with phrase «of muscle stem cells»

The novelty of this technique is that it generates a larger number of muscle stem cells without using genetic modification, which is required by existing methods for making muscle cells.
Two recent studies published in Diabetes and Scientific Reports highlight the loss of muscle stem cells early on in the disease; a likely key to the muscle deterioration which happens later on.
The technique also creates a sustainable pool of muscle stem cells needed to support multiple rounds of muscle repair.
Muscle development & Down syndrome Test the idea that muscle weakness in Down syndrome is due to failure of muscle stem cells to function properly
P - eIF2α ensures in part the robust translational silencing of accumulating mRNAs that is needed to prevent the activation of muscle stem cells.
The researchers have discovered how the amount of muscle stem cells is increased by endurance exercise and their ability to revitalize old muscles is also enhanced.
Under experimental conditions, the researchers then demonstrated that elevated levels of elastase dramatically reduce the survival and operation of muscle stem cells in culture.
«For nearly 20 years, we've thought that the muscle weakness observed in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is primarily due to problems in their muscle fibres, but our research shows that it is also due to intrinsic defects in the function of their muscle stem cells,» said Dr. Michael Rudnicki, senior author of the study.
«I'm not sure if we will ever cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy, but I'm very hopeful that someday in the future, we will have new therapies that correct the ability of muscle stem cells to repair the muscles of afflicted patients and turn this devastating, lethal disease into a chronic but manageable condition.»
Currently, there is no cure to stop or reverse any form of muscle - wasting disorders — only medication and therapy that can slow the process,» said Vittorio Sartorelli, M.D., chief of the Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation and deputy scientific director at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS).
In the present seminar, I will summarize our findings concerning the role of Srf in myofibers to control muscle mass and I will present recent data identifying Srf as a master regulator of muscle stem cell fusion and demonstrating the implication of F - actin architecture in this process.
Abstract During muscle regeneration, the conversion of muscle stem cells to terminally differentiated myofibers requires multiple cell fate transitions.
Origins of Muscle Stem Cells: During development, the embryo has three different tissue types that, together with the germ cells, will make up the animal's entire body.
In particular, I will focus on the role for the antagonism between various transcription factors and epigenetic enzymes in controlling the commitment of muscle stem cells towards alternate cell fates.
The in vitro expansion of muscle stem cells (MuSCs), also known as satellite cells, may provide a potent means to treat a wide range of muscle - related diseases such as sarcopenia and muscular dystrophy.
Environment plays important roles in the behavior of muscle stem cells and myogenic cells, although the mechanisms are poorly unknown.
Indeed, degenerative myopathies are characterized by alteration in the environment of muscle stem cells, such as the presence of chronic inflammation and fibrosis, which are detrimental for both tissue repair and cell therapies.
Bradley Olwin, Ph.D., CU - Boulder: Test the idea that muscle weakness in Down syndrome is due to failure of muscle stem cells to function properly
MGF has the ability to encourage repair and growth of wasted tissue through the activation of muscle stem cells, thereby increasing the synthesis of proteins necessary for tissue growth.
The study shows that exercise increases the amount of muscle stem cells, or satellite cells, an amount that usually declines with aging.
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