Sentences with phrase «of mysterious people»

A group of mysterious people clad in black, connected by an elongated, pink hat, turned out to be James Lee Byars» Ten in a Hat, which weaved through the halls on behalf of Michael Werner Gallery.
A group of mysterious people clad in black, connected by an elongated, pink hat, turned out to be James Lee Byars» Ten in a Hat, weaving through the hallways on behalf of Michael Werner Gallery.
Hi Jackie, I suppose you are one of those mysterious people who sit for hours in a coffee house thrashing away on a laptop keyboard and I wonder, «are they working or just social networking».
But researchers think they have pinned down the origin of these mysterious people.
It's the story of a 14 - year - old boy and his sister, who have been left in the care of a mysterious person named the Moth.
The discovery of this mysterious person, soon christened Judah, sets the town scrambling for answers as its most prominent citizens weigh in on whether he is man or beast, blessing or curse, miracle or demon.
You take control of a seemingly random character and, along with the help of a mysterious person known as the «prepper,» try to get out of London alive.

Not exact matches

Emily, a psychic medium based in Brooklyn, New York, directly opposed my unrealistic, misinformed view of psychics from the moment I met her because not only does it turn out that she lives in my neighborhood, but also she embodies an even more mysterious kind of magic: the ability to be an everyday person, a working mom, and the possessor of an impressive gift.
As he pushes the firm further into government corridors, Barton realizes that people are leery of power that hides its face — that there's something sinister about the mysterious adviser who sits in a corner taking notes and is never introduced.
Chinese authorities plan to use the country's mysterious «social credit» database to ban people guilty of past unruly behavior from purchasing plane and train tickets for up to a year.
People have debated the potential of cryptocurrencies since the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto released a nine - page paper explaining the technology in 2009.
A lot of people desire to invest in startups, but they generally put it off because they feel it is a mysterious and complicated venture that should be reserved for the gurus.
@David Johnson: It's a sad coincidence made more sickening by people using it to justify the greatness of god and his mysterious ways.
In elementary school, I was taught that white people of previous generations were mean to black people because they harbored some mysterious, unfounded, emotional hatred toward non-white people.
Marriage is the mysterious coming together of two people; the blending of heart, vessel and marrow.
At the inception of the undertaking there had to be a transcendent act which, in accordance with mysterious but physically regulated conditions, should graft the person of a God into the human cosmos.
The tendency of Eastern Christian thought has been to start with the evident distinction of persons in the Trinity and then to try to understand the mysterious unity of God.
It's the holy indifference that transparent people know, the mysterious freedom of the sinner with no secrets from God.
The people in the West, whose achievements witnessed to the favor of God, are, Ahmad thought, really Muslims in some mysterious way.
lol You won't sound as dumb, especially if you happen to be a leader if you tell «your people» that you at least know about the mysterious instead of just being real and admitting you really have no idea how the earth, those twinkling lights in the black sky and the sun all work.
In Paul's fresh reading of scripture the whole mysterious drama of God's election of Israel — Israel's hardening, the incorporation of gentiles into the people of God, and Israel's ultimate restoration — is displayed as foretold in scripture itself, but this foretelling can be recognized only when scripture is read through the hermeneutics of trust.
Instead of having to posit a direct, psychological, often mysterious effect on disaggregated individuals, the investigator is able to show that ideas are actually produced by specific sets of people who have access to necessary material and cultural resources, are influenced by particular organizational constraints, and bring their ideas into contact with an audience that has reasons to be receptive.
For Mark's «theological idea» was not so much the present reality of the divine person, the exalted Lord of his community, nor yet was it the glorious and unique historical person, Jesus of Nazareth, but the mysterious, half - divine, apocalyptic «Son of Man» who had lived incognito upon earth, died, and risen again.
The chairman of Christian Aid also appeared to blame the ongoing debate over Europe on a growing sense of nationalism in the UK, he said: «With the Scottish independence agitation and all the questions about a federal UK quite a lot of people feel we need to affirm now what we are, what we distinctively are as English even more than British and that imperceptibly I think strengthens some of this unease about that mysterious entity called Europe which is over there.»
What gives him confidence in his conviction is not any esoteric knowledge of the mysterious God which has been revealed to him, but the testimony of the Bible and of the community of faith to the great company of people who in their own day believed they heard the Word of the same God and sought to obey.
(ii) the frailties of their religious leaders as they scurry for excuses — «god won't be tested», «god moves in mysterious ways,» «perhaps the people have been healed spiritually», etc; and
God: Well, I kill thousands of small children all over the planet every day, and if I say I am «moving in mysterious ways,» for some reason people stop asking questions and go back to worshipping me.
(ii) the frailties of their religious leaders as they scurry for excuses — «god won't be tested», «god moves in mysterious ways,» «perhaps the people have been healed spiritually», etc;
A lot of people would turn away and prefer to keep it all mysterious.
The claim was clearly untrue — and how a person who studies the impact of community institutions for a living could err so wildly on this matter remains somewhat mysterious.
In some mysterious way, each vocation to ministry, whether baptism or ordination, is a calling out or a setting aside of the person for a special sensitivity to the intentionality of God in the world.
Many educated people have at least heard of the great struggle known as the Crimean War (1853 - 56), although its causes and events remain mysterious to most non-specialists.
Through the mysterious resources of language, that is, religion, and art acquire a special power to cast enchanting spells over disenchanted persons.
Reviewing the exegetical search of the early writers involves, then, for those of us who have come into the inheritance of these traditions, the responsibility not only to interact with these inherited traditions, but also to interpret these in the context of the «extratextual hermeneutics that is slowly emerging as a distinctive Asian contribution to theological methodology [which] seeks to transcend the textual, historical, and religious boundaries of Christian tradition and cultivate a deeper contact with the mysterious ways in which people of all religious persuasions have defined and appropriated humanity and divinity.»
He was in a mysterious way aware of a future identity between his own person and that of the Son of Man.
Here Jesus is distinctly seen in terms of the Suffering Servant, and the Suffering Servant, however mysterious a figure he may be, was one whose vicarious sufferings were for the sake of the healing of his people.
Most people who write and talk about autism are reluctant simply to describe the odd behavior and mysterious qualities of autistic people.
For the person at prayer it is the mysterious name of God, calling up memories, recognizing a presence and opening up hope.
Suddenly, or perhaps not so suddenly as we might have imagined, all kinds of people in all kinds of ways began an honest search for a new sense of the transcendent, the mysterious, the holy.
These bishops are convinced that they can bring people the gospel of life in some mysterious, inner way, even as their words and actions tell the world that the choice of death should occasion «dialogue,» not a clear statement of moral truth.
«But though by the end of the battle the men felt all the horror of their actions,» he writes, «though they would have been glad to stop, some incomprehensible, mysterious power still went on governing them, and the artillery men, covered with powder and blood, reduced to one in three, though stumbling and gasping from fatigue, kept bringing charges, loaded, aimed, applied the slow match; and the cannonballs, with the same speed and cruelty, flew from both sides and crushed human bodies flat, and the terrible thing continued to be accomplished, which was accomplished not by the will of men, but by the will of Him who governs people and worlds.»
can't the same be said of people that blindly follow a «mysterious» Trinity??
People accept God as an absolute ruler who can get away with drowning millions of people because «he works in mysterious ways.&People accept God as an absolute ruler who can get away with drowning millions of people because «he works in mysterious ways.&people because «he works in mysterious ways.»
On Ash Wednesday, as the people come up to receive the ashes, they hear the words: «Polvo eres The ashes of the beginning of Lent are a curious and mysterious religious expression of the Mexican tradition which finds its full socio - religious meaning when coupled with the Holy Water which is blessed during the Easter Vigil — when, through God's power, justice triumphed over injustice in the resurrection of the innocent victim from the death inflicted upon him by the unjust «justice» of this world.
it's no good saying he moves in mysterious ways or that he has purposes that are opaque to us because that kind of evasion is predicate on the assumption that the person espousing this knows more than I do about the supernatural but I haven't yet met anyone that does have a private line to the creator and neither have you.
Are we expected to worship a supreme, omniscient, omnipotent being that let the people of Aurora suffer because he works in mysterious ways?
«They (the mysterious people whose eyes I want to gouge out) are making money, by making us insecure about every inch of our bodies.
As an intimate, affectionate, and loyal bond between two (or a few) persons, a bond unlike those of kin or tribe in that it is not simply given with birth, friendship will always have about it something a little mysterious.
Whenever I debate a believer, in a calm rational debate it usually devolves into the person defending religion getting angry because he or she can not simply answer any question other than by saying stuff along the lines of, «well our brains are too small to understand» or «god works in mysterious ways» or my personal favorite «God will judge you for you unbelieving ways».
Mysterious allergies and digestion problems plague millions of people, but doctors can do little to help since many allergies are undetectable and overlapping symptoms often make it difficult to come up with a diagnosis.
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