Sentences with phrase «of nasty question»

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Facebook got some nasty comments, not just from the head of the Republican National Committee, but also from the head of the Senate Commerce Committee, who asked CEO Mark Zuckerberg to make his staff available for questions about how editorial decisions were being made at the social network.
But a nasty question foams up from the brewing brouhaha: How could a respected, albeit highly aggressive, firm like Bain have left itself open to being tainted by the scandalous behavior of a client?
That sounds incredibly nice, of course, but the second Chen opened the floor for questions, things got nasty.
For those sorts of people (who are haunted by the question) rather than slide into nasty Calvinist solutions, they could say:
Perhaps one of the most convincing arguments against religion is how nasty, hateful, vindictive and arrogant believers are when it comes to dealing with anyone who doesn't follow their cult, and how defensive and dismissive they become when you start asking probing, difficult to answer questions.
Thus, we can say that this was a question that had fascinated him from the beginning: and that his understanding of what Zionists too called «the Jewish problem» was from the outset determined in the context of his hostility to anti-Semitism and did not arise later in the contexts of his hostility to particular plutocratic Jews (in 1911, he was reported as saying that «speaking generally, as with most other communities, «THE POOR JEWS [ARE] NICE AND THE RICH JEWS [ARE] NASTY» «-RRB-[My italics].
Some may and do, but I would say most come to also chat about religion and ask the questions that believers don't, that's usually when the name calling starts because believers get up in arms when they have trouble answering the tough questions and accuse any unbelievers of being nasty and mean and trying to get them to stop believing in god.
In fact, upon questioning what appeared to be a «miraculous» recovery from coma for a person that was actually pretty nasty, it was explained as «Satan trying to lead us astray»... because of course if we stopped believing in God because Satan «fooled» us by healing an atheist, than Satan wins.
Some of those groups and some of the people in those groups can be quite nasty to anyone they perceive as questioning them, their beliefs or their authority.
But my roommate has this nasty habit of asking embarrassing questions
Answers to Quiz questions: 1: # 4, 2: # 4, 3: 23 %, 4: 60 %, 5: All of the above, 6: # 4, 7: Phthalates & Parabens, 8: a newborn, 9: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, 10: All of the incredibly nasty stuff above, 11: Triclosan, 12: There is absolutely no good reason, 13: Phthalates, 14: False
If you're male, and question the hegemony non-medically trained midwives assert over childbirth, or suggest that the homebirthing movement is a failed experiment you can expect nasty ad - hominem from the post-rational coterie who will do anything to avoid addressing the substance of the contention that natural birth and homebirthing have been empirically shown to be a failure, and should be abandoned.
Why is the just settlement of the English question so readily equated with all things nasty, xenophobic, racist and BNP shaped?
And yet, looking now beyond the Demos document, whereas someone like Dominic Grieve has demonstrated (following the 7 July bombings and subsequently) a real appreciation of the mutual alterity of all the various communities which make up Britain today, Gordon Brown maintains instead a sort of toned down version of the cricket test (drawn from Roger Scruton) whilst earlier this year Ed Balls, in probably the nastiest single smear since Smethwick in» 64, referred to Grieve on Any Questions as «a friend of terrorists» or something to that effect.
For a start you're not questioning why working class socialist labour voters went Ukip in the first place, it wasn't some guardian reading, snobbery that the working class are think, therefore are bigoted, so they must vote UKIP as they're nasty right wingers who dint like immigration, the decrease in wages among blue collar workers, due to immigration, is by the bosses seeking immigration to pay lower wages to make themselves more profits, Appeasing implies going along with something through fear of something worse, to agree with controlling immigration, because ex labour voters are going UKIP isn't appeasing it, why would us being afraid of losing is our votes to.
«It is a reasonable question: is human influence anything to do with this nasty bit of weather we're having?»
Emanuel, an MIT earth scientist, puts hurricanes into historical perspective and tackles the big question of 2005: Does climate change make nastier megastorms?
As I've been working hard at getting rid of my nasty addiction to sugar for the past few months now, cake is totally and completely out of the question for the time being.
An important question often asked is «why do we need to do a detox and how can a full body detox get rid of the nasties in our body».
And to look at putting on makeup as a choice and something fun, instead of a MUST DO to try and cover up all the nasty... With that being said, I have a few questions.
In the way it's quite easy — eat less, move more, shrink down... There's another question, how many success stories do you know when people have stayed slim after losing the nastier half of themselves?
Laugh now, but I have tested a few out and more times than not, I am coming across nasty, horn dog men who have no intention of actually dating (and their very existence is in question.)
The stress amounts to illnesses, a fractured mind leaving him questioning his own political beliefs, and a few nasty heated arguments with his girlfriend, all of which make for fascinating entertainment.
Nasty Baby was extremely polarizing at Sundance, and audiences seem to focus on the question of its tonal shift toward the end.
Oldman, for his part, chews scenery, particularly in a nasty scene where a homely village wench offers her body in exchange for the life of her retarded brother (in the elephant, natch), which Hardwicke in her wisdom pays off by never revealing whether the halfwit in question is alive or medium - well.
Raiden wields a high - frequency blade, which to you and me essentially means a bloody nasty piece of kit that can slice through metal and concrete like it's a fermented milk product (butter), raising the immediate question of how anything is actually a challenge to Raiden since he can simply slice right through it like it wasn't even there.
Nothing too nasty, but suffice to say that Larry's sexuality was called into question a couple of times.
The former vice president's movie — replete with the prospect of a flooded New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes, worsening droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets — mostly got the science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or read the book and answered questions from The Associated Press.....
«And then you see right away it may well happen that you enter a decade or maybe even two, when the temperature cools relative to the present level... I'm definitely not one of the skeptics... However, we have to ask the nasty questions ourselves, or some other people will do it.»
You'll engage in all kinds of rationalizations and fantasies to avoid the nasty moral questions that ought to come with being complicit in a dirty politically - motivated hit job.
The first part of the hearing had some real nasty actors, ably supported by the usual suspects, and Heidi Cullen, who is a young, pretty, nice woman, was out of her depth answering pointed questions meant to undermine science, though she has the knowledge to do so.
My question for readers is, should we, as a profession, care that life at large firms resembles that of pre-civilized man described by Hobbes: nasty, brutish and short?
The Process: Teena proved to be a real trooper, dealing with delays caused by Hurricane Ike and then a nasty case of the flu.I received eight questions from Teena after she reviewed my original resume.
For example, I recall I once asked this key question and the nasty listing agent said, «It's none of your business.»
The district court found that Vigil was «equally nasty» to all of his tenants and the Tenth Circuit determined the question was whether Vigil intentionally discriminated against Honce.
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