Sentences with phrase «of natural climate variability»

In particular, if the nature and magnitude of natural climate variability can be established, scientists will be better positioned to identify and quantify human generated climate variability.
Although temperature reconstructions from proxy data help us understand the character of natural climate variability, attribution of recent climate change relies on a broad range of methodologies in addition to the proxy reconstructions.
The causes and mechanisms of natural climate variability, however, are poorly understood.
He explains that, as time goes on, the chances of an episode of natural climate variability that leads to extremely low sea ice gets higher and higher.
The presence of this natural climate variability means that the detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate change is a statistical «signal - in - noise» problem.
In particular, if the nature and magnitude of natural climate variability can be established, scientists will be better positioned to identify and quantify human generated climate variability.
Although temperature reconstructions from proxy data help us understand the character of natural climate variability, attribution of recent climate change relies on a broad range of methodologies in addition to the proxy reconstructions.
Our results show that the current hiatus is part of natural climate variability tied specifically to a La Niña like decadal cooling.
Climate simulations generally make no attempt to predict the timing of natural climate variability; hence for example these datasets may contain useful information about conditions during El Nino years, but they can't tell you when these years will occur.
From what I have been able to read (and I think I have read that you agree), today's level of scientific understanding of natural climate variability (or forcing) is still very low (as IPCC has also conceded).
Thompson et al (2008), Identifying signatures of natural climate variability in time series of global - mean surface temperature: Methodology and Insights
The sea butterfly joins the parade of icons like polar bears, penguins, pika, mangroves and Parmesan's butterflies where the effects of natural climate variability or direct human interference are obscured and falsely promoted as catastrophic climate change.
«The politically driven push to manufacture a premature consensus on human - caused climate change has resulted in the relative neglect of natural climate variability,» Curry writes.
A series of sensitivity tests show that our detection results are robust to observational data coverage change, interpolation methods, influence of natural climate variability on observations, and different model sampling (see Supplementary Information).
Bush emphasized that the contribution of natural climate variability to the past century's warming is uncertain, as are the cooling effects of pollutant hazes.
«It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century.»
Scientists have proposed several theories of natural climate variability and heat redistribution that may have contributed to the slowdown to varying degrees.
He was frozen 5000 years ago, and then unfrozen as the glacier he was in melted due to whatever combination of natural climate variability and anthropogenic warming.
Studies have found that warmer temperatures in recent decades help explain a downward trend in snowpack in the western United States, even after patterns of natural climate variability have been considered [9], [56].
Even amongst those IPCC scientists who believe that man - made global warming is a serious concern, there are many who believe that the relative role of man - made global warming have been overestimated, and that the role of natural climate variability has been underestimated
We suggest that integrating this approach with detailed oceanographic data will be a major new tool to identify the effects of natural climate variability versus anthropogenic global warming on ecosystem biochemistry and primary production.
But the tree ring data show that the dry spell, while rare in its severity, was not outside the realm of natural climate variability, researchers report online March 14 in Science Advances.
This cycling of water is intimately linked with energy exchanges among the atmosphere, ocean, and land that determine the Earth's climate and cause much of natural climate variability.
There's the economy, the rising debate over energy and climate legislation, the long - term nature of the projected warming, the flickers of natural climate variability, the pendulum - like nature of media focus, the inconsistent quality of media coverage, or...?
Particularly when this warming represents less than 50 % of the rate of natural climate variability that has been occurring for millennia.
«The planet has warmed and cooled several times over the past 150 years, all within the range of natural climate variability.
These guys have auto - brainwashed, and so thoroughly vacuumed from their skulls the very possibility of natural climate variability that they seriously think politicians seated round a table can «end» climate change.
A more thorough and objective review of the peer - reviewed literature reveals an abundance of evidence supporting claims of natural climate variability that easily matches, if not outweighs, the trumpeted papers asserting CO2 driven change.
Reliable assessments of these contributing factors depend critically on reliable estimations of natural climate variability, either from the observational record or from coupled climate model simulations without anthropogenic forcings.
It seems to me if someone was to make the case of natural climate variability, they'd have to supply their own temperature reconstruction, to the same statistical robustness indicated here, rather than to simply declare all temperature reconstructions as not good enough (because then it would mean that either conjecture about temperature history is equally valid).
These trends have been linked to manmade global warming on top of natural climate variability.
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