Sentences with phrase «of necrophilia»

Filial adoration with a light powdering of necrophilia — moms aren't easy to please.
Nudity is present, however, primarily in two settings: a topless lap dance in a strip club and a location that includes male cult members with exposed genitalia in a non-sexual context... Within the game, TV programs and radio ads contain instances of mature humor: myriad sex jokes; depictions of raw sewage and feces on a worker's body; a brief instance of necrophilia (no nudity is depicted).»
Neon lights, pulsing strobes, fantastical sets, and pounding music embellish a crazy mishmash of sadism and gore, with helpings of necrophilia, attempted rape, and cannibalism.
When the corpse of actress Anna Fritz arrives in a hospital morgue, an obsessive orderly and his two friends engage in acts of necrophilia that take an even darker turn when Anna's corpse suddenly comes back to life.
In its latter half, the movie doesn't have a graceful way to get off the runway, so it resorts to shock value, including an embarrassing scorned lesbian scene and a moment of necrophilia that's there just to be there.
Followers of the Ig Nobel Prizes may be familiar with at least one example of necrophilia in the animal kingdom.

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This factor may help to explain the reported sharp rise of sexual activity within the Postmature category, those sixty - five years and older (a number of «postmature» citizens of my acquaintance, for instance, would likely decline to participate even before getting to the questions on necrophilia and sadomasochism).
This led, in 2008, to a ban on pornography containing realistic depictions of life - threatening injury, serious injury to anus / breasts / genitals, bestiality or necrophilia.
> Video: Gerard Batten MEP accuses European Parliament of «necrophilia» over Lisbon.
Sometimes disgust is arguably among the main reasons that a society chooses to deem an act illegal — necrophilia, some forms of pornography, or sex between men, for example.
«Necrophilia in birds and non-human mammals is not a functional strategy but a mistake,» says Kees Moeliker from the Natural History Museum Rotterdam in the Netherlands, who described a case of homosexual duck necrophilia, in which a drake mallard copulated with a dead male for 75 minutes.
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Midnight Nowhere is offensive, crude, disgusting, sick, foul, and stock full of jokes about necrophilia.
This is one of their sillier movies; its pastiche of period style has more in common with the light - handed artifice of their «Hudsucker Proxy» than with the necrophilia of «Miller's Crossing» or «Barton Fink.»
Then Jena Malone had to do the big necrophilia scene, which was the only scene that I shot out of order because it was shot at Hollywood Cemetery and I couldn't afford to go back.
Coming, as James Naremore wrote in 1973, «between the repressive manners of the classic Hollywood studio movie and the «liberated» ethos of the R - rated contemporary film,» Psycho did previously unthinkable, willfully perverse things — killing off its heroine and thereby taking its star actor offscreen at the end of act 1; leaving us only a homicidal maniac to identify with for the rest of the film; intimating necrophilia and incest within an American family.
The protagonist of «Raw,» Justine (Garance Marillier), kisses her reflection in a mirror just as Elle Fanning does in «Neon Demon,» though Ducournau adds another layer of strangeness by including a song with subtitled lyrics such as «I want to bang the dead» (calling to mind Jena Malone's experimentation with necrophilia in «Demon»).
This is also a story of narcissism, cannibalism and necrophilia.
The film is based on the recall of the Snedeker family of Southington, Connecticut from 1986 who hired Ed and Lorraine Warren who contended that mortuary staff had practice necromancy and necrophilia with the corpses.
Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts.
Sweet November's not - so - big revelation arrives about halfway through, when what you've suspected all along is confirmed: Charlize Theron's moonbeam space cadet is terminally ill, thus begging the question of whether it's still necrophilia if two corpses have sex with each other.
The treatment of the most well - traveled corpse since Harry's, for example, undermines the necrophilia at the end of Bad Boys II by tying it to an idea of how young women are used up in Hollywood.
Taking another page from unfortunate queer representation, there's also a necrophilia scene where Ruby masturbates on top of a corpse.
The director of the astonishing, gruelling necrophilia opus Aftermath, Cerda is something like a genius whose gift for cinematic narrative is, unfortunately, tied to subject matter far too gruesome for the average moviegoer.
Every mote, every smear, every washed - out colour and light bloom of its DIY cinematography is on sharp display — at least until the night - vision sequences, which had me, I'm sad to confess, harking back often to the protracted, listless necrophilia of that Paris Hilton sex tape.
For the most part, explaining what they do would only spoil the significant pleasures of swooning and retching your own way through it, though when it comes to a prolonged sequence of lesbian necrophilia, forewarned is forearmed.
His enjoyment of the macabre came in handy for the role of Max in Joe Dante's grossly funny, necrophilia themed Burying the Ex.
Of course all of the blood, necrophilia and eyeballs look gorgeous, buOf course all of the blood, necrophilia and eyeballs look gorgeous, buof the blood, necrophilia and eyeballs look gorgeous, but.
It's not that the sudden turn into grotesquerie is offensive (though the necrophilia is a bit jarring), it's that those moments just don't evoke a strong emotion other than that of indifference.
None of the actors had necrophilia or incest, but after reading the reviews, they certainly hid under the sheets for a while.
It's a form of literary necrophilia.
Erich Fromm defined necrophilia as a joy of tearing apart a living thing.
Significantly, the proposed offence only deals with bestiality, necrophilia and limited control of violent depictions linked within a sexual context.
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