Sentences with phrase «of nerve damage»

It also raises the risk of nerve damage, heart disease, and stroke.
Treat symptoms of nerve damage in people with diabetes.
I worry that if I wore these all the time I would get some kind of nerve damage in my toes.
If you have had any type of surgical procedure on your breasts, there is the possibility of nerve damage.
Scientists working with guinea pigs say they've shown how an experimental drug might restore the function of nerves damaged in spinal cord injuries.
But the effects of the disease vary widely, depending on the degree of nerve damage, and the nerves that are affected.
In cases of nerve damage, recovery is more common in peripheral nerves are affected rather than the central nervous system.
Depending on the injury, various effects of nerve damage will be apparent in different parts of the body, limiting the injured person's ability to function.
Meanwhile, victims of nerve damage must cope with the loss of bodily functions and try to ignore persistent nerve signals they can't turn off.
This is especially important if the dog is showing any symptoms of nerve damage or appears to be in pain.
When this type of nerve damage occurs (diabetic neuropathy) the cats are described as walking on their hocks (plantigrade).
Because Zeke has had no problems at all at his foster home, it would be difficult to put him through a surgery with a 2 month recovery period and risk of nerve damage which could result in incontinence.
Worse, in nearly 50 percent of cases in adults in their 50s, shingles progresses to postherpetic neuralgia, an often agonizing form of nerve damage that can linger for years.
Tail injuries do not usually result in an obvious external wound and are normally noticed because of nerve damage — whereby the expressiveness of the tail in its normal behavior is reduced.
Signs of nerve damage following a procedure include:
In Pavillion, Wyo., where residents have complained of nerve damage and loss of sense of taste and smell, EPA superfund investigators found benzene and other hydrocarbons in well water samples, as well as methane gas, metals, and an unusual chemical variant of a compound used in hydraulic fracturing.
«There are a variety of medications that are available now that can help with the pain but unfortunately, there's nothing available to help with numbness or prevention of nerve damage,» says diabetes specialist Mark Kipnes, MD, director of the Diabetes and Glandular Disease Research Clinic in San Antonio, Texas.
«In MS, there's a lot of nerve damage — we can certainly stop further damage,» says Norton.
• Our report on the search for sarin in Syria should have referred to «telltale signs of nerve agent», not of nerve damage (31 August, p 8).
According to the NIH, 20 million Americans have some form of peripheral neuropathy, forcing them to live with the pain, tingling, numbness and temperature sensitivity of nerve damage.
She had been prescribed Neurontin for day - to - day relief of nerve damage pain and occasionally took Dilaudid, an opioid, to alleviate more intense pain spikes.
Chemotherapy and radiation can have side effects such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, tingling as a result of nerve damage, physical fatigue, mental fatigue, muscular pain, joint and pain and other forms of pain.
There are reports that even cats with no visible evidence of this type of gait have microscopic evidence of nerve damage.
There is also a much higher likelihood of nerve damage and abnormal bone growth at the site of the amputation.
I grew up in a small town called Ørsted not a long way from Grenaa, but only moved there in 2014 where I met the co-owners of Nerve Damage Games.
Symptoms of nerve damage include numbness, tingling, burning, difficulty moving a body part, radiating pain down one side of your body, brief and intense headaches, and hyperhidrosis.
According to a National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration report, you might wind up with bleeding and swelling in your brain, which kills neurons, or suffer other types of nerve damage, leading to seizures or partial paralysis.
Peripheral neuropathy — a form of nerve damage to feet, legs, or hands, causing pain, numbness, or tingling
By linking the data, CTD was able to connect the dots and find genes that that may be key to connecting the drug and the possibility of nerve damage.
I have issues with anorgasmia because of nerve damage, which I found that stimulating my nipples helped to facilitate an orgasm.
The tissue is sent to a veterinary pathologist who looks for characteristic signs of nerve damage and inflammation associated with PDD.
Polydefkis, also director of the Cutaneous Nerve Lab at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, says that patients with transthyretin amyloidosis typically have traditional symptoms of nerve damage, known as neuropathy, such as numbness or burning in the feet.
Talk to the surgeon who conducted the operation: ask him about the type of surgery and what the odds are of nerve damage or severance of the milk ducts.
When surgeons wrapped Kessel's half - dollar - size electrode around the carotid sinus, for example, they had to dissect around many nerves — a procedure that carried a large risk of nerve damage.
These cells have the ability to cross the blood - brain barrier and travel directly into the nervous system to improve blood flow to the brain and repair some of the nerve damage which has occurred as a result of your degenerative disease or neurological injury.
Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that affects up to 68 percent of people with diabetes.
These cells have the ability to cross the blood - brain barrier and travel directly into the nervous system to improve blood flow to the brain and potentially repair some of the nerve damage which has resulted in PD symptoms.
There are more than 100 types of this nerve damage, called peripheral neuropathy.
This can range from a type of nerve damage that interferes with normal eye movement (oculomotor nerve palsy) to paralysis, and anything in between.
A study also showed that alpha - lipoic acid may help people who suffer with diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve damage.
If you strike either of the top vertebrae (atlas and axis) you run the risk of nerve damage.
This is especially important if the cat is showing any symptoms of nerve damage or appears to be in pain.
Types of Nerve Damage There are 3 common kinds of nerve damage that you may sustain after a car accident in South Carolina:
If you were involved in a relatively serious South Carolina car accident it's possible you sustained more than 1 type of nerve damage.
New evidence supports allegations that fluoroquinolone manufacturers knew about the risk of nerve damage, tendon damage, and other serious side effects, but failed to properly warn physicians and patients.
According to new evidence, manufacturers of fluoroquinolones knew about the risk of peripheral neuropathy — a type of nerve damage that causes pain, weakness, and a loss of sensation — but failed to warn patients and physicians.
Cipro: This frequently - prescribed antibiotic and other drugs in the fluoroquinolone class are linked to life - threatening side effects, including Stevens - Johnson Syndrome and peripheral neuropathy (a form of nerve damage)
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