Sentences with phrase «of nervous energy»

Working in both cities has inspired a sense of exploration and a certain amount of nervous energy in my paintings and drawings.
Some dogs will show fewer signs of nervous energy the more they travel.
Many natural therapists look upon the stomach as the «seat of disease», while the colon is «the seat of nervous energy».
And I notice black tea is different than green tea in terms of nervous energy and withdrawals.
I'm not made very nervous about public speaking but over the last hours and days a fair amount of nervous energy had built up.
When NBA Playgrounds launched last May, the team here at Saber was incredibly excited — but also full of nervous energy.
«There's been a lot of nervous energy here,» Ulman says.
Shuffling the feet is a common expression of nervous energy associated with lying.
Keiynan Lonsdale as Bram is wonderful and he balances the right amount of nervous energy with sincerity in the amount of time he's onscreen.
Indeed, if one is not on guard, the drain of nervous energy evoked by such emotional exaltation may cause one to «take it out on the family.»
Add a pinch of nervous energy to a willingness to collaborate and the need to advocate and you'll have the recipe for the atmosphere at the inaugural National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) meeting, which was held on the University of California (UC), Berkeley, campus last weekend.
But Ethan Hawke gives his usual stellar portrayal of nervous energy, insecurity and underlying pain.
This very well might be the best performance of Pattinson's career; he's a live wire of nervous energy, increasingly desperate as one scam after another fails to pay dividends.
Keegan - Michael Key, a beanstalk of nervous energy, and Jordan Peele, stockier and smoother, fit the profile of a classic comedy duo; they earn plenty of laughs just standing side by side.
Martel is obviously a sophisticated filmmaker, but she alienated me greatly in La Cienaga and The Holy Girl with her shaky - cam — not to be confused with the Michael Mann school of trying to catch gorgeous momentary accidents or the Assayas school of nervous energy, but far more thematically related.
Not all of it — you'll never feel completely confident when you push yourself to create something great — but most of that nervous energy becomes exhilaration.
They all stem from an excess of nervous energy, which stems from anxiety.
Some dogs chase their tail for fun and others do it out of nervous energy or as an obsessive behavior.
It relieves stress and can help them get rid of nervous energy.
Stefan (a caring bundle of nervous energy who spoke some English) came in the morning with Nurse Martin and a malaria test.
If gangsta rap's not your thing, sing your fave upbeat song, do some «doh - ray - mes», some «she - sells - sea - shells», get your lips loose and your vocal chords limber... dance around, clap your hands, make sure you get those last drops of nervous energy out in the bathroom beforehand.
On top of that, Monday was full of nervous energy, as my Michigan basketball boys were about to take on the best offensive team in the entire NCAA after knocking game - after - game out of the park.
Ferrera and Feldman generate a lot of nervous energy but little else.
Therefore, a cup of matcha green tea promotes concentration and clarity of mind without producing any of the nervous energy typically associated with coffee.
Make sure he gets lots of physical exercise during the day, too, to help him burn off some of the nervous energy that may feed his head banging.
I can chomp out all of my nervous energy but also have fresh breath for when I get to where I'm going.
Some dogs have a lot of nervous energy.
My alarm rang at 3 a.m. I wish I could say I got a full night's sleep, but with all the rush to prepare for the trip I was full of nervous energy.
An exhibition of Hockney's prints reveal him to be full of nervous energy and analytical precision
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