Sentences with phrase «of net benefit»

If a separate line item or items are not used, the line item or items used in the income statement to present the other components of net benefit cost must be disclosed.
If a separate line item or items are used to present the other components of net benefit cost, that line item or items must be appropriately described.
We demand: • Proof of net benefit for the public good from wind power.
The total net benefits are the sum of net benefits to electricity end - users, the environment and human health, generator profit, and government revenue.
There are only so many situations where a refinance provides a sufficient amount of net benefit, and therefore only so many situations in which you'll be able to do a refinance.
Instead, having to show detailed evidence of net benefit imposes an unnecessary and often onerous administrative burden and an added layer of uncertainty for potential investors.
Nevertheless, their inability find the back of the net benefitted Roma in that the expenditure of energy necessitated by Montella's instructions contributed to Milan's susceptibility to counter-attacks latter in the half.
It was sidelined because of the net benefit to the economy from EU immigration.
Of course the government could determine that Blackberry is not of strategic benefit to Canada, and the sale of some net benefit.
In previous comments I noted that the IWG SCC value did not follow Office of Management Budget Circular A-4 guidance that states that regulatory analyses «should provide estimates of net benefits using both 3 percent and 7 percent.»
For the reasons cited [in the paper], not only do we not know the approximate magnitude of the net benefits or costs of mitigating climate change to any specific level of future global temperature increase over the next 50 — 100 years, but we also can not even claim to know the sign of the mitigation impacts on GWP, or national GDPs, or any other economic metric commonly computed.
All around, a burial insurance plan is vastly superior in terms of the net benefit to you, your pocketbook, and your family.
Benefit sharing with Aboriginal people based on their knowledge contribution to projects that have the potential to yield revenue streams will be negotiated on a project - by - project basis with the starting arrangement being equitable sharing of net benefits for both DKCRC and Aboriginal parties.
The other components of net benefit cost as defined in paragraphs 715 -30-35-4 and 715 -60-35-9 are required to be presented in the income statement separately from the service cost component and outside a subtotal of income from operations, if one is presented.
The other components of net benefit cost are required to be presented in the statement of comprehensive income separately from the service cost component and outside of a subtotal of operating income.
Therefore, the total cost to the state's taxpayers — the sum of the net benefit to the districts and the net cost to the pension fund — was approximately $ 92.3 million.
McDonald attempts to answer a pair of key questions about McKinsey, and indeed about the business of consulting in general: whether the work it does for clients is worth the huge fees it charges, but also whether the work, on the whole, is of net benefit to the consultants.
In separate statements released after North American markets closed on Friday, Industry Minister Christian Paradis said he was satisfied that the acquisitions by Malaysia's Petronas and China's CNOOC were likely to be of net benefit to Canada.
Industry Minister Christian Paradis is in the midst of deciding whether the deal would be of net benefit to Canada.
«In light of growing trends, and following the decisions made today, the government of Canada has determined that foreign state control of oil sands development has reached the point at which further such foreign state control would not be of net benefit to Canada,» Harper said.
So, if it wasn't strictly a technical decision, according to what calculus was Clement «not satisfied that the proposed transaction is likely to be of net benefit to Canada»?
Only after multiple extensions was final approval granted and even then, it came with several caveats, the most notable being, ``... given the inherent risks posed by foreign SOE acquisitions in the Canadian oil sands, the Minister of Industry will find the acquisition of control of a Canadian oil sands business by a foreign SOE to be of net benefit to Canada on an exceptional basis only» (emphasis added).
This ASU requires the service cost component of net benefit costs to be reported in the same line item or items within operating income as other compensation costs, with the other components of net benefit cost to be presented outside of operating income.
If Chevron, or any named Big Oil codefendant can show that the externalities of CO2 emissions are of net benefit, could they countersue entities that have suppressed CO2 emission, or benefited from CO2 emissions, & thereby place liens & seize the assets of companies selling carbon credits, or of any tangible real property associated with past ill - gotten carbon taxation & regulation?
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