Sentences with phrase «of neural circuits»

It has been known for a number of years that particular genetic variations are of importance for the functioning of neural circuits in the brain.
Cell by cell, they are working toward a real - time map of neural circuits in action.
This enables the development and testing of computational models of neural circuits.
Results on brain imaging studies have led to a better understanding of the neural circuits involved in social cognition and its implication in autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
These developmental defects in the wiring of neural circuits cause very selective alterations in spatial learning and memory in adult mice.
Her lab explores the relationship between the aging of neural circuits, the accumulation of toxic proteins and the subsequent activation of a chronic inflammatory response.
The group went on to simulate and evaluate a variety of neural circuits by combining computational and biological approaches.
The findings add to a growing body of evidence that schizophrenia is not a single disease but a complex constellation of neural circuit problems.
Such an improvement in learning makes a start at the brain and works in tandem with neurons in delivering greater motor control through better management of neural circuits.
C) We are studying the development of function of neural circuits in zebrafish.
Psilocybin, a hallucinogenic compound found in magic mushrooms, may help re-set the activity of neural circuits in the brain that are involved in depression
He pioneered the molecular analysis of neural circuit assembly in the vertebrate central nervous system.
«There are patterns at every stage of life that are different from the patterns at other stages, and with the system we created we can see that really clearly in ways that are surprisingly complex and robust,» says Bargmann, who is the Torsten I. Wiesel Professor and head of the Lulu and Anthony Wang Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Behavior.
In the Lu laboratory, we aim to elucidate the signaling cascades that establish neural circuit connections during brain development, to understand how sensory experiences and environmental factors affect neural circuit wiring and cognitive behaviors, and to identify novel factors required to maintain the health of neural circuits during aging.
The work of Rakic and Jessell has provided, for the first time, a general framework for understanding the assembly of neural circuits within the mammalian brain.
Sten Grillner has elucidated basic principles of neural circuit organization and function that control vertebrate locomotion using lamprey as a model organism.
He hopes the study, «Activity of the C. elegans egg - laying behavior circuit is controlled by competing activation and feedback inhibition,» will lead to more insights on the mechanics of neural circuits.
In the brain, these proteins assume an entirely different role, helping to regulate neuroplasticity — the ability of neural circuits to reshape themselves at every stage of life.
Paul Katz is interested in the evolution of neural circuits underlying behavior.
«This and previous studies show that connectivity of the neural circuits of two different species of sea slugs differ substantially from each other despite the presence of homologous neurons and behaviors.
Over the last ten years, Dr. Anderson has switched his research focus to the study of neural circuits that control emotional behaviors in animal models.
Eve Marder has made it her life's work to understand the properties of neural circuits controlling digestion in lobsters and crabs.
Her research focuses on the signaling cascades underlying neural circuit connections during brain development, to understand how sensory experiences affect neural circuit wiring, and to identify novel factors required to maintain the health of neural circuits during aging.
Chia - Shan Wu, Carlos J. Ballester Rosado, Hui - Chen Lu (2011) «What can we get from «BARRELs» - the rodent barrel cortex as a model to study the establishment of neural circuits», European J. Neuroscience, 34:1663 - 76.
It's kind of chilling when you begin to suspect that such things are explainable as perhaps inevitable consequences of being the kind of creatures that we are — that we might point to some part of the brain and say it resides there as nothing more than a convoluted net of neural circuits.
«I hope the procedure will be helpful for deriving the parameters of neural circuits such as their connectivities, so that an incoming oscillation will trigger several different types of responses,» said Alonso.
The team suspected the mice had undergone a kind of neural circuit workout — the repeated winning had perpetuated their drive to win.
How is information altered by the connections and intrinsic dynamics of the neural circuit
The proposed institute would engage a dozen or more research groups in the task of figuring out how human or animal behavior springs from information processing at the level of neural circuits.
Only by integrating the investigation of neural circuit assembly, structure and function can we then really have a chance to comprehend how the brain as a whole gives rise to those sophisticated phenomena that make us who we are,» Donato said.
A new study by researchers at Roche in Basel, Switzerland has identified a key brain region of the neural circuit that controls social behavior.
Both pathways are composed of neural circuits, but only one of them (as far as we can tell) is conscious.
Published in Neuron, scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) report their discovery of a neural circuit in the mouse olfactory bulb that explains how our mammalian cousins (and by extension, we) are able to adjust the gain on intense odors.
Brain Institute demonstrates in songbirds the necessity of this neural circuit to learn vocalizations at a young age, a finding that expands the scientific understanding of some contributing factors in speech disorders in humans.
Dr. Britt obtained these results using optogenetics, which use light - responsive proteins to study the activation of neural circuits in distinct locations, allowing the researcher to precisely dissect the roles of different neural circuits in the brain.
Compensating for random neural noise has shaped the human brain — and human intelligence — from the bottom up: the size and shape of neurons, the wiring pattern of neural circuits, and even the language of spikes that encodes information.
Mead's students read biological journals religiously and then attempted to construct silicon versions of the neural circuits that brain scientists were mapping out.
Our method is a first step toward developing a new mathematical toolkit to uncover the structure of neural circuits with unknown function in the brain.»
Understanding the dynamic mechanisms that lead to the emergence of brain functions through the development and continuous remodelling of neural circuits, and the constraints that disease and aging impose to this multi-modal plasticity has important implications that go beyond fundamental neuroscience, from education policies to brain repair.
The Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (Florida, USA) specializes in the development and application of novel technologies for probing the structure, function and development of neural circuits.
As the use of neural implants moves toward treating cognitive disorders, one advantage of including microstimulation is the precise spatial targeting it affords, allowing for highly - controlled manipulation of neural circuits.
The wiring plan for tens of trillions of neural circuits will inspire the design of brainlike computers and intelligent robots.
A Dynamic Connectome Supports the Emergence of Stable Computational Function of Neural Circuits through Reward - Based Learning
Cho also explained that multiple projections from single neurons appear to be a general feature of the neural circuits in the brain and could promote synchronized neural activity and long - term changes in the efficiency of neural communication.
This enables tracing of neuronal processes and, hence, high throughput reconstruction of neural circuits on the level of individual synapses.
How are these functions of neural circuits encoded in the genome?
So we've begun to delineate not only the sensory pathway but also the central components of the neural circuit that is activated when the male encounters an animal from another species.»
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