Sentences with phrase «of new society»

When funded the voting threshold was 75 %, the vote was for June, recognizing it was not going to pass they then delayed it to December which took advantage of the new society act threshold of 67 % for the majority of members.
Its name, derived from the two German words «bau» for building and «haus» for house, together with its artist - community system, hints at the the idea of a fraternity working on the construction of a new society.
Eventually, he becomes a flight leader in the armed forces of his new society, which in many ways resembles his old United States.
The two threats, economic and environmental, tend to produce a real crisis of humanity that makes becomes an imperative the construction around the world of a new society different from the current that act interdependently with common goals and rational in every country and on a global scale without which it may be put into question the survival of humans and life on Earth.
No longer plugged in, they become the unexpected leaders of this new society devoid of such comforts as social media, Wi - Fi, indoor plumbing and fast - food restaurants.
The popular Japanese sleeper hinged on the conflict between a national character of reticence and the individual expression of one man's yearning, so shocking even to himself that he keeps the innocent excitement of learning to dance — and the stimulation of new society — a guilty secret from his wife.
The estimated number of internet users in 2007 is over 1.2 billion (Internet Usage Statistics), proving we really do have, as Dr's Brym and Lenton put it, «The Birth of a New Society».
Net neutrality is literally the basis of the new society.
The sustaining power is the fellowship of other people, who are with us in this fellowship of struggle for the building of a new society.
If it is not a full - blown vision of a new society, it is something well on the way to that.
These are the symbolic sources of a new society which can resist the «collapse of hope» despite crushing defeats such as in Nicaragua, where Christians and Sandinistas tried to create a new society.
Like the activist or guerrilla martyr, Christ's death is an apparent defeat that is in fact the leading edge of a new society in which the powers behind this death will themselves be overthrown.
The gospel has priority over politics, but one misses the gospel if one ignores its vision of a new society predicated on liberating grace.
But in the end these values can be recovered in a further development of the new society into a synthesis of both.
The slogans, «protect water - protect life» and «protect bio-diversity» highlight what has to be done already now for the sake of a new society in the future.
«At its core, the Zhejiang Cross Dispute has revealed that in light of the backdrop of a new society, neither the church nor the state has sufficiently prepared to enter into a mature and constructive dialogue; nor have they shown a readiness to settle their differences and conflicts on the basis if the rule of law,» she wrote.
The objective of that new society can be stated quite simply.
The power that sustains us is the fellowship of other people, who are with us in this fellowship of struggle for the building of a new society.
All this also requires encounter and dialogue with other religions in the region that aim at discovering through their respective heritages, a common ethical ground for the basis of a new society» (Human Rights: a Global Ecumenical Agenda, WCC 1993 p. 44).
The old socialism considered the industrial working class as the bearers of the new society.
When aristocracy gives way to some other stable social form, aristocratic manners are replaced by a system of symbolic acts that express the character of the new society.
On the basis on her frankly Jeffersonian reading of the early church, she concludes, «Our secularized western idea of democratic society owes much to that early Christian vision of a new society — a society no longer formed by the natural bonds of family, tribe, or nation, but by the voluntary choice of its members.»
This sermon was designed to sketch the religious and ethical foundation of the new society the colonists were to build:
What matters is whether a Christian in the purity of his faith and his understanding of man joins the struggle and demonstrates by the audacity of his faith, by his love for his neighbour, and his optimism about the future, that he is not just the passive object of history or even of the new society, but rather the co-author and co-architect of the new order.9

Not exact matches

While only 18 percent of U.S. organizations offer paid parental leave, according to the Society for Human Resource Management's 2016 Employee Benefits Survey, many high profile employers have begun announcing plans that both increase the amount of paid time off for new parents and offer it regardless of gender.
Interviewing noted legal thinkers like Michelle Alexander (author of The New Jim Crow), the documentary argues that this «loophole» — allowing forced labor for criminals — enabled resentful white society to imprison black citizens on minor charges and put them to work.
«We look at cars as being able to be a whole new layer of communication between infrastructure and society and general.»
«If your drug prices aren't flat or going down every year, I know who's getting the money, and it should not be happening,» says Craig Burridge, the recently retired executive director of the New York State Pharmacists Society.
We live in a society that has become immune to traditional forms of advertising so be on the lookout for new and creative ways to market your brand.
To make matters more confusing, many of the issues we currently face as a society are being presented in a way that makes them seem new.
Pollution kills at least 9 million people every year and «threatens the continuing survival of human societies,» according to a new study.
The term can sound a little woo - woo at first, but as Li, a doctor and chairman of the Japanese Society for Forest Medicine, explains, the idea is anything but New Age nonsense.
The U.K. might be a capitalist society, but it doesn't have enough money to support new businesses and real growth, the CEO of Legal and General told CNBC on Wednesday.
Understanding the fate of the lowly penny is just part of David Wolman's goal in his engaging new book, The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers — and the Coming Cashless Society (Da Capo).
That's what a new study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface suggests.
As the backbone of our society, construction impacts nearly every industry directly or indirectly — whether it's building new labs to foster scientific discoveries, hospitals to tend to our sick or injured, or modern classrooms to learn.
Government isn't working as well as it once did so «it does fall, I think, not just on business but on all other areas of society to step up,» he tells New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin.
According to The Society for Human Resource Management, the «Silver Tsunami» is well underway.The cohort of workers 45 to 64 is growing faster than any other generation, and the economy is already grappling with two retirements for every new entrant in the workforce.
Perhaps most importantly, interning can also push you to discover new interests and bring your attention to real - world issues outside of the college bubble, says Miles Bird, director of business development for the Kairos Society, a San Francisco - based non-profit that provides support to budding entrepreneurs.
Success stories like Harrison's are few and far between for social entrepreneurs, defined as «someone who targets an unfortunate but stable equilibrium that causes the neglect, marginalization, or suffering of a segment of humanity; who brings to bear on this situation his or her inspiration, direct action, creativity, courage, and fortitude; and who aims for and ultimately affects the establishment of a new stable equilibrium that secures permanent benefit for the targeted group and society at large,» by Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg in a 2007 Stanford University report titled «Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition.»
Dan Greenleaf has been a professional freelance Santa for 10 years and is the co-founder and leader of the New England Santa Society.
«The patent system is based on a «bargain,» or quid pro quo: the inventor is granted exclusive rights in a new and useful invention for a limited period in exchange for disclosure of the invention so that society can benefit from this knowledge,» the court said.
«For our society to keep moving forward, we have a generational challenge, to not only create new jobs, but create a renewed sense of purpose.»
«This new policy is further testament that consumers and companies are aligned in shifting the egg and pork industries away from confining animals in cages,» said Josh Balk, senior food policy director of the Humane Society of the United States, who has partnered with Dunkin' Donuts (DNKN) on the initiative.
With this new money, Regeneron and the Society hope to expand the reach of their competition so that it doesn't only focus on prestigious schools.
Venezuela is a target - rich environment,» Feierstein said at a December 12 event at the Americas Society / Council of the Americas in New York City.
«The business of America» may be business but a new YouGov poll for the Legatum Institute shows that Americans aren't terribly fond of the financial system that is the backbone of our society.
A close observer of mid-Manhattan's changing commercial geography, he saw «a new society» rising on Park and Fifth Avenues after the completion of Grand Central Terminal, «a society made up of women who willing to pay well for things a cut or town above the ordinary,» as a 1938 Fortune article observed.
With a new trend of investments in startups now being in place, to actually address ground - level issues plaguing our society, a relatively new venture called UrbanPiper that offers software solutions and Omni - Channel ordering along with loyalty programs for the hotel industry has raised undisclosed venture capital from veteran investor Kumar Vembu.
He was part of a New York City dinner circuit that includes people who believe the US should go back to the gold standard, rich people who don't think they should have to give back to society in the form of taxes, and anyone interested in either of those ideas who wanted to write a book about them.
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