Sentences with phrase «of newborn death»

The overall risk of newborn death remains small, but it doubles for infants born before 37 weeks, compared to infants born at 40 weeks.
The vast majority of newborn deaths take place in developing countries where access to health care is low.
This resulted in the proportion of newborn deaths increasing from 39.3 % in 2000 to 45.1 % in 2015.
- Countries with high levels of newborn deaths are finding virtually free ways to reduce them.
Some of the countries that outrank the United States in terms of newborn death risk are South Korea, Cuba, Malaysia, Lithuania, Poland and Israel, according to the study» (Rettner, 2011).
In industrialized nations deaths were most likely to result from babies being born too small or too early, while in the developing world about half of newborn deaths were from infection, tetanus and diarrhea.
Although the number of newborn deaths was reduced from 3.9 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2015 (see appendix 6), progress has been slower than the improvements in survival for one month to five year olds.
Preterm birth, the leading cause of newborn death, costs more than $ 26 billion annually, according to the Institute of Medicine.
An increased risk of newborn death or miscarriage from second - hand smoke was not found and was not linked to any single congenital defect — only after the results from all the studies were collected was the overall increase seen.
With mortality in later childhood decreasing, the proportion of deaths that take place in the neonatal period has been rising, with three main causes accounting for 88 % of newborn deaths in the region: (1) infections (including sepsis / pneumonia, tetanus, and diarrhea); (2) intrapartum - related conditions («birth asphyxia»); and (3) preterm births [34].
Premature birth is the major cause of newborn death and illness in twins.
Home births double risk of newborn death.
The main causes of newborn deaths are prematurity and low - birth - weight, infections, asphyxia (lack of oxygen at birth) and birth trauma.
Premature birth is by far the most common cause of newborn death and it has increased in western societies in the past decade.
In low - and middle - income countries, 1 in 5 babies is born too small (with a low birth weight) resulting in 20 % of newborn deaths.
For pregnant women who are at low risk of complications giving birth, the risk of newborn death and maternal complications is similar for obstetric deliveries by family physicians and obstetricians, according to a large study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
It is the leading cause of newborn death, and babies who survive an early birth often face the risk of serious and sometimes lifelong health problems, such as breathing problems, jaundice, developmental delays, vision loss and cerebral palsy.
Researchers found that 37 weeks seems to be the sweet spot for twins with two placentas (the most common twin pregnancy); the risk of newborn death (defined as death up to four weeks after delivery) and stillbirth was roughly even until 37 weeks, which is when the risks of pregnancy start to outweigh the benefits and a mother should consider delivering.
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