Sentences with phrase «of nighttime skies»

Mirroring a methodology Manning and his colleagues have used to understand other elements of the visitor experience, the researchers showed park visitors a series of photographs of nighttime skies at Acadia with successively more light pollution.
Andromeda evokes the sophistication and majesty of a nighttime sky.
Take a tour of the nighttime sky, with visits to Saturn, Jupiter, and even the mountain ranges on the moon!
My love of the nighttime sky, and my love for nail polish.
It's a type of pollution notable not for the visible signs of what is left behind, but for what is taken away — in this case, the natural lights of the nighttime sky.

Not exact matches

According to the atlas, which was produced by analyzing tens of thousands of high - resolution images of nighttime lights on Earth from the NOAA — NASA Suomi National Polar - orbiting Partnership satellite, roughly one in three humans on Earth can not see the Milky Way when they look up into the night sky.
In addition to gauging the value to park visitors of a dark nighttime sky, the study also provides data to park managers at Acadia — and by extension, other parks — enabling them to develop visitor - driven plans for setting light pollution targets.
According to a study published Sept. 4 in Park Science, visitors also value and seek to protect a different kind of threatened natural resource in the parks: dark nighttime skies.
But because the Milky Way contains a lot of dust, which effectively blocks visible light, the chances of anyone seeing that explosion in the nighttime sky are 20 % or less, the researchers note.
It has many supersensitive instruments that are busy collecting incredibly high - resolution images and spectrum analyses of objects all over the nighttime sky.
Mosaic image of Earth's nighttime sky as the collision of M31 and the Milky Way unfolds: 1.
Not only do the types of stars differ in many ways from what we can see in our serene nighttime sky from Earth, but the stars at the galactic center are also not behaving like the stars around us.
Though the sequel features far more footage of the giant beasts, including a spectacular nighttime scene in which one of the bioluminescent creatures ejects phosphorescent spores into the desert sky, the story remains stubbornly focused on relatively uninteresting human concerns.
But he had felt that night, while his wife kept the children over by the road — he had rushed them from the house when he saw that the barn was on fire — as he watched the enormous flames flying into the nighttime sky, then heard the terrible screaming sounds of the cows as they died, he had felt many things, but it was just as the roof of his house crashed in, fell into the house itself, right into their bedrooms and the living room below with all the photos of the children and his parents, as he saw this happen he had felt — undeniably — what he could only think was the presence of God, and he understood why angels had always been portrayed as having wings, because there had been a sensation of that — of a rushing sound, or not even a sound, and then it was as though God, who had no face, but was God, pressed up against him and conveyed to him without words — so briefly, so fleetingly — some message that Tommy understood to be: It's all right, Tommy.
Rather, you want to share images that have good meta - text, and descriptions that are rich in keywords but not spammy (the difference between «nighttime stars painting night sky art sparkle» and «painting of a sparkling night sky»).
Michael Oatman, an obsessive collagist, is here presenting his piece «Small Blanket» which appears at first to be a nighttime sky filled with snowflakes until upon closer inspection the flakes are revealed to be made up of dozens of war planes fashioned into mandala like patterns.
Other winning contenders included photographer Scott Sim for his stunning nighttime cityscape of Tokyo, and the view of Tokyo Tower, and Kris Williams's beautiful shot of the night sky over Wales.
Her current exhibition, Kyle Staver: Recent Paintings at Tibor de Nagy (October 17 — November 23, 2013), which is comprised of four paintings, all nearly six feet high and a little more than four feet wide, In «Daphne» (2013) and «Syrinx» (2013), the darkest paintings, the figures are pressed closer to the picture plane than in «Andromeda» (2013) and «Groupers» (2013), which take place in a nighttime sky and ocean.
She uses imagery such as Cochina dolls, nighttime skies, her passed Grandmother, eyes, the Tower of Babel, and as coined by Stephanie Young in Beautiful Decay «portraits of alien weirdos» to investigate and make sense out the world we inhabit.
And the question can be asked of those who live in cities; maybe you can't see much in the nighttime sky, but did you know the problem was so prevalent across the planet?
The Egyptians used to make and store Ice by using the nighttime evapouration effect of the clear sky heat loss.
The P20 Pro sky is a freaking masterpiece compared to the Pixel 2 XL sky, which serves as a good example of the trouble most phones have with nighttime photography.
Contrast, too, was great: In an establishing shot of London at nighttime in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, the city lights were well - defined against the black sky.
About Blog Find Night photography, taking pictures of the night sky, light painting, and all types of nighttime photo subjects.
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