Sentences with phrase «of nonacademic»

The establishment of the Federation marked a new commitment to working towards the diversification and exhibition of nonacademic American art.
The society was composed of artists and a few intellectuals who did not necessarily share the same style or thinking but who wished to show their support of nonacademic art.
He notes the convergence of three important trends: first, the rise in strategic education philanthropy; second, the decline in federal funding, in part due to ideologically contested priorities; and third, the growing influence of nonacademic think tanks operating outside the constraints of university - based research.
What are the best approaches to tapping community partners to help schools meet the wide range of nonacademic needs of students and their families?
This flexibility, though, is limited by the existing ESSA regulations, as the weighting of nonacademic indicators can not be used to remove a school from a low performance designation.28
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, states have more freedom to measure school quality and performance — including the selection of a nonacademic «school quality» indicator.
Research shows the importance of nonacademic factors for predicting outcomes such as retention, persistence, and engagement in college as well as graduation from college.
He highlighted several opportunities within ESSA that will help schools prioritize a comprehensive education for students, including the student supports in ESSA's new Title IV and the inclusion of nonacademic indicators in accountability systems.
However, some still question whether schools should be in the business of taking care of nonacademic problems and concerns.
In what ways can you help all employees in your school foster the development of nonacademic, self - regulating skills and character traits (e.g., trustworthiness, effort, responsibility, and respectfulness) that students need to succeed in life?
Our presenter, Education Northwest's Shannon Davidson, is working on multiple research projects on the development of nonacademic skills and social - emotional learning and will share an overview of her research.
Career teachers and other teachers who qualify for certificates on the basis of nonacademic preparation shall be entitled to all the contractual rights and privileges now granted to other instructional personnel holding equivalent certificates.
PN: It is impossible and undesirable to separate academic performance from physical health, character development, and a variety of nonacademic skills.
The «comprehensive» high school, for example, could grow ever more comprehensive by offering more courses, many of them nonacademic.
One stunning fact puts into perspective this dramatic growth of the nonacademic segment of the curriculum: in 1910 the share of high - school work devoted to
of the nonacademic courses combined; by 1982, more than 39 percent of all high - school coursework was in nonacademic subjects.
If technology platforms can efficiently expand students» networks beyond only their immediate families and communities, perhaps the effects of nonacademic gaps stand to shrink.
Decreases in the attractiveness of faculty careers and concomitant increases in the attractiveness of nonacademic careers lead to even sharper shifts in the share of students finding a particular career most attractive compared to all other careers (the measure used in Figure 2).
Moving On in Your Career — A guide for academic researchers and postgraduates, Lynda Ali & Barbara Graham, Routledgefalmer, (ISBN 0 -415-17870-3) which contains one of the best examples of a nonacademic CV I've seen, and University Researchers and the Job Market for yet more examples and advice.
Rather, we should educate our young researchers on the broad range of nonacademic, professionally fulfilling job options that can be found out there.
And former postdocs today have a wide range of nonacademic scientific careers.
While more than two - thirds of nonacademic organizations consider performance reviews standard practice, almost half the academic institutions questioned in a survey conducted by COSEPUP said they do not officially review their postdocs.
In service of that institutional need, academic culture has fostered the misleading narrative that graduate school and postdoc positions are solely intended to prepare young scientists for academic research careers rather than for a range of nonacademic and even nonresearch endeavors.
A study released on 1 April by the American Institutes for Research, The Nonacademic Careers of STEM PhD Holders, casts revealing light on which Ph.D. researchers do what kind of nonacademic work.
But, given the disappointingly uneven picture of available professional development resources that the report paints, scientists who want to emerge from their graduate school or postdoc years ready to find and take advantage of nonacademic career opportunities must adopt an entrepreneurial approach to their own professional development and take the fullest advantage of all the chances they get to learn about the world of off - campus work.
«Students tend to define science careers as simply «academic» or «nonacademic» — but that does a disservice to the range of nonacademic possibilities,» explains Michael Alvarez, director of Stanford School of Medicine's Career Center.
The program works like this: Full - time faculty members with independent research programs (postdocs are not eligible) apply via the program's Web site; researchers holding equivalent positions in industry of nonacademic labs may also apply.
Although I enjoy my current research focus, I tend to exclude myself from many of the nonacademic lab activities.
However, you should make an effort to join your laboratory colleagues in some of the nonacademic activities.
The National Academies seemed like a good place to begin my foray into the mysterious world of nonacademic careers.
«The new journal aims to capture the contributions of nonacademics to scientific research.»
The new journal aims to capture the contributions of nonacademics to scientific research; according to Stephens, academic evaluation of public and patient involvement in science has been conducted for many years, but no journal was devoted to the theme, commonly known as PPI.

Not exact matches

A remarkable flourishing of spiritualities has combined thoughtfulness with passion, often by women who also write in other genres (academic and nonacademic), such as Loades, Soskice, Grey, Coakley, Hampson, Jantzen, Ursula King (a German teaching in Bristol), Sarah Maitland, Monica Furlong and Elizabeth Stuart.
There are some parallels with other nonacademic American poets — William Carlos Williams, for instance, who practiced medicine and delivered thousands of New Jersey babies while writing the American epic Paterson.
With the exception of the program at New York Theological Seminary, all the organizations participating were founded and are directed by people involved in ministry outside the academy (and even NYTS requires its professors to engage in nonacademic ministry).
It is all the more imperative, then, that ample provision also be made for studies that are not subordinate to nonacademic interests, in order that the prevailing conditions of culture and society may not remain without challenge or alternatives.
He felt that a nonacademic «empiricism» takes the psychological and moral implications of human egotism for granted in all forms of human relations.
He clearly adopted what Sloan and others call the «two spheres» idea — that faculty hiring should be blind to religion in order to hire the best - trained people, and that the religious character of the school would be developed in the private and nonacademic realms of chapel and personal piety.
Ph.D. s hoping to find nonacademic careers — a group that, in the long run, comprises the overwhelming majority of doctorate recipients — must navigate the transition to industry or government, often with only minimal help from their professors and institutions.
Thousands of Ph.D. holders unable to obtain faculty jobs search for other opportunities despite lack of training for nonacademic employment, while many faculty investigators struggle, often futilely, to win funding amid intense competition.
Linda Strausbaugh, director of strategic initiatives at the National Professional Science Master's Association, explained to the graduate school committee the skills nonacademic employers generally require that traditional graduate programs largely ignore — mainly in communication, teamwork, and project management.
Academia now serves as a «training ground» rather than a career destination for the great majority of scientists, with work in industry, government, or other nonacademic employers the «new norm.»
These new skills enable graduate students and postdocs to enter the next stage of their careers better informed and equipped to adapt to challenges the academic or nonacademic world sends their way.
After doing a Ph.D. in social science at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, she took a short training course at the University of Melbourne in Australia learning to write for nonacademic audiences.
I've also found additional information from Leeds University Careers Service for postdocs considering a change of career to the commerce and industry sectors and an index of articles published in the U.S. Chronicle of Higher Education on nonacademic careers for PhDs, which includes case studies and advice.
Therefore, researchers in training need to consider and prepare for careers outside, as well as within, academia because «alternative» nonacademic careers actually represent the vast majority of career destinations for researchers nowadays.
Though the course's focus stood squarely on the needs of the academic scientist, many of the skills taught, such as time management, project management, collaborations, and mentoring, carry over to nonacademic jobs as well.
Sure, advisers may not be in the best position to mentor students on such a wide variety of paths, but universities still owe it to their students, and to society, to provide meaningful help in preparing their Ph.D. graduates for the nonacademic roles they're likely to hold.
They also worked on developing a plan for a proposed online hub or center that would collect and disseminate information and resources, including a speakers bureau of scientists in nonacademic careers, to help institutions provide better career development services.
Where nonacademic jobs once required skills that did not carry over to academia, that's not necessarily the case these days, says Gregory Kopf, who spent more than two decades at the University of Pennsylvania before moving to Wyeth Research.
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