Sentences with phrase «of normal cats»

In scientific studies, close to half of normal cats were shown to be carriers.
Occasionally, a cat suspected of having hyperthyroidism will have T4 levels within the upper range of normal cats.
This is considered typical of normal cats.
It is essential for cat owners to understand that scratching is part of normal cat behaviour.
This enlarged colon may have a diameter three to four times that of a normal cat.
This means that the cat has been regulated and has the appearance and behavior of a normal cat.
Creating a cat - friendly home requires an understanding of normal cat behavior and how humans may inadvertently create stress for feline companions.
This is an example of a normal cat urinalysis.
Planar thyroid scintigraphy of a normal cat.
Although many veterinarians are vehemently against giving raw bones for fear of E-coli or Salmonella exposure, salmonella has actually been a part of normal cat's digestive tract flora in many cases, and cause little problem in most pets, unless they are immune suppressed and / or on immune suppressive therapy.
Thus, a sudden change in the frequency and placement of normal cat urination and spraying is a likely indication that something may have changed emotionally for your cat.
Picture 3 — Comparison of a normal cat muzzle (© Isselée) and the extremely shortened muzzle of a brachycephalic cat (©

Not exact matches

Travel was higher than normal for SeaWorld tickets, our cat babysitter, rental car (didn't realize I could've used points for this, ugh), and part of one train ticket for Thanksgiving (the rest were covered by points).
People who have 57 cats, talk to their plants, run down the street naked daily, refuse to eat with utensils because they're evil, shower 20 times a day to get rid of the «bugs», and sleep with the lights on = normal
However, despite he and the Black Cats squad knowing of his impending sacking, Poyet still took training as normal, even analysing video footage of their 4 - 0 defeat to Villa with the players.
There is a BIG difference between posting that you're annoyed with your cat (which is totally normal) and a lot of these hateful, cruel comments that resulted.
Very good buy, we actually used this to get rid of the smell of cat pee on our cushion covers rather than for diapers, it works better than the normal laundry powders.
During the last three to four weeks and while nursing, a pregnant cat should eat about two to four times her normal amount of food.
When the cats were kept awake by encouraging them to play with toy lizards for 6 hours — an unusually long stretch between cat naps — adenosine levels soared higher than during normal states of alertness.
To try to pin down its role, McCarley and his team first tracked the levels of adenosine by extracting samples of brain fluid from cats throughout normal sleep - wake cycles.
McComb thinks that the meow is present in a normal purr but is very quiet, and some cats learn to exaggerate the sound as a subtle means of commanding attention.
«The cats that were untreated die at six months of age, but the cats who were being treated looked normal at six months of age,» Vite said.
First of all, it's pretty normal for dogs to turn into scaredy cats when they hear any loud noise, including thunder, a vacuum, or even an ambulance siren.
As of 2012 my adrenal gland cat scan was normal.
My parents took Sivko in when he was a baby cat because someone just left him there on the island, he belongs to an Egyptian breed called Mau and that is perhaps why he is so fond of catching birds (he can jump higher than normal cats).
9) Arguments are more frequent than the times you get on Arguments are a normal part of any relationship, but you're fighting like cat and dog and the bad times are outweighing the good, then the stress of such a volatile relationship can't be doing either of you any good.
A profile with a picture of a perfect - looking girl attracted three times as much attention as that of a «normal» one, despite such additional attributes as the preference in dating exclusively single parents, being a Wiccan, collecting marbles, and having six cats one of which is called Satan.
GREY GARDENS Directors: Ellen Hovde, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Muffie Meyer Starring: Edith «Little Edie» Bouvier Beale, Edith Bouvier Beale, Jerry Torre, Brooks Hyers In the current era of watching reality television when it seems normal to watch the lives of trashy people, drunk people, or rich snobby people, one would not bat a lash at watching a documentary about two crazy cat ladies.
Soon Lizzy's normal life in Marblehead MA (just near Salem) is somehow turned upside down: of the people who hold keys to the Gluttony Stone, one is hexed into gibberish, one's house is blown to smithereens and another's apartment is trashed; Lizzy has also acquired a one - eyed cat and Carl, that annoying monkey from the Plum BTN books.
But right now, Mikey, perfectly normal, not - superpowered Mikey, has more pressing, if prosaic, things to worry about in the little time he has left before college — namely, getting cozy with beautiful Henna, connecting with his sister, dealing with his paralyzing anxiety, and hanging with his best friend, who happens to be a God of Cats.
The comedy manga revolves around a group of female students living what would be a normal high school life, except that it also includes a talking cat, a robot, deer - wrestling, and other strange anomalies.
Born without rear tibias, he lived for almost three years unable to enjoy the perks of being a normal cat until Jones» daughter Emily, who attends veterinary school at Iowa State University, sought the help of one of her teachers, Dr Mary Bergh.
Although cats» bowel habits can and do vary, there are certain characteristics of «normal» cat poop that indicate digestive health.
Normal cat poop should not smell too foul (some odor is normal, of coNormal cat poop should not smell too foul (some odor is normal, of conormal, of course).
Cats love to bask in the sunshine and the normal cycle of night and day helps govern natural behaviour by influencing their hormone levels.
I see this many times in both the canine and feline (dog and cat) species, and if not corrected early, then when the permanent teeth erupt, they will be out of their normal position (misalignment).
«Cats may do the following: hide more than normal, greet owners exuberantly when they return home and follow them from room to room, urinate or defecate outside of the litter box, vomit or compulsively groom themselves — sometimes to the point where they are virtually bald over a large part of the body.»
Although it is a normal inhabitant of the interdigital areas of paws, ear canals, anal sacs, vagina, and rectum in dogs and cats, it may cause superficial dermatitis in susceptible animals.
«They may also be surprised at the range of behaviors cats may show in response to catnip — from wild running around the house to mellow purring — and wonder if this is normal
Lacerations or sores that do not heal after a normal period of time on the surface of your cat or dog's body may indicate infection, skin disease, and possibly cancer.
Although the immune systems of these cats are compromised, the educated owner will see them lead happy normal lives.
However, since creatinine levels are dependent on lean body mass, an underweight cat in renal failure may have normal blood creatinine levels, so the diagnosis of kidney failure could be missed with bloodwork alone.
Although difficult to find, D. cati may be seen in clinically healthy cats as part of the normal cutaneous flora.
However, until that thyroid level is within normal limits, without rechecking every three weeks, there is no way to know whether she is getting the appropriate dose of her cat medication.
Cats with gastrointestinal signs and cobalamin levels below the mid-range of normal have visible improvements in appetite and energy levels when supplemented with cobalamin.
The absence of dog scent aside, these rooms further reduce feline stress because they may be equipped with diffusers that disseminate a synthetic version of the normal pheromones given off by cats as they rub their cheeks against people or furniture; this pheromone serves as a chemical marker that signifies safety, contentment, and familiarity.
The Physiology of Body Temperature While exercise may cause a temporary increase in body temperature, normal body temperature fluctuation in dogs and cats is typically less than 4 °F over a 24 - hour period.
For many years, breeders have crossed the Sphynx cat breed with cats of normal coat and therefore have a strong gene pool.
A healthy cat should maintain her ability to perform normal activities of daily living, including playing and jumping, although the height of jumps and intensity of play may be decreased with health aging.
On top of that, when we put out food for our cat and he comes and nibbles then walks away, many of us think, «poor kitty, doesn't like what I fixed for him» when he is exhibiting normal cat behavior.
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