Sentences with phrase «of nucleosides»

The presence of nucleosides is «highly regulated» within the mitochondria, Cohen explained.
However, very early I discovered that this was not the case and later on I found out that cells are not ready to recycle these modified forms of nucleosides.
This cellular machinery translates its sequence of four kinds of nucleosides — adenosine, cytidine, uridine, and guanosine — into a protein.
But findings in Moore's lab supported the view that mRNA strands with more of the nucleosides that tend to form tight bonds are, in fact, easier for ribosomes to translate.
Resistance is a significant problem with the ongoing use of nucleoside analogs, which when applied topically to the eye can cause serious side effects including glaucoma.
Previous efforts made the parts of a nucleoside separately and then linked them together — a stepwise process that generally yields a useless mess of many possible configurations.
Kariko, K., Buckstein, M., Ni, H. & Weissman, D. Suppression of RNA recognition by Toll - like receptors: the impact of nucleoside modification and the evolutionary origin of RNA.
Simultaneous quantitative determination of 5 - aza - 2 ′ - deoxycytidine genomic incorporation and DNA demethylation by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry as exposure - response measures of nucleoside analog DNA methyltransferase inhibitors.

Not exact matches

«We saw clearance of the virus at concentrations of BX795 that were five times lower than concentrations of antiviral compounds in available nucleoside analogs,» Shukla said.
By doing so, they have successfully captured the snapshot of the intermediate state where the viral helicase exactly binds to the nucleoside triphosphate ATP and a metal ion, two essential molecules required for the helicase to do its job.
The scientists suggest that flavivirus helicases could have evolved a conserved motor to convert chemical energy from nucleoside triphosphate to mechanical energy to unwind their genetic material, but the motors of the flaviviruses move in distinct ways to access their genomic RNA.
All but one fall into one of three categories — either nucleoside or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or protease inhibitors — based on the part of the virus they target.
Assembling mRNA using pseudouridine, a nucleoside variant that occurs naturally in the body, greatly reduced the tendency of immune sentinels called dendritic cells to shoot out inflammatory molecules in response, they reported in 2005.
«It would be stupendous to see the data out of Moderna,» says Paul Agris, an analytical biochemist at the State University of New York in Albany's RNA Institute who has spent decades studying the consequences of modifying RNA nucleosides.
The team knew that the frequency and placement of the modified nucleosides in the strand changed how it folded, and hence how it interacted with the ribosome.
And because trillions upon trillions of different nucleoside sequences can code for the same protein, there were plenty of ways to engineer more efficient ones — providing they could be predicted.
It hasn't revealed which modified nucleoside is in its newest generation of drug candidates.
Initially operating in «stealth mode» — without announcement of its existence — Moderna's team screened mRNA assembled from various modified nucleosides and hit on one called 1 - methylpseudouridine.
Even between mRNAs with the same sequence, they were finding that different modified nucleosides produced different amounts of protein.
The same is true for a powerful nucleoside analog — a small molecule that's cheap to make — developed by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.
Molecular basis for the immunostimulatory activity of guanine nucleoside analogs: activation of Toll - like receptor 7.
The tested compound looks and acts like the chemical building blocks of DNA, called nucleosides.
Selectivity of the therapeutic approach is achieved by producing an enzyme called E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) directly within tumor cells and using the enzyme to generate novel chemotherapy in the tumor mass itself.
While the hospital advocates transitioning Charlie to end - of - life palliative care — officials have stated that «he has no quality of life and no real prospect of any quality of life» — his parents want him to undergo a highly experimental treatment in the United States called nucleoside bypass therapy.
Nucleoside bypass therapy, which was developed by Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University Medical Center, involves an oral dose of extra nucleosides that rebalances the concentration of these essential building blocks inside the mitochondria.
Strain Promoted Click Chemistry of 2 - or 8 - Azidopurine and 5 - Azidopyrimidine Nucleosides and 8 - Azidoadenosine Triphosphate with Cyclooctynes.
It does this, Ebright said, by mimicking a nucleoside - triphosphate, one of the «building blocks» of RNA that is essential for life.
We present simple cascade reactions that lead to the formation of methylated and aminoacylated nucleosides under prebiotic conditions.
Current anti-HBV therapeutics are interferon and nucleoside analog inhibitors of HBV reverse transcriptase (Pol).
Mass - spectrometry - based methods have been at the forefront of identifying and quantifying modified nucleosides.
However, they often require synthetic reference standards, which do not exist in the case of many modified nucleosides, and this therefore impedes their analysis.
Sequencing - by - synthesis is carried out on all these clusters simultaneously, using fluorescent reversible terminators, which allow one and only one nucleoside to be added to a growing strand in a single cycle of sequencing.
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