Sentences with phrase «of numbers and letters»

Your profile will automatically be assigned a jumble of numbers and letters at the end of the URL.
Many people don't know this but LinkedIn offers a way out to clear this mess of numbers and letters at the end of the URL.
Get rid of the mess of numbers and letters at the end.
In general, it is a very long string of numbers and letters that acts as the password to your Bitcoin wallet and it's from this number that your wallet gets its power to send your Bitcoins to other people.
This is also where you can name your devices, because Front Door is much easier to remember than a string of numbers and letters.
Why Google made this error, we're not sure, but entering your Android ID (a string of numbers and letters unrelated to your IMEI) will result in a failed entry.
This was important for the entire Ethereum ecosystem (including Aragon)-- as no longer do you have to send transactions to a series of numbers and letters but by instead using the ENS.
Sending and receiving payments is just as easy as sending an email, but with the use of a bitcoin address (a sequence of numbers and letters) via the Bitcoin network.
The keys themselves are actually long strands of numbers and letters.
The court said that Bitcoin exists because it is made from a series of numbers and letters that are digitally encrypted in the hard drive of the holder's computer.
The address will look like a long string of numbers and letters, about 15 digits long.
Your wallet address is a long string of numbers and letters, starting with 0x.
Our security system can also identify internal abnormal activities, which could indicate that a brute force attack is underway (trial and error guessing of numbers and letters to gain access to your account).
Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency: Balances are kept using public and private «keys,» which are long strings of numbers and letters linked through the mathematical encryption algorithm that was used to create them.
Once opened there will be a long list of numbers and letters.
The chips are detected by a special scanner that picks up a unique combination of numbers and letters that can be traced back to your pet.
Using a password of at least eight characters and with a mix of numbers and letters will protect your account and make it less vulnerable.
The keyboard of the phone has each key made from a durable crystal sapphire, carat total — 32, which has been polished by hand using diamond tools with the images of numbers and letters printed by laser engraving.
A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a randomly generated series of numbers and letters where there is a one in bazillion chance that the same one will be generated twice.
By the summer of 2018 a mix of numbers and letters will be awarded in an additional 20 subjects, with the letter system entirely phased out by 2019.
He began talking to someone Todd couldn't see, using words he didn't know, and a lot of numbers and letters.
An entire lesson taking students through powers of numbers and letters and the simple application of the three main power laws with positive integral powers.
After all, there were lots of numbers and letters that ranked us according to some standard.
Outrageous car chases, giant explosions and random epic shootouts fill the screen as Lucy expands her mind, begins to bend reality around her and transcends the limits of numbers and letters.
Nothing about a random string of numbers and letters, like «DR42785», communicates that you have brains and creativity to spare.
Such a name may seem like a random jumble of numbers and letters, but like all galactic epithets it has a distinct meaning.
These associations, as well as the use of simple mnemonics, allowed Shereshevskii to remember long sequences of numbers and letters many years after first hearing them.
The other account had a «hard» password — random 10 - character strings of numbers and letters, both in lower and upper case, without special characters.
And the ones now being found in distant galaxies — such as a November discovery, a planet orbiting star HD 209458 in the constellation Pegasus — are assigned dry strings of numbers and letters.
The other involved remembering a series of numbers and letters, and mentally reordering them, numbers first from smallest to biggest, then the letter.
Kunle Ajibade, the convener, Prof. Niyi Osundare, ace poet and public commentator, Prof. Adigun Agbaje, famed professor of political science, Basorun J.K. Randle, the grand old man of numbers and letters, Erelu Bisi Fayemi, critical voice in gender and development studies, and Nike Ransome - Kuti, she of the great Ransome - Kuti clan.
Mining is the process of interacting with the blockchain and completing a string of complex cryptographic calculations, comprising combinations of numbers and letters.
This may seem challenging as public addresses are entirely random combinations of numbers and letters.
«Bitcoin exists, according to the court, from a unique, digitally encrypted series of numbers and letters stored on the hard drive of the right - holder's computer.
On the Bitcoin blockchain, users are represented by strings of numbers and letters called addresses.
On a blockchain, participants are represented by strings of numbers and letters known as addresses.
The digital wallet address is a unique string of numbers and letters just below the QR code.
This question is tricky because it gives you lots of numbers and letters and it's not entirely clear what you're supposed to do with them.
This summer candidates who sit new more challenging English and maths GCSEs will receive a mixture of number and letter grades, and by the summer of 2018 a mix of numbers and letters will be awarded in an additional 20 subjects.
Students taking GCSEs in England this summer will receive a mixture of number and letter grades.

Not exact matches

Take for instance people with synaesthesia, who are able to experience the perception of color with letters and numbers.
Make it compulsory that passwords are eight or more characters long, contain a cocktail of mixed case letters, symbols and numbers, and that new passwords are formulated on a regular basis.
The Dominic System is basically a code for numbers and suits that translates them into letters, which in turn represent the initials of a person or character.
Most of the numbers represent an individual letter's location in the alphabet (except for 6, 9, and 0: 6 sounds very SSSS - y, 9 sounds very NNNN - y, and 0 looks like an O).
An ideal password is not your home address, your phone number or your wife's birthday, but rather a completely random set of numbers, letters and symbols that hackers won't be able to guess.
We did, after all, spend tens of thousands of years enjoying the vast and beautiful open expanses of new breathtaking landscapes long before we used letters and numbers to communicate.
In a letter dated Oct. 30, Turing Chief Commercial Officer Nancy Retzlaff wrote that under the advice of legal counsel, Turing was «unable to provide certain numbers and data related to proprietary information.»
Create your new passcode using a combination of numbers, case sensitive letters, and special characters.
These female journalists, originally numbering 64 in total, have signed a public letter first published by The Hollywood Reporter, calling Brokaw «a man of tremendous decency and integrity.»
«And it shows that language sometimes is not just made up of letters, but can also be made up of symbols and of course of numbers as well.&raqAnd it shows that language sometimes is not just made up of letters, but can also be made up of symbols and of course of numbers as well.&raqand of course of numbers as well.»
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z