Sentences with phrase «of nurturing children»

This goal, coupled with the task of nurturing children's confidence in their ability to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve real - life problems, is a challenge facing every parent today.
This video was created to promote our support for these programs and to raise awareness of the importance of nurturing children's use of creativity and imagination.
Every family is prepared for and supported in practicing the art and science of nurturing children.
Part of nurturing our children's passion is knowing when it's okay to let them quit something they're not in love with.
Offers a track record of nurturing children through emotional bonding.
With your support, we can fulfill this global vision of nurturing children for a compassionate world in the lives of families everywhere.
Note: contrary to stereotype, men are just as capable as women of nurturing children.
Parents across the globe face issues with this aspect of nurturing a child.
The things they can do in terms of nurturing children are truly amazing.
Every family is prepared for and supported in practicing the art and science of nurturing children.
Families in the form of trained caretakers who assume the awesome task of nurturing children awaiting adoption.
This book is a comprehensive and practical guide that encourages parents to have the confidence to develop their own parenting style and to trust in themselves when it comes to the critical job of nurturing their children.
So if the person who is in charge of nurturing the child makes a statement saying, «I'm cutting you off,» it's shocking, frightening and can be very wounding.
Notes of caution on «toughing it out» How to recover quickly and avoid chronic pain after a C - section Women are miraculous providers of life — going through the challenging phases of pregnancy, the remarkable birthing process, and the important years of nurturing their children.
-- Sarah Baldwin, M.S.Ed is a Waldorf early childhood educator, the author of Nurturing Children and Families, and the owner of Bella Luna Toys.
But rather than cut the grandparents off, the custodial or surviving parent should engage them in constructive dialogue so that grandparent contact will have the desired effect of nurturing the child, rather than causing confusion and distress.
The 4 - C vision is that all children will be nurtured in healthy, supportive environments, growing to become contributing members of their communities and capable of nurturing children.
However, affectionate, non-sexual touch through hugging, holding hands, and physical guidance when your child needs it are not abusive, and are also important ways of nurturing your child.
aTLC is dedicated to supporting parents, caregivers, professionals, and policymakers in practicing the art and science of nurturing children.
Movement and touch are the most important parts of nurturing a child - even more than feeding.
Impeccable references and a proven track record of nurturing children to provide them with a great start to their educational careers.
The strength ofthat bond within a family environment within marriage gives the mother sustenance and a break to recoup her powers in the ceaseless task of nurturing her child.
Summary: This inspirational message talks about the importance of nurturing children's social emotional side as well as the academic.
aTLC is dedicated to supporting parents, caregivers, professionals, and policymakers in practicing the art and science of nurturing children.
Child Trends notes the growing focus on adverse childhood experiences has had positive impacts on knowledge and understanding — particularly the importance of nurturing child - caregiver relationships and their ability to buffer children from the long - term consequences of toxic stress.
Summary: This inspirational message talks about the importance of nurturing children's social emotional side as well as the academic.
Foster Care: A Fact Sheet for Prospective Muslim Families (PDF - 131 KB) Bridging Refugee Youth & Children's Services (2002) Describes the need for foster homes for refugee children, outlines the requirements for becoming a foster parent, and emphasizes the importance of nurturing a child's cultural and religious identity.
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