Sentences with phrase «of objective systems»

Gaines continues to employ the tropes of objective systems such as mapping to bear witness to moments of deep political commitment.

Not exact matches

The pay - per - page system actually makes a lot of sense because it provides for an objective way of assessing an e-book's value to its readers, and authors get payments accordingly.
Without sales, your business would not exist, so motivating your sales team is a given.Establishing a system of objectives and incentives can help your team and your business succeed.
Earlier this week John Doerr, the illustrious investor and chairman of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, proselytized his bible for business management — a system he calls «objectives and key results,» or OKRs — in a video conference call with several Fortune staffers (myself included).
In the case of Fukoku Mutual, the more noble objective is getting customers a decision — and a payout — faster, which the company claims the system will accomplish.
It is an external, objective indication to patients, their families, hospitals, health systems, insurers, and other physicians that Board Certified physicians are up to date in their area of specialty medicine.
A system of independent, objective assessment is essential to assist physicians in identifying gaps in their skills and knowledge, guide subsequent education and improvements in practice, and verify that these gaps have been addressed.
While embracing the full context of a system may be impossible, it remains the innovator's responsibility to not only understand the objective of his or her's work, but to understand the impact of the transitions that might occur as well.
Reward them based on real performance, in terms of something like earnings or sales or market share — different systems will make sense for different companies with different strategic objectives.
Customers have access to reviews, rankings, rating systems, and other objective assessments of products and services that they can get before they even make first contact with the company they are buying from.
Ms. Werneck joined Heinz in July of 2013 and led Heinz's talent development and the Integrated Management System, which includes the Management by Objectives (MBO) Program.
In every issue of The Wagner Daily swing trade newsletter, we provide an easy way for subscribers to quickly determine our current overall market bias, based on the objective rules of our system for market timing (click here for an overview of how the timing system works).
In prepared testimony expected to be delivered to the Senate committee by Mr. Cook and other Apple executives on Tuesday, the company said it «welcomes an objective examination of the U.S. corporate tax system, which has not kept pace with the advent of the digital age and the rapidly changing global economy.»
We love sharing objective walk - throughs of past stock trades because doing so reinforces the rules of our simple trading system.
That puts us in the top 20 % of all US - based franchisors — even better, the Franchise 500 is a purely objective ranking of businesses that use the franchise model based on financial strength, stability growth rate, and size of the system, not a sponsored ranking that requires a «token sponsorship fee.»
Following a proven, objective system to indicate the proper timing for buying or selling ANY stock or ETF in the market is one of the most critical elements that determines whether or not a trade will be profitable.
When the timing system first enters into a new «sell» mode, it primarily acts as a «no nonsense,» objective way to keep us out of -LSB-...]
Examples of forward - looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements we make regarding the Company's plans, assumptions, expectations, beliefs and objectives with respect to store openings and closings; product introductions; sales; sales growth; sales trends; store traffic; retail prices; gross margin; operating margin; expenses; interest and other expenses, net; effective income tax rate; net earnings and net earnings per share; share count; inventories; capital expenditures; cash flow; liquidity; currency translation; growth opportunities; litigation outcomes and recovery related thereto; the collectability of amounts due under financing arrangements with diamond mining and exploration companies; and certain ongoing or planned product, marketing, retail, manufacturing, information systems development, upgrades and replacement, and other operational and strategic initiatives.
Even better, the Franchise 500 is a purely objective ranking of businesses that use the franchise model based on financial strength, stability growth rate, and size of system, not a sponsored ranking that requires a «token sponsorship fee.»
NEXUS's objective is to enable members to achieve higher returns with less risk than typical angel groups by combining Florida's community resources, including our vast university systems, with the business acumen of NEXUS members and partners.
In 1966 the 6 - volume report declared that fairness should be the foremost objective of the taxation system; the existing system was not only too complicated and inefficient, but under it the poor paid more than their fair share while the wealthy avoided taxes through various loopholes.
Without compromising the price stability objective, the Reserve Bank seeks to use its powers where appropriate to promote the stability of the Australian financial system.
Having an objective, rule - based market timing system (such as this one) is a great way to ensure you remain positioned to take advantage of profitable opportunities when the time is right (and on the sidelines otherwise).
Based on a comparison of total expense ratios for U.S. sector - level ETFs with similar holdings and investment objectives (using the MSCI and S&P Global Industry Classification System — GICS) within the universe of 298 ETFs Morningstar has classified as the Sector Stock asset class.
The Bank stated that its «objective is to ensure that financial disturbances in any part of the financial system do not ultimately threaten the health of the economy.»
The GVBOT supports the general objective of reforming Canada's system of business taxation.
A crew of execs from the worlds of banking, finance, and IT with expertise and expertise within the creation and licensing of cost systems, and constructing of digital financial establishments will work to understand the objectives of the project.
In China, Austin argued that there is no standardized and objective method for dispute settlement built into the Chinese system; trust was traditionally built into the system through personal relationships and notions of reciprocity.
And of course they need to execute trades based on an objective system versus letting their emotions govern their actions.
The result is a transparent, objective, and adaptable rating system that assigns companies listed on the S&P / TSX Composite Index a score out of 150.
In Canada, the business environment runs on the logic of making profitable transactions and trust is built into the system through a robust set of legal, judicial, and accounting institutions staffed by objective professionals loyal to the client.
At the event, which was hosted by the Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law in New Haven, Powell highlighted three specific areas where blockchain technology is affecting change in regard to the Federal Reserve's «broad public policy objectives»: the creation of real - time payment systems, use of blockchain technology for clearing and settlement services, and the issuance of digital currencies by central banks.
At the 2018 national video conference dedicated to the achievements and major challenges facing the Chinese monetary system, the deputy governor of the PBoC Fan Yifei outlined objectives in protecting the yuan.
This study analyses Canada's energy system, and provides an objective assessment of future options to maintain energy security and meet climate commitments.
Within the classical liberal tradition, there is desire for a political system to respect the right to live free from physical force, for a government of limited function in the protection of rights, and for powers to be exercised in accordance with laws objective and universal.
Secondly, as Wesley Kort summarizes, our present conceptual system «is a system based on the ruthless exclusion of the personal, a systematic skepticism which renders the «I» an eye measuring mathematically the relations to one another of phenomena in the objective world.
Please provide one of the systems of objective morality that you refer to.
Not that the biblical god provides an objective system, or that it is the best objective system, but that somehow objective morality in an of itself is evidence for god's existence.»
The claim that the UN resolutions suffice to assure «just authority» is belied by destruction in Iraq unrelated to freeing Kuwait (bridges, roads, municipal water and sewage systems) and by restatements of war aims (asking Iraqis to replace Saddam Hussein, demanding unconditional surrender and a war crimes trial) which go far beyond the UN objective (note as well the elements of bad faith in the UN appeal to which Geyer pointed).
We can observe this search for a unifying principle at work in the history of philosophy, developing from Thales» water, Plato's Form of the Good, and Aristotle's Unmoved Mover, through most of medieval and early modern philosophy, and on to the objective anticipation of the final whole around which Pannenberg centers his system.
He does not argue, but merely asserts that the relational essence of an eternal object A refers to «a set of extensive relations which give it [A] a status in this abstract system» and «to logico - mathematical relationships» akin to eternal objects of the objective species in Process and Reality (PW 77/79).
The point for emphasis is that these values may be realized only when the party system is predicated upon the objective reality of the good and loyalty to it, and not when parties are committed to a struggle for their own members» advantage.
Theological and philosophical systems such as Hegel's run the risk of obscuring this crucial problem by making it seem an objective matter capable of a universal solution, rather than a subjective one that each person must confront.
The potentia that Heisenberg postulates can not therefore amount to an extra level of reality, in addition to the objective properties of the system.
Recent results have indeed been able to show that probabilistic predictions in quantum mechanicslogically follow, without any additional postulates, from the description of individual quantum systems, with the aid of the wave function, which can be expressed, as we have seen, in a completely non-probabilistic way and the assumption that the objective properties of the system can be obtained by measurements with certainty.
As far as I know, this last is not an explicit doctrine in Whitehead's system, but it seems to be a possible implication of the theory of «objective immortality.»
The nervous system is one of the most important of the objectives of the Élan Vital.
For over two hundred years» until the outbreak of World War I» the state system emerging from the Thirty Years» War achieved its objectives (with the exception of the ideological conflict of the Napoleonic period, when the principle of nonintervention was, in effect, abandoned for two decades).
In the face of the present crisis it seems there are two possible paths to take in our approach to values: either to abandon discourse on values in favor of more traditional ethical language, or to assert the objective foundation of values and hence a system by which they can be compared, evaluated, and judged.
In terms of this property of objective simultaneity, events d) f different spacetime systems become as their associated spacetime systems dictate, and thus becoming is a complex matter of the interlaced becoming of diverse spacetime systems (CN 178).
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