Sentences with phrase «of objects represented»

The majority of objects represented in this installation will be from the artist's series Sticker Books (Tabula Rasa).
The remnants of these objects represent treasure troves for chemists and geologists.
Six of the objects represent human figures: flat, triangular shapes attached to carvings of human heads.
The effects of the three levels can be adjusted according to your surroundings so that the colours of the projected images match the true colours of the objects they represent.
INCLUDES 1 Hands - On Standards Math Teacher Resource Guide Grade K with 43 lessons TOPICS Counting and Cardinality Counting On Counting 0 - 5 Number shapes Groups of 6 - 10 Estimate and count Arranging sets of objects Representing numbers with objects Comparing groups Equal groups More and fewer More than, less than, same as Order of numbers Operations and Algebraic Thinking Joining problems Using the plus and minus sign Separating problems Sums and differences to and from ten Decomposing numbers Number and Operations in Base Ten Compose and decompose numbers 11 - 19 Measurement and Data Nonstandard measurement of height Sorting by height and length Estimating and measuring length Sort by one or two attributes Determine the sorting rule Geometry Left and right Top, middle, and bottom Positions on a line Relative locations Inside and outside Before and after Plane shapes and real - life objects Geometric pictures and designs Attributes of plane shapes Cubes and spheres Exploring shape attributes Shape attributes riddles
Penetrating this mysterious environment, one is enveloped in a dimly lit, claustrophobic world, surrounded by a myriad of objects representing some primeval form of matter awaiting classification.
These sculptures are thus surrogates of the objects they represent.

Not exact matches

These notary accounts can receive messages with updates about the object or file represented in the notary, and with the use of NEM's multi-sig contracts, control of notary accounts can be transferred to other users.»
I refer to the object of this price appreciation as «land» because it does not represent profit on capital investment as economists use the term.
Jeffs - who is representing himself - repeatedly and loudly objected to the playing of the recordings on religious grounds.
In spite of his early and short - lived embrace of nationalist sentiment and language and the military games he played with household objects, he knew that history was elsewhere, away from Jerusalem and what it represented.
II, p. 241) At the stage of development represented by such an attitude, the value of religion was measured by the control given the devotee over superhuman powers and, so far as prayer was used, its object was to persuade a god to do the bidding of a man.
In the opposite case, negative value or the experience of the ugly represents a clash or incongruity between object and subject.
A post hoc ergo propter hoc argument represents a parataxic mode of reasoning, as does the comic element behind the game of «peek - a-boo,» which takes advantage of the fact that at that stage children lack what Piaget called a «conception of object permanency.
Utterances of these expressions are clearly not causal effects of the objects or the states of affairs they represent.
Because the very meaning of representing an object with a sign in a certain respect is a function of the larger culture, one can not speak of true or false interpretations except insofar as those interpretations are embedded in some culture or other.
In both, furthermore, what is perceived is a concrete individual entity, not a universal and not a sensum representing the entity, and the form by which this is effected is an individualized form of the concrete individual object.
Does there exist a form for representing eternal objects that can also show in a clear manner the prehensive structure of actual entities?
The abstract logical structure of prehensions is not represented naturally by the familiar form of Whiteheadian eternal objects.
Hence, new qualities that emerge are not merely empirical qualities of new «occasions,» they are also «eternal objects,» belonging to a world of what Plato called forms or ideas; they are both immanent and transcendent: «Here Alexander inclines towards an empiricist tradition... which identifies that which is known with the fleeting sense - datum of the moment; Whitehead, with his mathematical training, represents a rationalist tradition which identifies that which is known with necessary and eternal truths.
In a summary of Whitehead's position, mathematics is abstracted from human experience to become ideal objects which initially represent general things that are symbolized in classes by variables.
The note, which appeared in Wednesday's Daily Telegraph, says: «The notion that a criminal case could be brought against Lord Carey is so bizarre that we can only surmise that the object of the persistent pressure that brings these public attacks is not only Lord Carey but what he represents of biblically faithful Christianity.»
The knowledge of faith, rather than relying on the outmoded theories of knowledge where the mind merely represents external objects, is participatory; the act of contemplating the things of God partakes in God's own Trinitarian activity.
So far from being the God of classical philosophy, who is in no way related to others and whose sole object of experience is self, the God of Christian scripture as well as of the Hebrew patriarchs is consistently represented as the supremely relative one, who is related to all others as well as to self by the unique experiences of creation and redemption.
Naturally, of course, it can and must be represented conceptually after the manner of an object in subsequent reflection about it, as for instance now, while we are talking about it.
(The following statements are somewhat characteristic of such schools: Bethany Theological Seminary affirms that its object is «to promote the spread and deepen the influence of Christianity by the thorough training of men and women for the various forms of Christian service, in harmony with the principles and practices of the Church of the Brethren»; Augustana Theological Seminary «prepares students for the ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church with the special needs of the Augustana Church in view»; the charter of Berkeley Divinity School begins, «Whereas sundry inhabitants of this state of the denomination of Christians called the Protestant Episcopal Church have represented by their petition addressed to the General Assembly, that great advantages would accrue to said Church, and they hope and believe to the interests of religion and morals in general, by the incorporation of a Divinity School for the training and instructions of students for the sacred ministry in the Church aforementioned.»)
This means that an object can be spatially represented without a rigid commitment to the appearance of the visible world.
Insofar as this reflexivity itself does not represent the mere abstraction of a cognitive concept, with which the object of reflection would contrast as true reality even though reflexivity stands in a timeless relationship to it, both coming - to - be [das Entstehen] and perishing [das Vergehen] would alike vanish from the object of reflexivity.
As a final example, consider another observation made by Husserl about the fulfillment structure which obtains between and among various experiences.2 We are all aware of the difference between the mere representing of an object to consciousness by thinking about it, and the direct intuition of the object itself which is the fulfillment of the former.
But in its origin it represents the totality arising from the contributions of separate objects to that form of energy.
An enduring object represents «the self - retention of that which imposes itself as a definite attainment for its own sake» (SMW 137).
Insisting on the imaginative factor in the projection of sense — objects in no way implies that they are illusory — a consideration that everyday life gainsays, since often fatal material consequences ensue from representing things wrongly.
There were specific instances where he didn't wash before a meal, but those were done as object lessons, and did not represent his usual pattern of behavior.
In a sense it represents a «fusing of horizons» (Gadamer); that is, the text's horizon or view of life and that of the interpreter merge and overcome their subject - object separation.
In this way the representing of the object - sphere is more exact.
Nature and history become the objects of a representing that explains... Only that which becomes object in this way is - is considered to be in being.
The clearest boundary between nondesigned and designed things is the presence of code — abstract symbols that represent real objects.
But it took us a long time to realise that the more stable and immobile a given object in Nature may appear to be, the greater is the likelihood that it represents a profound and majestic process of movement.
Christ the divine concept as the object of much Christian internal disagreement has proven to be of little use in allowing a unified code of ethic to represent the Christian belief system.
It deserves support not so much because they themselves are the objects of its ministries, but because of what it does for, and represents to, the rest of the world.
For the rest, we can only suggest that thirst must often have been a critical problem in the wilderness years; that names of people and places were subjects of acute interest because the name was deemed to be appropriate in meaning to the object named; that Israel may, therefore, on occasion have renamed a site (or, by a greater or lesser modification in sound, given the old name a new, Hebrew meaning) significant for her own experience there; and that Massah and Meribah represent the merging of two similar stories.
They even objected to the establishment of a monarchy that would tempt people to settle for the superficial sacramentalism according to which divine mystery is represented only in the image of monarchical political power.
Just as in mathematics the quantities represented by the variables are not treated independently, but in a complex network of interrelations, so Whitehead later postulates: «An eternal object, considered as an abstract entity, can not be divorced from its reference to other eternal objects» (SMW 229f).
A focus on the cultural dimension of religion represents a decision to take seriously the symbolism of which religion is constituted as an object of study.
He objects to myth because it tries to represent the divine in the objective categories of the physical world.
Since this represents the first steps toward learning to talk, I've been looking for simple baby books that associate names with pictures of objects.
The section on Culture describes the infant transport techniques of current cultures within the past fifty years, what those strategies say about the culture's ideas on infants and what the carrier as an object represents to members of a culture.
As you say the name of an object in a funny way, your child will figure out the word and draw a picture to represent it.
The rights of gun objectors (and it is a right to object to the sale of guns for safety reasons), they are not well represented.
The Adinkra symbols have a decorative function as tattoos but also represent objects that encapsulate evocative messages that convey traditional wisdom, aspects of life or the environment.
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