Sentences with phrase «of odd circumstances»

Hitchhiker is a mystery involving a lot of driving, voice acting and amnesia that puts players in the role of a hitchhiker learning who he is through a variety of odd circumstances.

Not exact matches

That an ETF can satisfy redemption with underlying bonds or shares, only raises the nightmare possibility of a disillusioned and uninformed public throwing in the towel once again after they receive thousands of individual odd lot pieces under such circumstances.
A man who is utterly self - contained and whose chief ambition is to be «self - existent» and hence to exist without dependence upon relationships of any sort, is a man whom we regard as an unpleasant if not vicious specimen of the race; and it is odd that deity has been regarded, and this even in Christian circles, as more like such a self - contained human being rather than as like a man who in every area of his life is open to relationships and whose very existence is rich in the possibility of endless adaptations to new circumstances.
The legendary goalkeeper made nearly 900 senior appearances in an impressive career, the last of which came in odd circumstances as he filled in for Bradford City in the Premier League at the age of 41.
That implies AW is not to blame for the lack of player investments, and it seems odd to blame him for the present circumstances.
But it's in the performances of Dennison and Neill where the true spark of the film lies with both producing some superb performances, Thrown together by circumstance, the two are the most unlikely of odd couples to root for as they set off on their quest to find their place and walk the road most travelled.
It's rather odd that Biel's contribution to the commentary isn't trumpeted either on the box or the disc menu, but then again she, like the other two, have fairly little of interest to say — nothing more than the usual info about locations and the circumstances surrounding a particular shooting day.
On a couple of occasions, however, it did strangely cut power to the engine under some specific circumstances — nothing I could replicate reliably, but an odd sign of something not quite right with either the engine control or the transmission programming.
Reading between the lines, it sounds as though your own dog was out of control in certain circumstances so you've taken your own experience and the odd tale and rumour and have declared them to be traits of a breed - if you really are a writer I would suggest researching topics properly before posting because you make yourself sound like a very insular writer.
However, the image has arrived under what would appear to be rather odd circumstances, further confusing the question of whether it's genuine or not.
If his remarks seem remarkably appropriate to the «current scene» in 1991 that may be because the circumstances of art now reflect those of the later 1960's with such odd symmetry.
In fact, it's odd that the Court has doubled up on such affirmances twice in the last five terms, because the Justices have mostly been able to avoid this circumstance of late: including the two most recent cases, it's only happened 10 times in the last 18 years.
Yet in an odd turn of circumstances, our worlds nearly collide this month on the pages November's ABA Journal, which reports on Mr. Levy's tragic suicide in this article, A Death in the Office and interviews me (as well as some of my solo colleagues) in this piece So You Want to Go Solo?
The company have also served us another rather odd set of circumstances.
Below is a section of yesterday's blog that has been changed and changed again in odd circumstances.
We noticed marked improvement in dark areas, but the phone produced odd hues of pink or blue in some circumstances.
Sure there will be the odd extenuating circumstance where this may not be the issue, but there are a surprising number of instances where that is not the case.
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