Sentences with phrase «of odor»

It is possible to get rid of these odors completely after you treat the problem.
Your best bet is to remove the source of the odor in the first place; after that, baking soda and natural scents can be employed.
The natural cedar litter is absorbent, and cedar's antimicrobial properties prevent the growth of odor causing bacteria.
When on your tour check to see if the various areas are clean and relatively free of odors.
Contrary to what many people, especially parents, believe, infants can have a wide variety of odors in different parts of the body.
Also, because of its odor control and absorbent properties, you don't have to change the bedding as much.
Often times, pets that are having gas also have diarrhea, which can be a considerable source of odor from a pet.
But cage odor does not have to be a problem with the wide variety of odor - control products that are available.
Five weeks is early for any kind of odor... is it from his body or more like potty smell?
Humans can smell so many different odors because they have over 1000 different receptor proteins on neurons in the nose, each of which recognizes a particular chemical feature of some odor molecules.
You must remove all traces of the odor if you're to solve the problem.
Therefore, it is quite normal that they exhibit a bit of odor after a meal.
The cage should be well ventilated to allow flow of fresh air to help prevent the build up of odor from urine, feces and spoiled food.
It's only when your cat decides not to pee in the litter box that you become aware of an odor from his urine.
Also I have gotten complaints of the odor of the litter.
While rats may not deposit all their feces in the litter box, it is the urine that creates most of the odor.
Fortunately, their unusual sense of cleanliness and lack of odor make them excellent indoor canine companions.
In terms of odor, you can purchase additional products to add to this litter in order to reduce the odor.
For one, it doesn't explain, why we can detect tens of thousands of odors with only a few hundred smell receptors.
He notes, for example, that a woman's perception of odor and sound changes with the menstrual cycle, which may help her in selecting a mate.
Spray directly on the entire source of odor by gently squeezing the bottle.
But how big would the device have to be to generate thousands of odors?
Truth be told, the mixture of odors in the bathroom was overwhelming.
When they do stool, it tends to be a larger volume and have more of an odor.
According to the company, pet owners should notice a major reduction of odors within a week.
This may include a buildup of odor - producing bacteria in your cat's mouth from dental disease such as tartar or an infected or broken tooth.
They also clean the air of odors and can add a calming and relaxing element to your surroundings.
It uses crystal litter which can absorb urine and helps to get rid of odor at the same time.
And unlike other reviews stated this type of food did not make my dog smell, if anything I did not notice much of an odor from the food at all.
In the test, therefore, the subject is asked to choose the name of the odor among four possible choices.
Add this to your arsenal of odor eaters and you will be quite pleased.
It hasn't needed to be stripped because of odors yet.
They don't have the most pleasant of odor and taking 3 large capsules can be a challenge.
Hopefully there isn't any grease or oil in your cloth diaper laundry, but there is plenty of odor!
Symptoms she reported were directly related to the information she was given about the safety of the odors.
But toward a handful of odors, different people display different sensitivities — some can smell them, while some can't, or some find them appealing, while others don't.
Participants were given the volunteer ratings for two - thirds of the odors, along with the chemical structure of the molecules that produced them.
Moreover, they found that the worms make decisions by calculating mathematical integration of the odor's information.
These memories accumulate over time to create a library of odors.
They then put together a profile of odor compounds more typically found in males and those more typically found in females.
The mapping of odor codes opens up new possibilities for biotechnology applications.
«Our results suggest that humans are capable of identifying a culprit by way of odor,» the researchers write.
The stimuli were perceived with a low intensity and accordingly only about half of the odor presentations were detected by the participants.
Numerous litters exist to choose from, most offering some degree of odor control.
It should, in normal circumstances, be completely devoid of any odor.
So today, we will touch base on some common locations of odors and their possible causes.
The sources of these odors often include the gut and frequently these are odors that can clear a room.
Treatment of the odor depends specifically on the cause.

Phrases with «of odor»

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