Sentences with phrase «of online data»

You shouldn't have to be a tech expert to understand the privacy of your online data.
In fact, my sexual orientation, mood and personality type can all be worked out from snippets of online data.
The exhibition looks at various aspects of online data capture and our willingness to offer up our own autonomy in the new virtual world we inhabit.
A variety of online data could be used to guess at your sexual orientation, whether your movie ratings or your browser history.
The software creates an encrypted, password - protected folder on the drive and provides up to 2 GB of online data storage.
Increased use of online data collection in both screening and intervention studies, as well as in clinical practice, raises new questions about the psychometrics of instruments administered online and applicability of norms obtained through traditional mode of data collection (i.e., paper - and - pencil).
A collaborative effort to bring suppliers and receivers together to sell more parts and grow SEMA member businesses, the SDC is the definitive, industry owned and operated centralized data repository, complete with a comprehensive set of online data management tools.
Shortly before the contract began with the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, when he was discussing working with the company, the psychologist tried to acquire medical and genetic records of Americans to combine with troves of online data he claimed to have obtained.
Belhumeur got Birdsnap going in about six months, thanks to the proliferation of online data sources and advances in computer vision and mobile computing.
A 2009 report from the Office of Fair Trading in the UK found that 1 in 3 people were still not making online transactions, with a lack of trust in security of their online data listed as the main reason.
Recognizing the convenience and cost savings of online data management, Clean Harbors offers free Online Services accounts to all of our environmental and waste management clients.
The backlash over monitoring of online data by security services in the US and UK is highlighted in your editorial...
photo by Ed Yourdon The flood of online data about each of us seems to be increasing exponentially.
We've also worked with the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) to develop the first release of their online data submission system.
«Over recent months there have been a number of online data protection breaches involving some of the most popular dating sites,» said Paladin's co-founder, Harry Fletcher.
As part of our series on that topic, we've combed through a heap of online data and compiled the ten biggest benefits (in our opinion) of flexible seating.
Proving the usefulness of online data search, I conducted a couple of tests.
Topics will include introductory courses on ACES and PIES standards, advanced ACES and PIES sessions, SDC Supplier and Receiver user groups, a look into what's coming next at the SEMA Data Co-op, and for those that have not yet checked us out, an introductory session, which includes a demonstration of our online data management solution.
While I think analysis like this is interesting and helpful in evaluating the health of comics market, the lack of online data, where quick a big chunk of the sales happen (at least for manga), leaves out a significant part of the story.
NCLC's Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project letter to the CFPB and U.S. Department of Education re: how the removal of the online Data Retrieval Tool might negatively impact student loan borrowers» ability to renew Income - Driven - Repayment plans, April 14, 2017 CFPB response letter, May 2, 2017
Alex Katz has been named one of the Top 10 Living Artists of 2015 by Artsy Editorial, which arrived at the distinction through an array of online data sources.
Many Canadian Universities are involved, along with a host of other suppliers of online data.
For example, the transmission of binary or textual data is not EDI as defined here unless the data are treated as one or more data elements of an EDI message and are not normally intended for human interpretation as part of online data processing.»
The gathering of records on more than 50 million Facebook users has underscored the dangers of online data mining, and the claims of the company that collected the information, Cambridge Analytica, highlighted the possibilities of what could be done with the data.
These three new BLU smartphones do come with the LTE support you need for consuming lots of online data.
It also warned against using this kind of online data without people's consent because it could end up deterring people from using digital technology altogether.
It is Paul's belief that unprecedented amounts of online data has spurred the «golden age of the customer,» ---- giving rise to fully - empowered consumers who mostly direct their own home buying experience.
Kogan also tried to partner with other academics to make use of the online data he had obtained, emails and interviews show.
Shortly before the contract began with the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, when he was discussing working with the company, the psychologist tried to acquire medical and genetic records of Americans to combine with troves of online data he claimed to have obtained.
Kogan also tried to partner with other academics to make use of the online data he had obtained, emails and interviews show.
All of this online data has turned fantasy into fact and exaggeration into reality.
Should the government be able to see all of our online data?
The Strasbourg case is a major test of the lawfulness of the UK's continued blanket gathering and use of online data.
Kogan also tried to partner with other academics to make use of the online data he had obtained, emails and interviews show.
During his contract with Cambridge Analytica, the psychologist tried to acquire medical and genetic records of Americans to combine with troves of online data he claimed to have obtained.
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