Sentences with phrase «of opportunity for children»

KAE connects with local agencies to find the hidden needs of families in the community, provide financial relief for children, adolescents and seniors living in poverty and open up doors of opportunity for children and adolescents through mentorship and leadership programs.
The Casey Foundation offers a number of recommendations to make good on the American promise of opportunity for all children.
This index provides a composite score of 13 predictors of opportunity for children by 6 racial / ethnic groups.
Today, family engagement remains a hallmark of the Head Start program, and fundamental to its success as a window of opportunity for all children, regardless of their circumstances at birth.
With your help we are removing the barriers that poverty poses to a future of opportunity for children in Haiti.
Claiming to be vehicles of opportunity for children, these fraudsters run schools that are more segregated and less egalitarian than the true public schools in their communities.
«We hope Secretary DeVos's visit to the magnet school conference was not simply a photo op but a start on the long road to understanding what it actually takes to provide that enduring ladder of opportunity for all children,» Weingarten said in a statement.
The priorities for By All Means 2.0 have been informed by the Lab's research, Building City - Wide Systems of Opportunity for Children: Initial Lessons from the By All Means Consortium.
Oakland Promise was launched in a landscape that was already engaging in innovative collective impact efforts, particularly ones focused on providing equity of opportunity for all children.
In this edition of the EdCast, Tatum discusses how far we've come toward realizing Martin Luther King Jr.'s «dream,» and how schools and communities can continue creating pathways of opportunity for all children.
There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences, current events and to feedback.
There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences and to feedback.
As part of the first Askwith Forum this semester, Kamras spoke passionately about equity of opportunity for children.
I like to lead assemblies that are interactive and relevant to the children's lives, so the plan gives plenty of opportunity for children to discuss ideas, give feedback and reflect.
The Internet offers a world of opportunity for children.
For more than 120 years, Wellspring has been a source of opportunity for children and families to win their resilience, triumph over trauma, and reach their full potential.
Even the back garden will have masses of opportunities for a child to learn - an insect count, growing veges, building a cubby house, learning to maintain a bike - get the idea?
By doing so, it's able to offer the greatest number of opportunities for children throughout the county.
You don't have to force it, but be mindful of opportunities for your child to try to move laterally.
The early introduction of languages promotes multilingualism and opens endless doors of opportunities for your child in the future.
That means there's plenty of opportunity for your child to be eating things with artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and MSG.
Your local homeschool group will likely offer plenty of opportunities for your child to play and learn with other children, but if they don't, you can take the initiative and make it happen.
Bemoaning the lack of opportunities for children and young people to mix with those from different backgrounds, the green paper states:
I think we need an alternative approach and I think this approach is to provide plenty of opportunities for children to practise solving problems using strategies of their choice and allowing the child to decide on when they are ready to try out a new strategy.»
Hannah Young, PE Subject Leader at Morley Victoria Primary School near Leeds, says: «SPIRALPE ™ lesson plans are practical and well thought out and provide lots of opportunities for children to repeat and progress tasks to develop their physical literacy.
Matthew Reed, chief executive of The Children's Society, said: «Internet access opens up a whole new world of opportunities for children and young people's education and development, but it has many risks as well as benefits.
«The first module consists of a range of engaging, child - focused learning experiences that provide lots of opportunities for the children to be able to isolate and produce beginning sounds of words,» says Pizzino.
A sequence and schedule of opportunities for children to apply and develop facility with sounds should be tailored to each child's needs, and should be given top priority.
Combining the efforts of afterschool providers and institutions of higher education creates a wealth of opportunities for children and communities:
The North Yorkshire school library service aims «to open up a whole new world of opportunities for children to become independent learners with a lifelong appreciation of books and to instil a genuine love of learning».
Given that much of the action here is centred around the pool and beach there's plenty of opportunities for children to play.
create plenty of opportunities for your child to participate in fun and enjoyable experiences with other children
Arrange plenty of opportunities for your child to meet lots of different people starting right from birth.
For example, providing a range of opportunities for children and their families to share their personal stories creates an atmosphere of cultural respect and acknowledgement of diversity.
The following chart shows the window of opportunity for child development in our first months and years of life and the importance of providing young children with the opporunties they need to develop language, relationships and cognitive abilities.

Not exact matches

The goal of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy is to ensure that every child, regardless of socioeconomic status, has access to educational opportunities to teach them reading and writing.
Graeme McDowell, professional golfer, discusses sponsorship opportunities and endorsement deals that usually follow a championship win, and his charity which raises millions of dollars for children's medical research.
There is a huge opportunity to involve your children in a business to help pay for the cost of college, as well as teach entrepreneurship and responsibility.
But for the billion kids under the age of 15 around the world who didn't get this opportunity, I chatted with Herjavec about what families and parents could do to encourage entrepreneurial thinking in their children.
You may also score savings by claiming a variety of tax credits, like the American Opportunity Tax Credit for up to $ 2,500 and the Child and Dependent Care Credit for up to $ 6,000 if you have two or more dependents.
It's a poster child for how Canadian businesses can tap into the surging growth in South - South trading — trade between developing nations — one of the biggest growth opportunities in 21st - century global commerce.
She credits her children for their support when she was moving at «break - neck speed,» and she prefers to characterize the balancing act of business and family as a series of opportunities rather than challenges.
For Rachel Huse, whose days were typically spent homeschooling her kids, sewing children's clothing for her Etsy shop and co-leading a volunteer organization that took nearly 30 hours a week of her time, the foray three years ago into direct selling centered around one goal: «I definitely saw it as an opportunity to get a house cleaner,» she saFor Rachel Huse, whose days were typically spent homeschooling her kids, sewing children's clothing for her Etsy shop and co-leading a volunteer organization that took nearly 30 hours a week of her time, the foray three years ago into direct selling centered around one goal: «I definitely saw it as an opportunity to get a house cleaner,» she safor her Etsy shop and co-leading a volunteer organization that took nearly 30 hours a week of her time, the foray three years ago into direct selling centered around one goal: «I definitely saw it as an opportunity to get a house cleaner,» she said.
Was on the board of the Thorn Tree Project and the Samburu Scholarship Fund, which provide educational opportunities for nomadic children in northern Kenya.
It gave me the opportunity to watch them grow and learn each day — something I was unable to do after the birth of my first child and for which I had felt sad and a little guilty.
For example, under her leadership the company significantly increased parental leave benefits in the United States and began providing employees the opportunity to work locally for one year following the birth or adoption of a chiFor example, under her leadership the company significantly increased parental leave benefits in the United States and began providing employees the opportunity to work locally for one year following the birth or adoption of a chifor one year following the birth or adoption of a child.
«If mom was a lawyer and dropped out of the labour force for four or five years, the family gave up the opportunity cost of maybe $ 60,000 to $ 100,000 a year in order to bring that child to a point where he could enter the education system,» says Ward.
In particular, the act maintained most reduced tax rates, expansion of the child tax credit and EITC, and the American Opportunity credit for higher education.
66 % of children fire their parent's advisor after receiving an inheritance, which means there's an opportunity for Morgan Stanley to gain (or lose) market share.
«Today Cardinal Dolan had the long - awaited opportunity to talk about his decision nine years ago in Milwaukee to publicize the names of priests who had abused children and how he responded to the tragedy of past clergy sexual abuse of minors, during the time he was privileged to serve as archbishop of Milwaukee,» Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York, said in a written statement.
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