Sentences with phrase «of opposing views»

Regardless of the opposing views on the matter, the mass movement of people looking for a better life is set to continue.
I honestly enjoy talking with people of opposing views... I would hope that is obvious.
There's nothing worse than having a discussion with someone of an opposing view who would rather talk over you than listen.
Finding a name that satisfies each criteria can be tricky and usually requires research and discussion between parties of opposing views.
There are comments of opposing views that are not deleted.
But the mere statement of the opposing views indicates how important it is that we know the facts before we act.
But even if no such change occurs, people tend to be far more tolerant of opposing views when they are exposed to divergent opinions from people they hold dear.
why the disparity in treatment of opposing views between RC and this site?
Editors are instructed to use «non-judgmental language, and accurately indicate the relative prominence of opposing views
CNN should not be in the business of spreading such baseless interpretations in the name of an opposing view point.
If you have watched him make a big concession in a debate, or respond sympathetically to a hostile questioner, or provide a generous account of an opposing view in a book or essay, then you know that his kindliness is often the sign that serious intellectual vivisection is about to commence.
The first of these opposing views sees human beings as all finitude, needing simply more days and hours, never free to determine that a greater length of days is not the fulfillment for which we are made.
While sectarian accurately describes «relations between religious groups» and implies «an intolerance of opposing views,» there are two more common terms which are never used in our PC liberal media.
St. Thomas is often regarded as the greatest champion of the opposing view of the Incarnation, which accordingly became known as the Thomist» view.
As if it diminishes their view if there is the existence of opposing views.
It's an edgy mix of opposing views from ownership and patrons of various persuasions.
Attachment Parenting International and the AAP have certainly gone several rounds over the argument of which method is safer, each showcasing studies that support their viewpoint and pointing out holes in the research of the opposing view.
Writing in the Observer, the shadow chancellor and close Corbyn ally, John McDonnell, appears to reject any suggestion of recriminations, claiming the party is thriving through open expression of opposing views.
It was in fact Chamberlain's arrogance and intense dislike of opposing views, not his weakness as a political leader, that led him towards one of the greatest blunders in the history of British foreign affairs; namely appeasing Hitler (pp. 312 - 9).
The Spectator is an excellent magazine which has maintained an admirable collection of opposing views on the issue, but the article served to show how little original thinking was taking place among even the highest intellectual levels of the Leave camp.
Morahan was popular with members on both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Republicans alike remembered him fondly as someone who embodied the old spirit of bipartisanship in Albany, where lawmakers of opposing views and political affiliations fought hard on the Senate floor and on the campaign trial, but then laid aside their differences and went out for drinks at the end of the day.
«We need to be respectful of opposing views on difficult issues if we ever want to become the majority party.
«I do so with respect for our difference, with admiration for the passion and principle of an opposing view strongly held, and with the recognition that the joy of the majority be tempered by the disappointment of the minority.
«No democracy accepts coercion, intimidation, cowing of opposing views as the minority should be allowed to have their say with fears while the majority have their way», the CNPP stated.
Although honesty was positively valued by all respondents, the researchers found that lying that served a shared moralized goal was more accepted and advocacy in support of the opposing view, or nonpreferred end, was more condemned, regardless of whether the statement was true or false.
The 1996 Education Act requires local authority - maintained schools to secure balanced treatment of political issues, and that pupils are «offered a balanced presentation of opposing views», including during extra-curricular activities.
Whether it is naive in thinking that some groups have the kind of good will that results in using the enforcement measures rarely while much positive exchange of opposing views blossoms of course will be revealed in its implementation.
Let's face it, elected District Attorneys in most places are politicians and when the local media is unwilling - as the San Jose Mercury News was - to print the detailed facts of the opposing view already in the court record, the DA is going to respond.
Sure, t he heat is a result of your opposing views on just about every subject, but other tensions resulting from being neighbors are stoking the exchange.
The day of the election, my husband (who is also in real estate) and I had every intention of voting, even though we usually cancel each other out because of our opposing views.
The Guardian climate blog has attack dogs protecting George monbiot with such wholesale censorship of opposing views that they make north Korea seem positively liberal Tonyb
One, according to Shanna Pearson Merkowitz in the Pacific Standard, is that «when people are exposed to divergent political viewpoints from people they spend time with, they tend to be far more tolerant of opposing views
«I also have tried to pull together deliberately people of opposing views to talk with me, so that I...
While giving unequivocal support to the Roman Catholic position, his book is fair in its treatment of opposing views.
The gay agenda has gotten things done by violence against the APA in their meetings.Here presented with facts we see the continued harassment of those of opposing views.
But for those supporters who want to back the manager I have read very little that contradicts the reasons put forward by those of an opposing view.
«We must remain temperate in our utterances and be tolerant of opposing views.
There are those of opposing views, and that is why a good dating website for couples should embrace privacy.
If there is strength in the position that CO2 is dangerous, it needs to be publicly debated with those of opposing views.
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