Sentences with phrase «of oral irritation»

Cowart noted that periodic rinses always cause desensitization where mixtures do not, leading her to conclude: «Much of the apparent masking of taste intensity in the presence of oral irritation is not directly related to the irritation level but is sensitive to procedural variation.»

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The cause is usually an irritation of the trigeminal nerve, the cranial nerve responsible for the sensory innervation of the facial area, parts of the scalp, and the oral cavity.
Possible causes of this condition of the tongue are poor oral hygiene, changes in the normal bacteria / yeast population of the mouth after a prolonged antibiotic use, tobacco use, medications containing bismuth, mouthwashes that contain oxidizing agents, dry mouth and acute irritation.
Other very common forms of Candida yeast infections include athlete's foot, ringworm, oral thrush and other fungal skin irritations which can affect anyone.
Indications that your pet might be in need of dental care would include the presence of a red stripe along the gum line, unpleasant odor from the mouth, reluctance to chew, change in chewing behaviors, inability to see the teeth due to calculus accumulation, reluctance to allow home care, broken teeth, discolored teeth, loose teeth, draining or swelling around the face or jaw, decreased appetite, swellings or enlargements of the oral tissues, difficulty in swallowing, rubbing the face with a paw (sometimes resulting in eye irritation), rubbing the face on the carpet, and other signs as well.
Ingestion of Colchicum autumnale results in: oral irritation, bloody vomiting, diarrhea, shock, multi-organ failure and bone marrow destruction.
Symptoms of ingestion include oral irritation, burning of the mouth, tongue, and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.
An increase in salivation may be dietary, empty stomach, stomach upset, oral irritation (can be allergy or chemical irritation), swallowing difficulties etc... I would keep an eye on Brady for a few days and if the increased salivation continues I would take him to his Veterinarian for an examination as certain salivary gland disorders may cause an increase in salivation; some of which may be medically managed (see link below for an example).
There are a variety of reasons why a dog salivates excessively, these include oral irritation, poisoning, neurological disease, metabolic disease, salivary gland disorders and mouth conditions (tumours, dental issues etc...).
There are many causes for excessive drooling in dogs which may include oral irritation, foreign bodies, oral tumours, allergies, medication (check side effects of any medication Jackson may be on), poisoning or systemic disease.
Schefflera and Brassaia actinophylla contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips and tongue in pets who ingest.
Spathiphyllum contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips and tongue in pets who ingest.
With the holidays be careful of Pointsettas, which cause stomach and oral irritation.
«[Animal tests] can include skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of rabbits; repeated oral force - feeding studies lasting weeks or months to look for signs of general illness or specific health hazards, such as cancer or birth defects; and even widely condemned «lethal dose» tests, in which animals are forced to swallow massive amounts of a test chemical to determine the dose that causes death.»
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