Sentences with phrase «of oral problems»

They shared their thoughts on recognizing the early signs of oral problems in dogs and offered tips on what you can do today to help keep your four - legged friend's teeth in great shape.
Along with regular teeth cleanings and check - ups as recommended by your veterinarian, bring your pet in for dental service if you recognize any of these oral problems in your dog or cat:
That is, by just treating from the outside alone (brushing and flossing), you won't fix any of your oral problems unless you address the inside too.
Bad breath is an early indicator of an oral problem — studies have shown that 70 percent of cats have gum disease as early as age 3.
One of the early indicators of an oral problem is bad breath.
One early indicator of an oral problem is bad breath.
Bad breath of Dogs & Cats is not something to be ignored — it could be indicative of an oral problem, and the sooner you have it treated by your veterinarian (and learn to care for it yourself), the sooner you and your pet can smile proudly.

Not exact matches

As a Communication Act: The Birth of a Performance, by Richard F. Ward Performance is a resource for homiletics because it addresses this problem of integrating language, sound and movement in an oral, interpretive act in human communication.
However, merger seems to have taken place while both the Yahwist and Elohist documents were in their oral tradition, which perhaps constitutes the heart of the scholar's difficult textual problem.
(I am indebted to Professor Buber for oral elucidation of these problems.)
This authority of the electronic image poses ethical and moral problems of profound dimension because of its divorce from the language base of all ethical traditions, which flow from spoken oral traditions and written canons, from the Pentateuch to the Analects..
At mid-century, oral interpreters of the Bible followed the overall trend in the discipline and turned their attention away from the minister's problems with «delivery» to focus on the study of Biblical texts themselves:
This poses ethical and moral problems of profound dimension because of the medium's divorce from the language base of all ethical traditions, which themselves flow from spoken oral traditions and written canons.
It is the purpose of this volume to present certain studies of the gospel at the point where the oral tradition was being crystallized in writing; and for this reason we shall pay chief attention to the Gospel of Mark, though the other early source or cycle — Q, the «Sayings Source» — will also engage our attention now and then, But we can not deal with that source in detail at present; indeed, we shall not have the time to deal adequately with Mark, and can study only some of its leading features and the problems to which these give rise.
It is possible that he had heard of the existence of Mark's gospel without ever having seen it himself, or that he hit independently on a similar literary form which preserved the structure of some earlier oral form of «Life of Jesus» but it must be admitted that the problem remains.
Nursing actually decreases oral development problems and encourages well - formed jaws and healthy teeth and due to the lack of tongue thrust that many bottle fed babies experience, breastfed babies have better oral development with fewer delays.
The dentist will not just check the appearance of your baby's tooth but also if there is any problems with the jaw, oral tissues, and gum.
A speech delay in an otherwise normally developing child might be due to an oral impairment, like problems with the tongue or palate (the roof of the mouth).
But as a child gets older, persistent oral mouthing / biting of toys and objects can create problems related to hygiene, safety, and appropriate social interactions.
There is no research to show a connection between the use of sippy cups and oral - motor development or speech problems
This in turn causes a greater production of plaque which is the primary cause of oral health problems.
An infant must learn to attach and suckle properly at the breast during the first few days of life to successfully establish breastfeeding.1,, 2 Early oral experiences that require sucking mechanics different from those required for breastfeeding are believed to contribute to the development of improper latch and subsequent breastfeeding failure — a problem described as nipple confusion.2 — 4 The avoidance of pacifiers was included as 1 of 10 steps for successful breastfeeding in the 1990 Innocenti Declaration on maternity services and breastfeeding, and many experts recommend that mothers who are breastfeeding avoid exposing their infants to artificial suckling experiences including use of pacifiers.5 — 7
Those suffering from these and other oral or facial problems might such as affecting their eating ability, and facial aesthetics need the services of an oral surgeon.
As the name suggests, an oral surgeon is a medical professional who mainly specializes in problems related to hard and soft tissues of the face, jaws, skull, and mouth.
There can be many reasons like decayed teeth, sensitivity, gum problems or excessive sweet consumption which can lead to tooth ache and hence, you should take steps towards maintaining the food habits and oral hygiene habits of your child.
Some dental malocclusions have been found more commonly among pacifier users than nonusers, but the differences generally disappeared after pacifier cessation.284 In its policy statement on oral habits, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry states that nonnutritive sucking behaviors (ie, fingers or pacifiers) are considered normal for infants and young children and that, in general, sucking habits in children to the age of 3 years are unlikely to cause any long - term problems.285 There is an approximate 1.2 - to 2-fold increased risk of otitis media associated with pacifier use, particularly between 2 and 3 years of age.286, 287 The incidence of otitis media is generally lower in the first year of life, especially the first 6 months, when the risk of SIDS is the highest.288, — , 293 However, pacifier use, once established, may persist beyond 6 months, thus increasing the risk of otitis media.
«It is of vital importance that we learn more about the most effective ways of resolving the health problems, and this project emphasizes the necessity of engaging the school as well as family and schoolteachers,» says lead researcher Professor Poul Erik Petersen, from the School of Dentistry, Department for Global Oral Health and Community Dentistry at the University of Copenhagen.
«Basing a virtual dental home in a school, a nursing home or other community setting allows dental hygienists to prevent or treat the majority of oral health problems on site, and also brings prevention information to patients, families and caregivers.
In 1995, he became one of the winners of the German National Computer Science Competition, which involved solving computer problems, devising running demonstrations of the solutions, and surviving a 3 - day final round packed with teamwork, oral presentations, and interviews with computer science professors.
Zeidner thought the problem was the single oral dose of the antibiotic, so he asked a Fort Collins company, QLT, to develop a form of injectable doxy that could be sustained in the body for 19 days.
Saliva helps to protect teeth from decay and erosion, so dehydration and drying of the mouth could increase the risk of oral health problems.
The intense dietary and training pressures on athletes could put them at high risk of oral health problems for many reasons.
Maintaining good oral health may help older adults prevent a variety of health problems and disabilities.
The study tested a lower dose of the oral multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib than in previous trials, where toxicity proved too much of a problem.
Oral health problems are common symptoms of HIV / AIDS.
Your dentist will conduct an oral examination and professional teeth cleaning and will be able detect and treat periodontal disease, dry mouth, or other problems that may be the cause of bad mouth odour.
ad breath, medically called halitosis, can result from poor oral hygiene habits or may be a sign of other health problems.
It's easy to have fresh breath, brighter, stronger teeth, and healthy gums, when you address the root cause of oral health problems.
All of these facts points to the idea that there is a deeper cause to tooth decay and oral health problems than just what happens to the external side of the teeth.
The health and condition of the teeth and mouth is a window to the body meaning that oral problems are the canary in the mine for problems brewing elsewhere.
Some anticonvulsants, oral medications for yeast infections, HIV drugs, and the herbal supplement St. John's wort can also be a problem for these types of birth control, as well as for contraceptive implants (Implanon), according to Planned Parenthood.
Like the rest of our body, our teeth and oral health systems are a living, changing environment that is, but just treating from the outside alone (brushing and flossing), won't fix oral problems unless you address the inside too, though these are still very important.
Typically, oral anti-histamines or steroids are the conventional treatment for skin issues, and while they may provide temporary relief, these drugs don't address the causes of the problems and come with a long list of side effects.
I was wondering if you knew of any additional dietary interventions to augment an already healthy diet, based on your PHD book principles, in order to deal with two problems I've been having: extremely dry skin (including severe dandruff) and oral thrush.
Typically, oral anti-histamines or steroids are the conventional treatment for skin issues, and while they may provide temporary relief, these drugs don't address the causes of the problems and...
While the weight management properties of capsicum have been widely recognized, the problem has always been how to deliver the many benefits of hot red peppers without the oral and gastric burn that accompanies that kind of heat.
The problem is that by labeling carbohydrate intolerance as a problem of carbohydrate toxicity rather than a problem of fat toxicity, most people are driven towards a low - carb diet to stop them from needing more oral medication and insulin over time.
In fact, women are more susceptible to oral health problems than men because of our unique hormonal makeup.
Your oral health can give early warning of problems elsewhere in your body.
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