Sentences with phrase «of ordinary things»

If you have out of the ordinary things like foreign accounts or large investment income in your kids name, you may be out of luck.
The secret of Creed's art is that it speaks of ordinary things like love and loss.
When we think of the ordinary things that make up the world, we are most likely to give such examples as sticks and stones and tables and chairs.
As long as many of the ingredients of ordinary things were too scarce to be identified by any known method, the notion of a universe composed of atoms was still an abstraction.
It leaves us with renewed appreciation of the ordinary things before us.
They all see history as a tale of ordinary things and real people.
Her goal is to capture the surprising beauty of ordinary things.
The opening of The Silence of Ordinary Things is March 28, 2015.
One begins to suspect that the contemplation of any ordinary thing, made extraordinary by attention and love, can become an occasion for glimpsing the profound.
It has helped me to discover and share poems like «The Patience of Ordinary Things» and «Chinese Restaurant» that reveal the profound in the mundane.
Several years before Rosenstein wrote his essay, Oldenburg had opened his Store in downtown Manhattan, where he sold outsize, cartoony, plaster - and - chicken - wire versions of ordinary things like ice cream cones, cigarettes, shoes, and sandwiches.
In this strange new world where inside becomes out and nothing is what is seems Whiteread reveals the intimate secrets of ordinary things with a tool belt of plaster, resin and rubber.
Humorously delving into the extraordinary properties of ordinary things, his sculptures have a self - effacing edge: ice cream sculptures melt and consume themselves over time (Cream Cycle, Soft Palate), identical cars are infinitely towed away and replaced (Two Tow «n).
With a heightened sense of realism and a narrowing of focus, Altfest reveals the extraordinary complexity of ordinary things.
At Beijing Commune in 2006, he took Polaroids of ordinary things, like trees, washing machines, and television sets, and then, after cropping the images, cut out the actual objects to match the framing in the photograph.
JS: One of the things I admire about your painting is the intense raw power that you get out of images of ordinary things, like the painting of lipsticked lips, «Persimmon» (1991).
By rendering the familiar strange, they reveal the unspoken meanings of ordinary things.
His enigmatic works defy easy categorization and have influenced generations of younger artists through his ability to show us the symbolic power of ordinary things.
A small collection of simply framed gouaches, collages and cut - outs, provides a luminous depiction of ordinary things and dispenses a quiet, whimsical patina on the poetry of everyday life.
The shock of the accident can cause people to say and do out of the ordinary things including -LSB-...]
As technology critic Ian Bogost writes in The Atlantic of the corporate and cultural allure of the Internet of Things, «The computational aspects of ordinary things have become goals unto themselves, rather than just a means to an end.
A trip to Fargo meant I could get some out of the ordinary things like Meyer lemons and escarole so I had carefully planned our weekly meals to take advantage of such abundance.
«The Silence of Ordinary Things,» at The Mistake Room.
In the little events of daily living we have the opportunity to condition our reflexes, which are built up out of ordinary things.
Antoinette loves trying new foods and out of the ordinary things.
They will discover out of ordinary things the meaning of ordinariness.
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