Sentences with phrase «of organosulfur compounds»

Sources of SO2 include the combustion of sulfur - containing fossil fuels and the oxidation of organosulfur compounds (OSCs) such as dimethyl sulfide.
Another source of new particle formation in air is the oxidation of organosulfur compounds (OSCs) generated by biological processes and agricultural activities (7 ⇓ ⇓ — 10).
Another precursor is methanesulfonic acid (MSA), produced simultaneously with SO2 during the atmospheric oxidation of organosulfur compounds (OSCs), such as dimethyl sulfide.
Additionally, maximizing the benefit of organosulfur compounds may not be as simple as eating raw cruciferous vegetables, though this will provide at least some sulfur and many other health benefits.
«Medicinal benefits and therapeutic properties of garlic are ascribed to presence of organosulfur compounds (OSCs).»

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«Some of our faves include avocados and flaxseed for hormone - balancing omega - 3s; cruciferous vegetables like kale and cauliflower for must - have organosulfur compounds; citrus fruits for that healing, collagen - supporting vitamin C; and fermented foods like kimchi and miso which help the microbiome thrive and in turn keep inflammation at bay and skin glowing and clear.
Sinigrin is also a precursor of allyl isothiocyanate, an organosulfur compound responsible for the pungent taste of mustard.
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