Sentences with phrase «of original thought»

Given the complexity, deadline and the amount of innovation required for the program, we needed every ounce of original thinking from people of many different backgrounds, both professional and personal.
In order to receive copyright protection, a given work has to show at least a minimal level of creativity in order to be a protected expression of original thought.
Can you show us that you have any shred of original thought?
I'm starting to see that ZIP is the number of original thoughts you have.
Ask them what any of it might mean, however, and you'll find an alarming vacuum of original thought or opinion.
Equipped with practical teaching strategies and creative resources, classroom teachers are in a unique position to advance their talents in a stimulating environment of original thinking and discovery.
Here's a car with styling that is mostly devoid of original thinking, and yet it all hangs together well.
The variety of original thoughts for the term paper topic provide not only by imagination.
It just feels like the ratio of original thought posts to sales pitches has been a bit out of balance recently.
That, other than deciding which paragraphs to copy in the balance of this note, is the extent of my original thinking.
It is important to remember that copyright applies to every tangible work of original thought.
There has been a lot of original thought in this area over the last few years.
Every expression of original thought and creativity is protected by copyright.
Creating an economically viable entity where lack of original thought is handsomely rewarded creates a rich, fertile environment for parasites to breed.
There's also evidence of original thought here; the funky gear selector dial rises from the centre console when the starter button is pushed and the graphics on the 8.0 - inch media screen have a strong computer (dare I say Windows...) graphic presentation.
«Part of our original thinking was there is always new talent, there are always new people,» said Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker who in 1994 instituted a three - term limit for top Republican committee positions.
The same one that I would refer that stole much of its materials from my holy Bible not of original thought at all even going as far as to acknowledge Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Moses and claiming bolsterously to be the true church of the world?
Like most of the upstart league's gestures, the gift combined a gleam of original thinking with a desperate attempt to wrest attention from the NBA.
It is also a sign of malfunctioning of original thoughts and ideas by the committee in charge of the Ghana@60 celebrations.
There's nothing new here, not a single iota of original thought.
It was way too repetitive for my tastes and even fans of the original thought it was kind of a letdown.
Competency Based Training is an evolution of the original thinking around vocational training which incorporates higher level thinking and creativity.
Lee Krasner was at the epicenter of the original thinking that made Abstract Expressionism possible.
One of the original thoughts about the design of the device was to also use it to scatter seeds across appropriate areas in the desert, with the hope of holding back the desert or slowing its advance, but according to Wired, this quickly proved to be unfeasible, and instead, the focus was returned to data - gathering.
The previous government's «Green New Deal» was forgotten altogether, and the coalition, in a stunning act of original thought, promised the UK a «Green Deal `.
It is easier to copy then to formulate one's own thought or thinking and let's not get into the issue of original thought — which most geniuses agree — is very rare.
Gowling WLG and the GOWLING WLG logo are trade marks of Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP as is «The Power of Original Thought
''... where lack of original thought is handsomely rewarded creates a rich, fertile environment for parasites to breed.»
That idea was part of the original thought I had for the movie, before House of Cards happened, but not before Ferris Bueller.
The word «cliché» is defined as «a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought
At the same time, a human being is a bearer of a certain individuality, of original thought, is permitting her / him to be different from all other creatures.
There is a lot of original thinking, but there is a troubling amount of me - too - ism.
«From some of those original thoughts, you saw a lot of us really focusing on the digital ecosystem you see on other devices - thinking of and building around that.»
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