Sentences with phrase «of other areas of expertise»

Among a variety of other areas of expertise, all staff members have specialized training and experience in working with the LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer / Questioning, and Intersex) population and provide sensitive, LGBTQI - affirmative treatment.

Not exact matches

Undervaluing your professional background and expertise can seep into other areas of your life and self - esteem, or vice versa.
For fear of losing business, some lawyers are wary of referring clients to other attorneys, even if they have expertise in a particular area, such as tax law.
A strong, diverse team is comprised of individuals who have unique areas of expertise that are amplified when they work together with others and leverage one another's skills.
If you detail other areas of expertise that aren't outlined in the description, then employers will look at it as unnecessary filler and may frown upon your application.
In other words, they look at what skills a person has — like their experience, areas of expertise, and other things they list on their resume — as well as whether that person is willing and interested in working for the company.
Other board members, generally appointed for different areas of expertise like industry, political, or functional intelligence, are likely to find technical financial - reporting issues less interesting.
He can offer as much or as little assistance as you need, and also can connect you with people in his network of other consultants with deep expertise in specific areas.
Growing your business simply entails identifying additional areas where you can help them or others solve other challenges in your areas of expertise.
This document would go beyond the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement to highlight specific areas of collaboration on nuclear energy, including research and development and the exchange of regulatory and operations expertise, amongst other areas.
-- I tried to sidestep some of the political and social questions raised (due to my lack of expertise in these areas and to the many other opinions already aired in response to this article) and instead call attention to some of the spiritual issues at stake.
Within FLUID, there are three subsidiaries — FLUID Live X, FLUID Creative and 4 Corners Spirits Company — each of which has different areas of expertise but collaborates with the others to meet clients» needs and deliver solutions that work in the real world.
In a similar approach to Panda Express» other intercontinental locations, the international partnership will offer a wide array of expertise and cultural understanding within the region, helping Panda Express grow in the area and serve its Chinese inspired, American crafted cuisine to more of Japan's residents.
It takes someone who is willing to listen to others who have that experience in each area of expertise and accept new information.
Until someone with proper expertise in myriad areas of sports science, football coaching, business, finance, law, PR, media, marketing, human resources etc etc has unfettered access to all board meeting minutes, records of all discussions with players, full player medical records, details of all contacts with agents, other clubs, other players, seen copies of player contracts and negotiations, understands the financial imperatives, interprets the business accounting, has reviewed the business plan, has knowledge of the employer / employee contractual relationship between Wenger and the club, has intimate insight in to the goals and objectives of the business and the club — then everyone is filling in the gaps with their own version of events and will necessarily always be a long, long way from anything close to any «truth».
If you are a parent of an asthmatic athlete who is suffering or has suffered from a respiratory condition, or you are a health care professional with expertise in this area, we hope you will share your knowledge and expertise with the entire MomsTeam community of parents, coaches, administrators, athletic trainers, physicians and other health care professionals.
Her other areas of expertise are strategic planning, management of change, and team development.
Not sure anyone suggested John Q Average (whoever he is) is too stupid to understand anything - though experience indicates he may over-estimate the value of his amateur skill and knowledge in areas of the professional expertise of others.
Other areas of expertise include party leader TV debates in 2010, party election broadcasts, public opinion and voting behaviour, party election broadcasts.
President Mahama said as a science and technology university, the KNUST needed to avail its expertise to other stakeholders to speed up growth and development especially in areas of agriculture, engineering and technology.
«NYSTA's knowledge of highway use and regulation and traffic impacts, while important, is highly limited within the context of a complex environmental review covering surface and groundwater, soils, bedrock and geology, storm water, air quality, habitat, and climate, among other areas of specialized knowledge and expertise,» they wrote.
«Two other circadian biology laboratories in the department, those of Seung - Hee «Sally» Yoo, Ph.D., and Cheng Chi Lee, Ph.D., also made important contributions to this work, highlighting the collaborative spirit among our faculty and our research expertise in this fascinating area of biology,» he added.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other agencies involved in regulating biotechnology products should increase their scientific capabilities, tools, and expertise in key areas of expected growth, said the committee that conducted the study and wrote the report.
«I am thrilled to learn from the other fellows and to work with them on activities that build on our various strengths and areas of expertise,» said Meghan Duffy, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan.
My research drew on classic areas of psychology such as giftedness and expertise, following the steps of other researchers who have examined the developmental activities of the world's highest achievers across a range of domains from science to music to sport, sparking classic «nature versus nurture» debates.
This is why I take an interdisciplinary approach to my research; that and the fact that I couldn't do research in this area without relying on the expertise of other colleagues.
I checked out the IFT database myself and saw some people who shouldn't even have bothered (because they'll never get a call) and others who are sure to pop up whenever someone's doing a search in their area of expertise.
DiChristina: Yeah, I mean I think one of the things we don't realize working on the insides of Scientific American all the time is that the editor is not just working with the scientists but also they're reporting and going out to meetings and doing other things; they're [scouring] the world for the best science that matters for readers, have a lot of expertise themselves and it just seemed to me that this would be the kind of thing that readers might really find fascinating — what the editors of Scientific American [are] thinking based on all their conversations with the experts of the day covering the various areas of science and technology and how it affects our lives; and this was the genesis of this story.
«Maybe this [study] will reignite some of the interest in the corridor region, and help people who have other types of expertise or are collecting other types of data to really start focusing on this area again.»
This workshop is intended to get together the authors of such pages and others with expertise or experience in this area to clarify the choices.
Graphic and site design isn't my core area of expertise, so I'll leave that area for others.
These and many other topics are among ScienceSeeker editors» favourite posts within their respective areas of interest and expertise for the past seven days.
The objective of the fellowship is to provide an in - depth clinical research training experience at a premier medical center with expertise and significant clinical volume in the area of biochemical genetics, including lysosomal storage diseases, as well as in therapeutics and clinical trials involving patients with these and other metabolic diseases and, thereby, to increase the number of medical geneticists with interest, knowledge, and expertise in this area.
Most of our awardees are studying asthma for the first time, bringing expertise and perspectives from a broad range of areas, including genetics, cell signaling, metabolism, crystallography, biochemistry, pharmacology and neurobiology, among others.
The laboratory is everyone's favorite whipping boy because it is out of sight but it really serves to discredit the other information that IS in your area of expertise when you spread falsehoods.
Now just because somebody is a professional in their area of expertise, it doesn't mean that they can teach other people how to get the same type of results that they get.
Katherine's areas of expertise and passion lie within the realm of providing wellness education to people who are faced with complex and multi-faceted stress and causes to their suffering as well as training other health professionals in understanding how to effectively work with such vulnerable populations.
So there's a group of very alternative people who say it may have other cancer protective effects but I am so intrigued, I never know how you would do a study on this, not my area of expertise but I suspect that lowering the fungal load, the fungal gut biome in cardiac patients could be the whole area of exploration.
It also gives you the opportunity to meet other people in different areas of the world, or different areas of expertise.
The heavy corsetry and thick, wide linens of British costume dramas have been her area of expertise, including her Oscar - winning work for 1986's A Room with a View, starring a young Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, and Simon Callow, and her other nominated films including The King's Speech and Gosford Park.
But such constitutional proprieties were set aside when Judge DeGrasse — with no previous education expertise and no relevant staff support and without considering the impact on other areas of expenditure — intervened to establish the level of education appropriations for New York City.
Talk to other people working in the field, particularly in your area of expertise.
and «What are some of your hobbies or other areas of expertise
The other two programs — Teach for America and the University of Maryland's Masters Certification Program — also have areas of expertise that the group feels the others could benefit from.
Many people working in science or natural history museums, university ecology departments, and other areas of the scientific community would be thrilled to share expertise with youngsters; they just don't know whom to approach.
Of course, there are the constraints of staff resources, time and expertise but there are options available to schools, such as pooling resources with other schools in their area, to make this a realitOf course, there are the constraints of staff resources, time and expertise but there are options available to schools, such as pooling resources with other schools in their area, to make this a realitof staff resources, time and expertise but there are options available to schools, such as pooling resources with other schools in their area, to make this a reality.
The examination of competency for demonstration of subject area knowledge shall be sufficiently comprehensive to assess subject matter expertise for individuals who have acquired subject knowledge either through college credit or by other means.
1012.32, 1012.55, and 1012.56, or any other provision of law or rule to the contrary, district school boards shall adopt rules to allow for the issuance of an adjunct teaching certificate to any applicant who fulfills the requirements of s. 1012.56 (2)(a)- (f) and (10) and who has expertise in the subject area to be taught.
In other cases, teachers are teaching out of their area of expertise.
Her expertise revolves around areas of curriculum and instruction, such as implementation of the ELA Common Core State Standards or other standards - based curricula; backward design; differentiated tools, strategies, and assessments; pre -, formative, self -, and summative assessments; writing instruction and assessment; unit and yearlong curriculum maps; text - dependent questions; and engaging instructional strategies that facilitate close reading.
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