Sentences with phrase «of other civilizations»

In her photo clippings of boxers, celebrities, and cartoons I couldn't help but think of Adolph Gottlieb in the late 1940s or the other New York school artists like Mark Tobey, who explored the symbols of other civilizations.
«Islam makes reasoning one of the main foundations of religious principles,» and so «has displayed its extraordinary capability to take advantage of the constructive aspects of other civilizations and incorporate it in its political, social and cultural structure.»

Not exact matches

Habitat destruction, unchecked population growth, global warming and other challenges of modern civilization have put humanity at risk.
Some examples are, perhaps the other civilizations aren't interested in communicating or perhaps they don't last very long, so although a lot of them, they come to exist, at any one time, there aren't very many.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
This simple tool spurred on civilizations coming in contact with each other, trade, and the introduction of goods never before seen.
it is only useful as a history of the hebrews, (old testament) when taken in context with the writings of the other early civilizations in the middle east some of which have only recently been deciphered.
You're right, but wouldn't it be more beneficial if people focused on helping each other and the advancement of our civilizations as apposed to reading folklore's and choosing to believe that only their religion goes to heaven.
On one hand God is a behemoth of dirty done deeds against much of humanism's dispositions while on the other hand God shows little to practically no love to all our civilizations» ongoing trials of which we steadily reshape as the needs arise.
Furthermore, there is certainly enough evidence in the discrepant personalities of the OT v. NT deity to indicate a «changing nature,» i.e., one who sees no other option but to destroy humanity and then later destroy entire civilizations as opposed to one who prefers the option of alleged self - sacrifice coupled to a merciful «grace» for those who are willing to just believe in the sacrifice.
Do you PrimeNumber believe in all of the other Gods of civilizations past and present?
American individualism — the willful project of our modern founding — has so infected every nook and cranny of our country that the only thing to do is to flee to the beautiful buildings and other fading reminders of what was the authentically Christian civilization of Europe.
In fact the Book of Mormon talks about a separate civilization who arrived centuries before those of Jewish heritage; and not one verse of the Book of Mormon declares that there were NO other civilizations or peoples of other parts of the world also inhabiting the Americas.
Muchembled also resists a Western triumphalist narrative by suggesting that the taming of domestic violence was not simply the result of a progressive civilizing process» marking European civilization as the height of human evolution» but came at the price of colonial conquest on other continents and terribly destructive wars among nations in Europe.
the astronaut theory comes about because every culture and every civilization speaks about «Chariots of fire» among many other things.for those that are non Christians this can be interesting and fascinating..
Evidently, it was quite the other way about, which is the painless explanation for the profusion of gods and religions, and the fratricide both between and among faiths, that we see all about us and that has so retarded the development of civilization
If other things are against it, other things must go down... With the red hair of one she - urchin in the gutter I will set fire to all modern civilization.
«Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations; but, on a candid examination of history, we shall find that turbulence, violence, and abuse of power, by the majority trampling on the rights of the minority, have produced factions and commotions, which, in republics, have, more frequently than any other cause, produced despotism.
The historic churches, shrines, monasteries, hospitals, homes and other holdings; the priceless art and libraries, not to mention the intellectual capital and value of political connection and influence of a 200 year old organization that essentially built western civilization.
Walliyulla begins with the primitive social organization as the primal unit of social life and goes on to develop four stages of civilization, each rising upon the other and growing out of it.
For example, in the nineteenth century we of the West began to be aware of other cultures, of other peoples and civilizations around the world, in a way that had not before been part of our consciousness.
Indeed our memories of our own Christian tradition will show us how extensively we have already assimilated other histories into our Christian memory, especially the history of Greco - Roman civilization.
But it recognized Christ solely in terms of communion and this is why no other art in any other civilization ever caused the sacred to embody so much of the human and so fully expressed the sacred through the human.2
For these and many other reasons, it is understandable that the Church feels itself authorized and indeed obliged to have something to say in the name of Christ in the domains of history, civilization, economics, politics and international relations at the present time.
Personally I see more value in appealing to human decency and modern culture than to attempting to make the moral views of iron age civilizations entrenched in sexism, racial bigotry, and a host of other very morally questionable beliefs somehow fit our modern society.
Theologically, it is all wrong to see the main line of division between the Christian ideology and civilization, on the one hand, and the non-Christian Weltanschauung on the other.8
In that respect Sir Winston and other greats of our civilization would certainly be correct.
«We propose to reverse the terms of comparison, to place ourselves outside our civilization and our own moment of history, and to consider these from the standpoint of other cultures and other religions».
Sir Winston and other greats of Western civilization notwithstanding, our good priest from Thebes would have felt most uncomfortable at Trent or in other contemporary centers of Christendom where dogmas were held in high regard.
But if we change the basic foundation of society in a way no other civilization has ever done in world history it's «progress»?
[Thus] I was always, along with my other work, inwardly occupied with another book, which I entitled Wir Epigonen [which one might translate «We Hangers - on,» and which was finally titled The Decay and Restoration of Civilization][Out of My Life and Thought, pp. 146 f.].
To avoid this pitfall, one should first read his autobiography, Out of My Life and Thought, and the first volume of his theory of culture, The Decline and Restoration of Civilization; these two works supply the background and perspective necessary to understand all the others.
Once The Quest of the Historical Jesus is set in the context of his other writings, and once we begin to discern the fundamental concerns that weighed upon Schweitzer's mind during those years; we can only marvel at his prescience — for we too are finally coming to realize that «the suicide of civilization» is imminent.
There are articles on Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Qom, Najaf, and Mashhad but none on Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad, Istanbul, Isfahan, and other great centers of Islamic civilization.
The West has forgotten they were allowed to change other civilizations only because of its far superior Christian tradition.
If Europe did not have Christianity and access to the Bible, it'd be just the same barbaric women - oppressing civilization of any other.
Commenting on Robert Maynard Hutchins» call for a Civilization of the Dialogue which can be attained when we induce the other party to talk through «exhibiting an interest in and a comprehension of what he might say if he were willing to speak,» (Robert Maynard Hutchins, «Goethe and the Unity of Mankind,» Goethe and the Modern Age, ed.
They will fight for us on the Internet and from the hallowed halls of institutions of learning and advancing civilization, of interdependence not separatism, of building bridges with other faiths, not destroying them.
Islam needs to be accomodative of other faith, be compatiable rather than rival to other civilization.
God takes care of innocent children, but wipes out certain civilizations by water, fire, or wars to protect others and the future generations, since He is the righteous Creator.
But it does follow that the development of a civilization which decimates other species casually and threatens to deforest much of the rest of the planet in the next two decades is beyond justification.
Examining the future, Sacred Causes is sober about international terrorism (the subject of Burleigh's next book) and the other challenges facing civilization.
The fascinating story of how medieval Irish monks» practices of reading and writing, along with their efforts to teach others to do the same, saved Western civilization as we know it.
Our nihilism, often masked as the great moral project of inclusion, infects other civilizations.
James W. Ceaser I was deeply impressed with Peter Lawler's fine essay, NASA Needs A Philosopher, above all with his last point — number 7 — about the possible character of relations with other «civilizations» we might encounter in the universe.
Besides, to treat a civilized society as purely the same as any other type of event in nature would be to downgrade the significance of one of those things Whitehead finds most peculiar to the human species, namely, civilization.
Quite the contrary, their motivation seems to be a kind of Rousseauian primitivism: no civilization can dare be regarded as superior to any other on the globe, no matter how remarkable its achievements or beneficial its legacy.
Other civilizations of the Old World were all derived from this cultural center or were strongly influenced by it; only the New World was entirely independent.»
In seeking for equivalents, I have often thought that the phrase «bourgeois morality» could simply be rendered «middle - class morality,» that «bourgeois society» is close to what has been called by others «a business civilization,» and that the «bourgeois mentality» has many features of what more recently has been identified as the white Anglo - Saxon Protestant (WASP) outlook.
Backed by an old culture, endowed with a rich civilization, and acquainted with logic, philosophy, and other intellectual pursuits, the people of Iran became familiar with the teachings of Islam.
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