Sentences with phrase «of other filmmakers»

The reality of you actually being in charge or all the hurdles that get thrown in your way are different than the hurdles you've seen being thrown in the way of other filmmakers.
Responding to this question that HuffPost asked him, Nolan, dressed in his signature suit jacket, addressing a bunch of journalists, said, «To me, film is a medium that I love and it isn't just me, but a whole lot of other filmmakers who love shooting on film.
Jarmusch has also cleverly helped himself to actors who have become closely, even crucially identified with the work of other filmmakers, including Gena Rowlands from John Cassavetes «films, Giancarlo Esposito and Rosie Perez from Spike Lee, Armin Mueller - Stahl from Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Beatrice Dalle from Jean - Jacques Beineix «s «Betty Blue, «and the great deadpan comic, Matti Pellonpaa, from the Finnish films of Aki Kaurismaki.
It includes interviews with Robert Altman, Quentin Tarantino, James Woods, Jim Jarmusch, Alexander Payne and a number of other filmmakers and critics who attest to Z Channel's lasting impact.
So you had a sort of sense that you were not alone, that there were a lot of other filmmakers trying to do exactly what you were doing, even though you didn't know them.
In his seminal 1972 book Transcendental Style in Film: Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer (written at age 24, two years before he turned from film criticism to filmmaking), Schrader noted that, «The many statements [Robert] Bresson has made in interviews and discussions, properly arranged, would constitute an accurate analysis of his films (a statement which can be made of no other filmmaker to my knowledge)....»
If only, for the benefit of other filmmakers exploring the same material, we could un-see a great film and clear our memories of it.
What squashes the threat of Allen's more overt homages ever feeling like cheap knockoffs of other filmmakers» work is his primary function as guide.
The campy and sun bleached aesthetic works well - it is about competitive ski jumping after all - but the camera work is haphazard, leaping from one questionable choice to the next, stealing tricks and tones of other filmmakers without any of the finesse.
Woody Allen and Nora Ephron have romanticized it countless times as have multitudes of other filmmakers.
While this may make him sound like France's answer to Sydney Pollack, Chéreau took these roles mainly for the experience and considers himself not as a workaday actor but as a physical object at the disposal of other filmmakers.
WALLY: I have possibly spent more hours in a state of pure enjoyment watching Eric Rohmer's films year after year than I have spent watching the films of any other filmmaker, though Claude Chabrol or Woody Allen might win the competition if I could recall my whole life and accurately tally the hours.
The director thanked the festival organisers on behalf of other filmmakers in China, the focus country at IFFI this year.
Besides, Lawrence has worked with plenty of other filmmakers who might fit the Woodcock bill a bit better.
His films and installations are in direct contact with the history of the documentary, providing a time - based inquiry into trance phenomena and evoking the research of other filmmakers including Jean Rouch, Maya Deren, and Michael Snow.
Like most new Woody Allen films, Magic could never be mistaken as the work of any other filmmaker.
Academy Award nominees Rachel Morrison and Dee Rees teamed up with a number of other filmmakers and celebrities on the latest commercial promoting the capabilities of the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus, Samsung's newest Android flagship series announced last weekend.
Norwegian director Morten Tyldum may not be as flashy as some of the other filmmakers who've broken into Hollywood recently, but between his little - seen 2011 thriller «Headhunters» and his Oscar - winning drama «The Imitation Game,» it's evident that he has serious chops behind the camera.
With its stunning urban landscapes, trash - talking titanium hero and mulleted, God - bothering bad guy (Hugh Jackman, never better), this hugely entertaining oddity could never be mistaken for the work of any other filmmaker.
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