Sentences with phrase «of other health issues»

A deficiency in vitamin D can be related to depression and a whole host of other health issues, so get outside as often as you can.
Symptoms like dull fur, lethargy, coughing, constipation, or trouble breathing could be caused by parasites or any number of other health issues.
It also reduces the risk of other health issues as well.
Some studies suggest that they may be linked to cancer, heart issues, behavioral changes and a myriad of other health issues.
You can greatly lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and a variety of other health issues.
Many people ignore that flea and ticks on dog's body where this could lead to a lot of other health issued in the future.
Your thyroid, hormones, plus a range of other health issues can also play a part.
Besides, it also helps you track your body in case of other health issues.
Patients experience frequent seizures, delays in their development, and an array of other health issues, including sleeping difficulties, challenges with growth and nutrition, and chronic infections.
He found out there are a lot of other health issues linked with diabetes, like heart disease, blindness, and nerve damage.
Bad breath can often be a sign of other health issues.
However, complications from diabetes can be serious and include kidney failure, nerve damage, vision loss, heart disease and a host of other health issues.
We also have hips, elbows and a variety of other health issues to deal with.
In addition, a relationship has been hypothesized between iodine deficiency and a number of other health issues including other malignancies, obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), psychiatric disorders, and fibromyalgia.
Not only can diabetics eat nuts, but nuts may actually help minimize the impact of some other health issues that often come along with diabetes.
In the last year I have been working with Laura intensely on healing my gut dysbiosis as a way in to addressing a constellation of other health issues known as Metabolic Syndrome.
So if you are stressed while eating (whether it be a salmon fillet or package of toaster pastries) because you are worried about the calories you are consuming, your body is not going to be able to adequately digest your food, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies as well as a host of other health issues like leaky gut and food intolerances.
My name is Lauren, and I am a 20 year old university student who has celiac disease and a handful of other health issues.
I have Sjogren's Syndrome, Lichen Planus (no official diagnosis), and slew of other health issues.
If low T and weight loss are problems for you, consider that TRT could help with your weight problems and reduce the possibility of these other health issues impacting your quality of life — in addition to improving your appearance.
Central Veterinary Associates, P.C. offers emergency surgery, as well as emergency medical care for all conditions, including respiratory distress, bloat, dystocia, hit by car, ketoacidotic diabetes, traumatic injuries, seizure control of any other health issues.
Being overweight can cause a multitude of other health issues so always be aware of how much you are feeding your gentle giant.
When dandruff is accompanied with other symptoms indicative of other health issues or your pet has persistent dandruff, it's time to consult your veterinarian.
You're going to have to explain it to her and if she has COPD on top of other health issues, you really need an independent agent to shop the health history with multiple companies to get the best offer.
(I realize that they're not the most common type of BC pill prescribed, but I know a fair number of people on them on account of other health issues, so it's sometimes a point worth remembering.)
Because excess weight can lead to a number of other health issues in pets just as it can for humans, here are some great new products manufactured by APPA members to help pets have their best year yet!
This is not just an eye care issue, but eye exams uncover a whole host of other health issues that may have gone unnoticed.
A relationship has also been suggested between iodine deficiency and a number of other health issues including other cancers, obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), psychiatric disorders, and fibromyalgia.
Oxidative stress has often been noted as one of the causes for ED, along with a number of other health issues like hypertension and diabetes.
Getting sufficient vitamin D is linked with a healthy immune system response, faster healing times and stronger bones, while vitamin D deficiency is linked with a higher risk for cancer, dementia, MS and a range of other health issues.
Beyond its allergy - relieving benefits, stinging nettles have also been linked with treating a number of other health issues including arthritis, PMS, dandruff, gingivitis, gout, kidney stones, bladder infections and bursitis.
Signs that a pet is having a reaction to food include chronic GI upset (including diarrhea and constipation), dermatitis, and ear infections, plus a wide variety of other health issues.
As with a lot of other health issues and diseases, GDV is more common in some breeds than it is in others.
Burnout, which can quickly lead to stress, anxiety, depression, and a host of other health issues that can derail a productive, happy, joy - filled life.
The condition of your teeth and gums is associated with a host of other health issues that involve your hormones and your heart, and your dental needs can change from decade to decade.
Long term use of HFCS can not only cause obesity, but also diabetes, premature aging, and a host of other health issues.
Not having the right, healthy bacteria in your gut can go on to cause a host of other health issues that eventually may lead to hair loss.
They can continue using things with toxins and chemicals that are known to be an irritant, cause cancer, respiratory problems and myriad of other health issues.
Some of the other health issues I have is Type 2 Diabetes using insulin, neuropathy, hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, Hep C, gout and Migraine type head pain 24/7.
Oestrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss, but too much causes toxic fat gain, water retention, bloating and a host of other health issues.
Brushing your dog's teeth regularly helps prevent gingivitis, cavities and helps keep bacteria in check so reducing risk of other health issues.
Being either overweight or underweight can put your horse at risk of other health issues.
If your cat is having problems with constipation or some of the other health issues listed above, a high fiber cat food may be a good idea, at least on a temporary basis.
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