Sentences with phrase «of other painters»

To be original one needs to learn the ideas of other painters in order to be different from them.
His connection to the work of other painters seems to have ended in the 50's.
I didn't know a lot of other painters working from observation.
While I don't try to emulate the work or style of other painters, I continually take inspiration from many artists.
No one can make a move with paint on a surface that does not stir echoes of some other painter's work.
• For details of other painters from Wicklow, see: Irish Artists: Paintings and Biographies.
• For biographies of other painters of the Paris School, see: Famous Painters.
i have known a number of other painters in the perceptualist camp (emil robinson, matt klos, sangram majumdar, eve mansdorf, et al), and i can't imagine any of them being ornery with desiderio's work.
PD I can't think of any other painter who's experimented on materials as much as he has, and I felt that, in a way, he created a no - go area because he did it so well.
Doig continues: «I can't think of any other painter who's experimented on materials as much as he has, and I felt that, in a way, he created a no - go area because he did it so well.
• For details of other painters from Ireland, see: Irish Artists: Paintings and Biographies.
James Brooks, Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, Paul Jenkins and dozens of other painters found that pouring and staining opened the door to innovations and revolutionary methods of drawing and expressing meaning in new ways.
RUSSIAN ARTISTS For biographies of other painters from Russia, Ukraine & Siberia, Abram Arkhipov (1862 - 1930) Genre painter, critical realism.
He studied arts together with a group of other painters in his hometown and Ralf quickly became one of the foremost exponents of the new figuration style alongside Jörg Immendorff, Georg Baselitz and Markus Lüpertz.
But unlike the artists of whom Wilde wrote — who see the world through the brushstrokes of other painters until, via their own brushstrokes, they compel the world to reproduce the types they have invented — Bloom wants to claim that Shakespeare's invention of human types came from himself and himself only, from a «preternatural ability,» without relying «on authority, or authorities.»
We expect the building to open to the public in 2016, with a rotating installation of works by Resnick and Passlof, and an ongoing program of temporary exhibitions of other painters working in what can be broadly considered the Abstract Expressionist tradition.
Yet when I look at Voisine's panel paintings and their taped - off lines, I'm reminded not so much of other painters, but of other media: of screens and stages and, more specifically, of Hiroshi Sugimoto's famous movie theater photos in which long exposures turned the screens white and left the interior architecture of the theaters dimly visible.
JG: You stated in a recent interview that you think the art world has changed since you shared a studio with a handful of other painters in Tribeca.
I don't think any of my paintings look like some kind of copy, or pastiche of other painters; one can see that coming and make the appropriate changes.
Reinhardt's emptying of painting sets him at a remove from the compromises of other painters.
Moving beyond the experiments of other painters of the era, Gilliam saturated raw, unstretched canvas with acrylic to create works that lie at the intersection of painting and sculpture.
«I can think of no other painters whose commitment to art and their artistic community was as strong as that of James Brooks and Charlotte Park in the decades that they lived on the East End,» stated Alicia G. Longwell, the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chief Curator at the Parrish.
Though the paintings are presented as a series, the show avoids the tedium of «seriality» for its own sake, engaging a wide expressive range that brings to mind the efforts of other painters to come to grips with a particular motif.
The technique was also taken up by a host of other painters only tangentially associated with the movement, among them Paul Feeley, who had been Ms. Frankenthaler's teacher at Bennington College, and Larry Poons, and was perpetuated with many variations in subsequent generations by painters as different as Alan Shields, Stephen Mueller, Moira Dryer, Monique Prieto and Kelley Walker.
German artist Gerhard Richter, one of the pioneers of New European Painting, has shown again and again that «pure» painting - oil colors unstintingly activated by gesture or merely by tools - can coax from our nervous systems embedded memories of other painters» mute triumphs at the levels of small detail or large expanse.
The 70 - year - old Chicago - based artist has been quietly crafting Minimalist - influenced paintings since the early 1970s, with his signature variance of oil stick marks on wood or aluminum surfaces that share the spirit of other painters from that era such as Brice Marden and Robert Ryman.
Mr. Kuspit (who authored the timely essay «The Greatness of Matta «-RRB- credited the man with «revolutioniz [ing] perspective» and defended Surrealist ringleader Andre Breton's assertion that «non-figurative line placed [Matta] in advance of other painters
Out of it shake startling reminders of other painters — Grant Wood, Salvador Dali, early Joan Miro, Richard Diebenkorn, Kenneth Noland.
• For details of other painters like Louis Le Brocquy, see: Irish Art Guide.
I missed the artist's talk at the exhibition opening, the day before my visit, but a member of the gallery staff was kind enough to relate some of what had been said, recalling that partly it had been about the influence of other painters both modern and pre-modern, and remembering a comment about the relationship of the size of the works to the body, not just the artist's hand or wrist but indeed the whole arm, and in the larger works the whole body.
She wrote that Mueller and a number of other painters were the «generation that essentially reinvented American abstract painting in the 1970s and»80s.»
Ensor invented screen painting, which is what I'm a part of, and a lot of other painters as well.
Jeff will be joined by dozens of other painters, sculptors, potters & photographers, along with spectators as creativity blooms outdoors for... Read more»
La Rocco: Despite all the black in the paintings, they never seem moody or maudlin, which is in contrast to a lot of other painters who use dark colors.
• For details of other painters from Northern Ireland, see: Irish Artists: Paintings and Biographies.
For fifteen years she returned to to paint en plein air in Tuscany, often leading small groups of other painters.
• For biographies of other painters and sculptors from Ireland, see: Irish Artists.
«Serapis» is unmistakable as the work of any other painter than Gorchov.
But again, I kept thinking of other painters, and in particular of Luc Tuymans.
Jeff will be joined by dozens of other painters, sculptors, potters & photographers, along with spectators as creativity blooms outdoors for the 8th year of Plein Air & More throughout the greater Cannon Beach area.
The artist became close to a number of other painters, including Barnett Newman, Adolph Gottlieb, and Clyfford Still, all of whom greatly influenced his artistic growth.
This interplay of abstraction and figuration places Eriksson's work alongside that of other painters such as Per Kirkeby, Peter Doig and Albert Oehlen.
But his portraits of the late 1940s and early 1950s, such as the one of Herbert Read, were not successful, and the big compositions, like Christmas Eve and Harbour Window With Two Figures, were only doubtfully so, though it is unlikely that Heron himself, a great protagonist for his own achievements as well as those of the other painters he admired (Matthew Smith, William Scott, Peter Lanyon and Roger Hilton foremost amongst the British) ever thought so.
While painting involves painting more than thinking of other painters or of telling similarities, there is plenty to be said for introducing the new to the old and indeed the old to the new.
Unlike a lot of other painters, I'm not working in the studio trying to develop a signature vocabulary... How do you do that as an artist when the entire art world now is so commercially driven and so object - based, and so brand name... where it's so totally about identifying the maker and the object... the value associated with that... coming at it as a painter... from an abstract painting perspective in New York City, where painting reigns supreme.»
I have always admired Lanyon's work and would like to use this as an opportunity to engage more fully with his paintings and those of other painters who have worked in this beautiful yet rugged landscape running from St Ives to Lands End.»
But Leland never talked about the representational dimension of his work or the work of any other painter — and Leland was a wonderful talk - talk - talker.
• For details of other painters and sculptors from Belfast, see: Irish Artists: Paintings and Biographies.
• For details of other painters and sculptors from Ireland, see: Irish Artists: Paintings and Biographies.
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