Sentences with phrase «of other views»

You're tolerant of other views, as long as they match your own.
You can see a couple of other views of my bedroom in my last Fall tour.
I respect people of other views and beliefs but not necessarily the views and beliefs.
It improves mental awareness, increases life satisfaction and leads to a better understanding of others views, values and objectives.
You can see a couple of other views of my bedroom in my last Fall tour.
I want to be at least aware of other views and ideas that are different than mine.
It's hard to respect atheists (though I do) when they seem to be anything but respectful of others views.
In all of my study of the other view, I have yet to read an attempt to answer these questions.
We are evolving both technologically and emotionally to be more tolerant of others views as our access to more and more points of view is broadened.
As an atheist, it disturbs me to see fellow atheists guilty of promoting the dogmatic intolerance of others views.
When using a shared public WI - FI, the VPN will diminish the risk of others viewing or gaining access to your information by protecting your IP address.
Several disgruntled former employees have expressed concerns about «groupthink» being ingrained in what is widely known as a hyper - liberal company culture value system where expressions of other views are not welcome and can lead to being ostracized or being shown the door.
Revelational theism has never offered itself as an escape from rationality; rather, it has insisted on the subrationality or irrationality of all other views of reality.»
In Blankenhorn, scholarly analysis gives way to blanket dismissals of other views as «intellectually vacuous,» «utterly specious,» «morally irresponsible,» «nonsense» and «pure flapdoodle.»
But the normativeness of Scripture should still take seriously the reality of a spectrum of other views among listeners, ranging from the Bible as an imprimatur on the preached word to the biblical text as having little inherent authority (Allen).
But media «balance» within these nations in practice usually means whatever the government decrees, and there is almost no opportunity for the presentation of other views to help provide balance.
No fear here... we are too well established... most folks live in their worlds without much understanding of others views which in turn leads to misunderstandings.
He understands that the partiality of his own view blinds him to the partial merits of other views.
Am personally hoping protest continue, with class and tolerance of other view, and hopefully Wenger will see that his time is truly uo and will pack his bags.and leave at the expiration of his contract....
The goal isn't to get judgemental, it's just to hear the perspective of others View Post
After a brief hiatus we have, in this lengthy show all sorts of goodness for you, including: A top ten (+) list of our most anticipated films of 2010; reviews of both Frozen and The White Ribbon; as well as a plethora of other viewings over the past week and change.
With reflowable formats, readers can select their desired font size and preferred typeface, switch between portrait and landscape orientation, and take advantage of the other view settings offered by the major e-reading platforms.
as a golden thread linking Austrian economics, value investment and a variety of other views I hold unrelated to finance and investment.
There are plenty of other views on the relative merits, both political and climatic, of trading, taxes and other strategies for shifting American energy options and norms, and I'll be posting more here as the legislative debate unfolds.
With Giphy Thoughts, for instance, people can place cartoon thought bubbles above the heads of others they view through their Facebook camera lens.
I sensed no anger as you claimed and as liberals generally display when confronted with people of other views.
The intolerance of other views or interpretations proves what is wrong with organised religion
When using shared public Wi - Fi, the VPN will diminish the risk of others viewing or gaining access to your information by protecting your IP address.
I enjoy making others smile, having a great understanding of each others views, feelings, thoughts over all having faith in one another.
They say everyone should be tolerant of other views, but what they mean is accepting the extreme left's unmoral views and abandoning all morals.
All of the other views find in the Song what they bring to it.
(Is it just my imagination or do many people who call Jesus «lord and master» shy away from discussions with those of other views because — acting in obedience to someone else's interpretation of Jesus — they have no reasoned convictions of their own?)
Are people of other views than your own forbidden to exercise their freedom of speech?
As with some of the other views, I believe that this view has touched on some truth, but has missed an essential element of what is really going on with the divine commands for war and violence in the Old Testament.
That should in no way be taken as an endorsement of any of his other views.
The default A-Z view seems like the most universally intuitive, but if you want to check out your recent gaming habits or peruse downloaded games you may have forgotten about, each of the other views each has its own appeal.
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