Sentences with phrase «of our great deals so»

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Due to the number of seasonal workers in Canada, there is naturally a great deal of seasonality in the data, so it is helpful to look at year - over-year numbers.
The latest release saw sales volume decline by 1.0 % between April and May, though there has been a great deal of volatility in this measure over the past few months, so it would not be surprising to see a reversal next month.
A selection of print companies offer free promotional business cards in the hope that they get secure further custom from commercial clients so take advantage of these great deals.
So deal with these sections of your plan in greater depth, but you can be more concise in other areas.
«Diversification is a great tool to deal with the uncertainty of investing, but most people overcomplicate things because of the access they have to so many strategies and products now,» said Donald Bennyhoff, a senior investment strategist with Vanguard Group.
So the quality and vitality of the community matters a great deal — it affects employees» ideas, what they bring to the job, and their staying power with your company.»
So, while it is tempting to invest in Brazil now that change seems to be afoot, there's still a great deal of uncertainty on the horizon.
Many independent contractors take a great deal of pride in their work, but not so much in the company they happen to be working for at the moment.
I think we've got some great American banks, the largest ones, that have been acting terribly but are worth a great deal, so I'd rather have you in one of those.»
What are you willing to go further to the... PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we've already started the process... KERNEN: Will you stay with Cotton or will you move further to what... PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think Cotton, and Perdue and Goodlatte, and the people that I've been dealing with — Cornyn, so many of the people — these are great people.
There is a great deal of volatility in the M2 money supply data even year - to - year, so I prefer to look at a three - year increase of the money supply.
Given the great deal of attention the so - called iPod tax has received, it is not surprising that Liberal MP Scott Brison made it the focus of a question.
Its strategy makes a great deal of sense when you consider how the biggest and best products are developed, yet it's contrary to the day - to - day grind that traps so many companies and startups.
But the deal also marks yet another small but significant step towards greater regulation of Airbnb, Uber, and other companies in the so - called sharing economy, whose competitive advantage arguably hinges on its ability to operate with little oversight.
That means a great deal of turnover among the cast of characters inhabiting the great estates that frame this history, but their pathologies and indulgences have so much in common, they may as well be related.
So if you look at the GIF, putting the TrueDepth camera system on the front of a pair of smart glasses would make a great deal of sense, since a pair of AR glasses would need to be able to capture depth information on an ongoing basis to work properly.
But the financial and emotional impact was so great that I spent a great deal of time understanding what it all meant.
So while the people of Great Britain dealt with a recession, the government's hands were tied; they'd just have to ride it out.
Also note that a great deal of bank lending by the big state owned banks is to state owned enterprises (SOEs).
In short the need for actions and policies on many fronts has never been so great — yet the political comprehension and agenda is bankrupt of the will deal with the most salient matters facing the human condition.
The well - funded dairy lobby spends a great deal of money (an estimated $ 80 to $ 100 million each year — ironically paid for by the higher prices consumers pay), persuading federal and provincial politicians that supply management «protects the family farm,» «ensures food security» and that, because these farmers are so numerous, doing anything to upset them would be political suicide.
The issue looked definitive, of course, way back when Brian Mulroney's Conservatives beat John Turner's Liberals in the epic 1988 election — the campaign so bitterly fought over the trade deal with the U.S. that Mulroney secured at great political risk.
Understanding the opportunities of digitalization, Big Data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and so on — those are certainly things we're emphasizing a great deal at Rotman.
Given that Amazon is seeing so much consumer activity on its digital platforms, it's no wonder that the tech giant has access to a great deal of private data which customers might not be considering.
«They make decisions quickly, there's not lots of bureaucracy going back to corporate, they do follow - on financing the same way that a typical venture firm would, so it doesn't feel like you're dealing with a corporate VC, which from our perspective is great,» he said.
So I have absorbed a great deal of information over the past 20 years that people might find useful.
«So there should be a great deal of continuity here in terms of policy.»
Except that this great deal is going to hurt our auto parts manufacturing so much that it's going to cost the taxpayers of Canada another $ 1 billion to compensate them.
Sentiment in late 2015 was not a great deal different it is today, so accumulating a basket of junior silver developer and selected explorers stands a good chance of a repeat in 2018.
There are not great deal of information on the company such as its track record, its competitors, risks, and so forth.
When investors are risk - seeking, they tend to be risk - seeking in everything, so the uniformity of market action conveys a great deal of information about their preferences.
From this we inferred that gold prices we set to stage a major rally to a new all time high, so signalled to our subscribers to buy a great deal of out of the money GLD call options to benefit from this rise (more details can be viewed in our full trading records, which is published on our website).
Their returns are shown gross of fees, so that's something to consider as well, but they only charge 0.25 % to the pension plan because they're such a large client (another aspect of their approach I have great deal of respect for).
The fact that he doesn't seem particularly interested in learning the finer points of policy makes it easier for the North Koreans to convince him that a terrible agreement actually isn't so bad — and after much flattery, he might very well be convinced to make a «great deal
So, it's really great to use the scalable techniques of Indiegogo, as well as the curation capabilities of MicroVentures to bring this all to bear and to First Democracy VC, which is a constant balancing act because we only want to present the deals that we think have been filtered well to be presented, but we also want it to be as scalable as possible, and to have as many deals as possible, because the goal is to democratize the opportunities.
However, when we begin to look at the history of shaving, we can see that this is another area where humans have made a great deal of progress — with the most important developments coming in the last 100 years or so.
With so little fundamental differentiation, the various consultants spent a great deal of time and effort tearing each other down and nitpicking competing formulas, ultimately spreading more confusion.
«We have a president who has not demonstrated a great deal of patience on other issues so I think a process that continues to drag on into 2018 will increase the likelihood that the president issues a withdrawal from the NAFTA.»
With so much riding on it, it's not surprising that a great deal of effort goes into writing a good business plan.
Like Paul, he was blessed with zeal, a great deal of fire in the belly, and worked not so much to create an effect» that came naturally» as to control it.
So, based upon a GREAT DEAL of experience in the field with Muslims and considering YOUR ignorance and refusal to accept the first amendment, I'll accept Abdul's word over yours, every day of the week.
Liberalism remains extraordinarily powerful because this threefold dream is attractive, so much so that a great deal of what's called conservatism in America is really just a rival form of liberalism.
And rightly so, for without a great deal of willingness from social conservatives to come out and vote in the national election, the Republican nominee has no chance of winning in November against the Democrats.
Sources of investment capital are indispensable because the movement from a creative idea to actual production requires a great deal of borrowing, the more so if the inventor is without personal wealth.
So, no, demonizing Bush is not going to work in this election, and» as demonstrated in the recent special election in New York's ninth congressional district» the seniors will no longer be swayed by dark warnings that the GOP will end medicare and social security» these older people realize that the programs of the New Deal and the Great Society have become unsustainable and that» somehow» a real and drastic change must happen, soon.
However, this means a great deal to me, so I'm posting it in case this might help some of you who read this blog.
In his powerful book The Non-Violent Cross James Douglass makes a great deal of the resurrection, but for him the resurrection is only a symbol of oppressed people's awakening to the power of nonviolence: «Man becomes God when Love and Truth enter into man, not by man's power but by raising him to Power, so that revolution in love is revealed finally as the Power of resurrection» (pp. 23 - 24).
And so, with the cacophony of «but you must believe these things to raise righteous children» and a great deal of uncertainty ringing in my ears, I let them go.
There is a great deal of compulsiveness in this busyness and a feeling of being driven by outside forces so that relaxation becomes impossible....
~ Lol... so you are calling a great deal of atheists insane.
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