Sentences with phrase «of outside parties»

The principle claims that «a people» has the right to determine its destiny and the disposition of the land upon which it lives without the intervention of outside parties.
«I hereby certify under Penalty of Perjury that I have read and agree to the above Policies and Procedures and that I will complete the course in its entirety, including all course materials, review questions and / or quizzes, and the final examination on my own without the assistance of any outside party
The growing scandal has given Facebook users an inside look into what happens to their data in the hands of outside parties and what, if anything, Facebook does about it.
In 2009, as a result of limited interest in GENR's other assets and the unanticipated delay in the consummation of the transaction, GENR engaged of outside parties to assist in licensing and / or partnering its trodusquemine program.
The user of a unique IP address is thus insulated from the potentially compromising email practices of outside parties.
New Democratic Party Leader Thomas Mulcair choked back tears as he told reporters outside the House of Commons: «Jim Flaherty was an extremely dedicated public servant and he will greatly missed by all of us
Smart contracts (or self enforcing contracts) are programs that execute a contract, without the need of an outside party to enforce them.
«I hereby certify under Penalty of Perjury that I have read and agree to the above Policies and Procedures and that I will complete the Nevada Online DUI School course in its entirety, including all course materials, review questions and / or quizzes, and the final examination on my own without the assistance of any outside party
Penalty of Perjury Statement «I hereby certify under Penalty of Perjury that I have read and agree to the above Policies and Procedures and that I will complete the Michigan Driver Improvement course in its entirety, including all course materials, review questions and / or quizzes, and the final examination on my own without the assistance of any outside party
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