Sentences with phrase «of overactive»

Book Fox (vulpes libris): small bibliovorous mammal of overactive imagination and uncommonly large bookshop expenses.
Will attempt to restore normal pituitary gland functioning and may include the removal of any potential pituitary tumors, radiation therapy and the use of anti-growth hormone medications in attempt to reduce the effects of an overactive pituitary gland.
Like most of the drivel that Mike Mann comes out with, they are all just figments of his overactive imagination?
Many of the late artist's raucous installations are like elaborate exercises in trolling: They appear orchestrated to provoke, conjuring the specter of an overactive macho id, preoccupied by cars, power tools, guns, pornography, dick jokes, cum jokes, pussy jokes, religious jokes, junk food, and celebrity.
However, the product lacks the depth and features that have become standard in the multiplayer arena, and the gameplay is characterized by the same clumsiness as the core campaign — while including one additional hiccup in the form of overactive auto aim (which seems like a good thing, until you try to throw a grenade in a particular spot).
Once you mention them to your vet, however, they will recognise that behavioral changes and an increased appetite (often accompanied by weight loss) can be early signs of an overactive thyroid gland, and will recommend blood tests to confirm it.
This is because the cat's heart must work harder to match the state of its overactive metabolism.
Life - long administration of medications like methimazole can control the effects of an overactive thyroid gland.
The allergy develops because of an overactive immune system — to combat the offending object, the body releases histamines and it is the histamines that cause the itch.
Is Wynn's gypsy spirit the result of an overactive imagination, or did she inherit it from a woman so determined to live a big life, she gave up everything to have it?
Having directed stories about vampires (TWILIGHT), werewolves (RED RIDING HOOD) and worst of all overactive teenagers (THIRTEEN), Catherine Hardwicke is ready to helm a...
The character of the alleged murderer gives every indication of what he is early on, unlike the original in which you don't know for sure if he is a murderer or it's a figment of the imagination of an overactive and idle mind.
Book Fox (vulpes libris): small bibliovorous mammal of overactive imagination and uncommonly large bookshop expenses.
I also sometimes experience symptoms of an overactive thyroid.
Tell your doctor or nurse if you have symptoms of overactive thyroid or notice a goiter.
In the early stages of the disease some individuals may experience intermittent and temporary phases of overactive and underactive thyroid function.
Conventional medicine has no treatments for the underlying autoimmunity that causes Graves» disease, so treatment focuses on the hyperthyroid condition itself, with the goal of normalizing your thyroid function, reducing the amount of thyroid hormone being produced, and addressing the symptoms and side effects of your overactive thyroid.
Urge Incontinence is a symptom of Overactive Bladder (OAB) which is the overly frequent contractions of the detrusor muscle which forms the muscular wall of the bladder.
These studies also showed that pumpkin seed oil may reduce symptoms of overactive bladder and improve quality of life for men with enlarged prostates.
It is very interesting that Hashimoto's disease (the most common cause of underactive thyroid) as well as Grave's disease (the most common cause of overactive thyroid) are both an autoimmune conditions.
Some common symptoms of overactive thyroids are:
In the treatment of an overactive thyroid, which most commonly results from the autoimmune condition known as Graves» disease, it is critical to slow down the gland's excess production of thyroid hormones, especially the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
In older men, night sweats and palpitations might occur because of an overactive autonomic nervous system in response to falling testosterone levels.
Vitamin B1 is an example of a B vitamin that is commonly prescribed as a supplement in the treatment of overactive thyroid.
It can help: There is also research to suggest that taking seeds or their products as supplements can help treat symptoms of an overactive bladder.
At the very least though this presentation his reaffirmed the need for me to focus on good breathing mechanics in my athletes, to understand the role of the thoracic spine on multiple other joints throughout the body, and to emphasise inhibition of overactive muscles rather than activation of inhibited muscles in the pursuit of better joint mobility and stability.
Hello Dr Greger, I understand Rheumatoid Arthritis is a case of an overactive immune system (please correct me, if I am wrong) If so, should a RA patient still take food or supplements that would improve or stimulate or strengthen the immune system?
The body typically has all the movement it needs, it is just not able to access it because of overactive muscles or poor positioning elsewhere within the body.
My sleep is kind of unpredictable, with weeks at a time filled with great sleep and others riddled with random 3 a.m. wakeups or a serious case of overactive bedtime brain (is there an acronym for this yet?).
This is also called alopecia areata and basically is a result of an overactive immune system.
But he cautions that the study may not translate fully to humans, because partial obstruction is just one of the causes of overactive bladder.
Even though the cause now appears rooted in the trigeminal nerve system, the origin of its overactive cells is still a mystery, Goadsby says.
Initially, scientists figured the system goes out of whack because of an overactive right cortex.
Baliga and his team edited the genome of M. tuberculosis, disabling the regulatory machinery responsible for some of the overactive genes.
Swedo became convinced that the symptoms were the result of an overactive immune response to strep bacteria.
In the naturally resilient animals the higher neural activity seemed to induce a counterreaction that resulted in the subsequent quieting of overactive neurons.
The cause of the problem is usually a combination of an overactive letdown reflex along with a foremilk / hindmilk imbalance.
This is due to the existence of overactive glands in your infantâ $ ™ s scalp.
Symptoms of an overactive thyroid include weight loss (more than is healthy for adequate milk production); anxiety; increased heart rate or palpitations; insomnia; feeling over warm; and sweating.
My fourth baby, I had an obvious case of the overactive letdown and oversupply.
If you can bottle some of the overactive letdown, your baby will be able to enjoy a more steady flow and you'll have some breast milk stored for a rainy day.
(You can actually think of night fears — the result of an overactive imagination — as a sophisticated cognitive development.)
I did not enjoy anticipating the pain of my overactive letdown.
I also sometimes experience symptoms of an overactive thyroid.

Not exact matches

«Urologic conditions such as overactive bladder adversely impact millions of individuals, and the current treatment options are unsatisfactory for many patients.
It was this combination of constant, obsessive worry, coupled with an overactive imagination that caused Newton's breakdown, but also to his pervasive, all - encompassing creative genius, says Perkins.
«You shouldn't become overactive every few months when you don't see the full effects» of previous measures, Hansson said in Frankfurt yesterday.
Further «proof», that your god is a product of man's overactive imagination.
In Tangled, the Walt Disney Company's new animated, feature - length, 3 - D adaptation of «Rapunzel,» critic Armond White finds, sadly, that the story of the girl with the very long locks not only «has been amped up from the morality tale told by the Brothers Grimm into a typically overactive Disney concoction of cute humans, comic animals, and one - dimensional villains,» but also that the film's «hyped - up story line... gives evidence that cultural standards have undergone a drastic change» in the decades since Walt Disney first set out to charm both children and adults with his animated retellings of fairy tales.
Just know that you're not alone in your struggles — I'm both blessed and cursed with an overactive imagination — and have a tendency to be my own harshest critic when I allow my failures, fears or second guessing to get the best of me.
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