Sentences with phrase «of overactive muscles»

At the very least though this presentation his reaffirmed the need for me to focus on good breathing mechanics in my athletes, to understand the role of the thoracic spine on multiple other joints throughout the body, and to emphasise inhibition of overactive muscles rather than activation of inhibited muscles in the pursuit of better joint mobility and stability.
The body typically has all the movement it needs, it is just not able to access it because of overactive muscles or poor positioning elsewhere within the body.

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I had taken a holistic lactations workshop and one of the recommendations was magnesium because I guess the overactive letdown was this you know spazzing of the muscles and the nipple.
However, the toxin is also used to treat migraine headaches, involuntary contraction of the eye muscles, overactive bladder syndrome, excessive sweating and spastic disorders associated with injury or disease.
There are whole bunch of things you can do to release those overactive muscles — including using a foam roll or tennis ball to help ease the spasms, which is another post for another day.
Using the foam roller can deliver improvements in flexibility, muscle recovery, movement efficiency, inhibiting overactive muscles, and pain reduction with just minutes of application
-LSB-...] NASM's Corrective Exercise Continuum consists of first inhibiting the overactive muscles with self - myofascial release (SMR), lengthening the muscles which were identified as being shortened, then activating the underactive -LSB-...]
Urge incontinence is sometimes referred to as «Overactive Bladder» which describes an increased activity of the detrusor muscle which causes the bladder to empty.
While there are several schools of thought regarding the neurophysiology of muscle imbalance, there is one common idea — muscle imbalance consists of two or more opposing muscles, one being overactive or too tight and the other underactive or too loose.
Agnistambhasana encourages to move the hip joint to its full range of motion that breaks the pattern of either underused muscle because of a sedentary life or overused muscle due to a neglected overactive life.
Urge Incontinence is a symptom of Overactive Bladder (OAB) which is the overly frequent contractions of the detrusor muscle which forms the muscular wall of the bladder.
When a muscle becomes «tight» (either due to being overactive and habitually contracted, to the opposing musculature being overly - weak and habitually extended, to an accumulation of scar tissue and / or knots, or to any combination of the three), it rests at a suboptimal length and thus functional strength is reduced and proper mobility patterns are affected.
Often, CPPS it the result of one or more of these issues and the net result is tense, overactive pelvic floor muscles.
It's not only weak pelvic floors which can cause issues, «hypertonic» pelvic floor muscle or overactive pelvic floor muscles can present with a range of symptoms too.
ApexM strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor eliminating any bladder leakage when laughing, coughing, sneezing or exercising — giving you better bladder control and also calms the muscle that surrounds the bladder to stop urgency / overactive bladder symptoms.
Apex ® M is your answer whether you have symptoms of leakage associated with coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising (stress urinary incontinence), caused by weak pelvic floor muscles, or find yourself rushing to the bathroom often with urgency or overactive bladder (OAB).
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