Sentences with phrase «of overall cardiovascular health»

This product can be taken daily for ongoing maintenance of overall cardiovascular health or before exercise to help maximize performance.
This scientific statement is a «snapshot» of the overall cardiovascular health of African Americans today, based on a careful review of nearly 300 scientific studies.

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What can be done: Researchers believe that the uptick in the U.S. maternal mortality rate is due mainly to three factors: a decline in overall health, including increased rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease, inadequate prenatal care, and inadequate postpartum care.
It has been associated with the ability to reduce the risks of cardiovascular and other diseases and to improve overall health.
Lead author, Capt. Leslie MacDonald, Sc.D., senior scientist in the U.S. Public Health Service, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, of the Centers for Disease Control, suggests that employees consider taking small steps to improve their overall cardiovascular health, including: • Going for a walk during lunch or other breaks • Parking farther away from destinations • Taking the stairs instead of elevators • Managing stress through breathing exercises or meditation • Bringing healthy snacks to work such as fruits, nuts and yogurt • Drinking water throughout tHealth Service, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, of the Centers for Disease Control, suggests that employees consider taking small steps to improve their overall cardiovascular health, including: • Going for a walk during lunch or other breaks • Parking farther away from destinations • Taking the stairs instead of elevators • Managing stress through breathing exercises or meditation • Bringing healthy snacks to work such as fruits, nuts and yogurt • Drinking water throughout tHealth, of the Centers for Disease Control, suggests that employees consider taking small steps to improve their overall cardiovascular health, including: • Going for a walk during lunch or other breaks • Parking farther away from destinations • Taking the stairs instead of elevators • Managing stress through breathing exercises or meditation • Bringing healthy snacks to work such as fruits, nuts and yogurt • Drinking water throughout thealth, including: • Going for a walk during lunch or other breaks • Parking farther away from destinations • Taking the stairs instead of elevators • Managing stress through breathing exercises or meditation • Bringing healthy snacks to work such as fruits, nuts and yogurt • Drinking water throughout the day
A smattering of studies have linked the condition, known as obstructive sleep apnea, to a host of serious health risks, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity and even accidents — but long - term, population - based data on mortality overall have been lacking.
«The Action Plan targets, including a 25 % relative reduction in the overall mortality of men and women aged between 30 and 70 years from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases, should be a priority for all public health and development partners,» Chestnov said.
It's also been shown that they are able to potentially reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which means that if your goals are to improve overall health and increase lean muscle mass you need to start supplementing with fish oil.
HGH not only heightens the body's lean muscle production, but increased levels of HGH can decrease the overall percentage of body fat and improve the level of cardiovascular health in a person.
This flavonoid promotes overall cardiovascular health, stabilizes blood pressure, relieves upper respiratory conditions, and minimizes the harmful effects of stress.
Improved overall health drastically reduces the risk of developing CAD (coronary artery disease) or other cardiovascular issues, and TRT can help men with low testosterone achieve better physical conditioning through exercise.
Overall, the many cardiovascular health benefits of very - low - carb diets for metabolically compromised individuals are impressive.
This type of exercise is incredible for improving the overall quality of your cardiovascular health, an important first step in maintaining longer workouts with a higher amount of calories burned during each one.
Benefits of running include improved cardiovascular capacity (a stronger heart), increased metabolism (fat loss), reduced bad cholesterol (healthier heart), strengthening of the bones, as well as improved self esteem and overall health.
Unlike statin drugs, which lower your cholesterol at the expense of your health, these lifestyle strategies represent a holistic approach that will benefit your overall health - which includes a healthy cardiovascular system.
Two daily servings (240 ml) of beans, cooked or canned, are recommended in order to maintain overall health, specially during pregnancy, since folate is crucial for cardiovascular health, as well as for early development, reducing the risk of birth defects.
So, these two different types of fiber are both very important for our health and well - being and we need both of them in our diet... and it's important to have both of them in your diet because they both play a different role for our health and our digestive health and our cardiovascular health and really all sorts of functions in the body overall so basically soluble fiber it becomes liquid, so, soluble fiber and actually believe it or not soluble fiber and insoluble fiber have different times of the year that they are more effective and impactful for your health and wellbeing.
Did you forget the part of the AHA study that reads» In contrast, many soy products should be beneficial to cardiovascular and overall health because of their high content of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and low content of saturated fat.».
Fiber is an important aspect of overall health and wellbeing and specifically influences the intestines, liver, colon, cardiovascular system, blood health and more.
The body's muscular system is also intimately related to cardiovascular health, as well as lymph circulation, both of which are incredibly important in overall health, not only in the aging body, but throughout the life cycle.
Healthy blood sugar is critical for keeping inflammatory markers down, preserving arterial health and preventing unhealthy weight gain — all of which contribute to overall cardiovascular wellness.
Omega XTS provides a potent 50 mg dose of trans - form CoQ10 and 200 IU of vitamin D3, nutrients most people are deficient in, for complete cardiovascular protection and overall health support.
Improving overall cardiovascular health (such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol) will help to reduce the risk of stroke, but in many cases, people suffer a stroke and are looking for ways to improve recovery and prevent lasting cognitive deficits.
For overall cardiovascular health, current American Heart Association guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate - intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for a total of 150 or at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per week for a total of 75 minutes, or a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity.
By contrast, higher amounts of potassium improved health in these areas as well as overall cardiovascular health.
Once properly corrected, the majority of people enjoy resumption of weight loss, not to mention feel happier, more energetic, with improved overall health, including reduced cardiovascular risk.
The American Medical Association does not currently recommend CRP testing for the general public, but if you are already at risk for heart disease, or are concerned about your cardiovascular health, it is another piece of the puzzle in revealing your overall heart risks
Yes, people * did * lose weight and the logic of Atkins» argument sounded clever, but the science later showed that high fat / low carb diets were horrible for triglycerides, lipoproteins (the really bad cholsterol that inflammes arteries) and overall cardiovascular health.
These measures have other health benefits, such as lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease and improving your overall mental health.
In 2012, the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization devoted to summarizing scientific evidence on health, released a report on the effect of general health checks — an annual physical, if you will — on a variety of health outcomes, including the incidence of illness, hospitalization, disability and mortality, both overall and due to specific causes, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
The prevention of periodontal diseases is very important as failure to do so can have a tremendous impact on your pooch's overall health, particularly its cardiovascular system.
With this, the scale can take a measurement that helps indicate the state of one's risk of «cardiovascular incidents,» hypertension, and overall cardiac health.
Compared to those with no antisocial behaviour, participants with persistent problems had poorer overall health and significantly elevated odds of cardiovascular problems, wheezing, lower back pain, cancer, serious injury and emergency department visits.
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