Sentences with phrase «of overfishing»

He had become convinced that numbers of them were soaring because of overfishing of the starfish's natural predators and that survival of the millions of larvae expelled annually into the ocean currents was enhanced by the growing levels of chemical pollution.
By 1990, after decades of overfishing, the slow - growing grouper had nearly disappeared from local waters.
Oceanographer and filmmaker Jean - Michel Cousteau writes in the book that «90 percent of commercially harvested large fish species are gone from the sea as a result of overfishing... I am forced to conclude that we are doing everything in our power to eliminate fish from the sea.»
The End of the Line is an important documentary film about the devastating impact of overfishing in the world's oceans.
In an influential 2001 paper [subscription required], Jackson had already described the ripple effects of overfishing on coastal ecosystems.
The baiji dolphin has also been rendered extinct by a combination of overfishing and habitat destruction caused by human activity.
In fact, when evidence of overfishing of Chilean sea bass became evident about a decade ago, Albion Fisheries voluntarily suspended selling the popular item.
Benthic trawling in the South Georgia region was banned because of overfishing in the 1980s, but longline fishing still continues.
I asked fisheries officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration about the study, and they replied that it provided more evidence of overfishing by Europe.
We received support from every island we visited, including some we weren't able to reach, because — coupled with evidence of overfishing — sharks are revered as guardians in Cook Islands culture.
There is a documented consequence of overfishing of a given species.
Several species of rockfish — a group of Northeast Pacific fish also known as snapper that can live to be over 100 years old, were severely depleted by years of overfishing.
There is no evidence that the rates of overfishing, ocean acidification and pollution are «accelerating.»
This newest threat follows on the heels of overfishing, sediment deposition, nitrate pollution in some areas, coral bleaching caused by global warming, and increasing ocean acidity caused by carbon emissions.
Policy changes in the last few years have dramatically reduced the extent of overfishing, but it will take time for this to be reflected in the stocks.
Effects of Overfishing on Wild Seafood Populations from the Seafood Watch Program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Even with fishing limits, some food species such as pufferfish, remain in danger of overfishing.
The authors found warning signs of overfishing including small fishes, reduced numbers of species and the increasing occurrence of sea urchins and algae growth.
«It is vital that we protect the Coral Sea's immense environmental and heritage values from the escalating threats of overfishing and climate change while there is still time to do so,» Prof. Hughes explains.
Dawn feels very strongly about animal rights and environmental issues and has written about the problem of overfishing, endangered rhino and many other matters.
Bridlington, Whitby, and other English coastal towns have long depended on the North Sea fishery for food and income.2 But global warming is affecting plankton and changing the marine food chain, compounding the pressures of overfishing.3 The resulting disruption of the ecosystem could damage the fishing industry and hurt North Sea coastal communities from the United Kingdom to Scandinavia.
There were no changes to the list of overfished stocks in 2016.
Example statements relate to the degree of overfishing, price trends, the capacity of processors to export to the U.S. and E.U., health care access for processing workers, captains» earnings relative to other jobs in the region and the social standing of the crew.
This is a legacy of overfishing in the past.»
In Indonesia's Raja Ampat islands, local people are leading the effort to protect the world's most diverse coral reefs — and their own livelihoods — from the ravages of overfishing
The loss of biodiversity due to upper ocean warming, ocean acidification and ocean de-oxygenation will add dramatically to the existing threads of overfishing and marine pollution».
Sushi: The Global Catch, directed by Mark Hall (USA, 2011) Jury Statement: «The film brings to the forefront the urgent and occasionally competing arguments of overfishing that don't necessarily have easy answers — truly a film that is food for thought.»
A student at a novel middle school located inside the Grand Rapids Public Museum, Banks is eager to tell you about the historic importance of the sturgeon in the diet of the region's indigenous Anishinabek, as well as the details of its overfishing by white settlers and its present - day endangered status.
Dorado are prolific breeders, rapid growing and short lived which make them an excellent choice as a gamefish because they can sustain recreational catch efforts without fear of overfishing.
The visibility and landscape were incredible but there was a pretty evident lack of marine life that I assume is because of overfishing which was a bit sad.
All the while, players will not even have the slightest worry of overfishing, licenses or expensive equipment.
He asserts that these dynamic biological communities, long heralded as the rain forests of the sea, are doomed «zombie ecosystems» — with the triple whammy of overfishing, pollution and ocean acidification from the global buildup of carbon dioxide bound to overwhelm conservationists» efforts.
This increases the primary production of the tropical ocean and helps to repair the damage of overfishing.
In the short term, better management of overfishing and local stressors may increase resilience of reefs to climate threats, but rising global CO2 emissions will rapidly outstrip the capacity of local coastal managers and policy - makers to maintain the health of these critical ecosystems if the emissions continue unchecked, the authors stress.
«Specifically, due to the vulnerable nature of sharks, their rapidly declining population, and the impacts of overfishing for their parts and products, our carriage of these is inconsistent with our commitment to sustainable development.»
Fish Aggregating Devices are a serious driver of overfishing, which is why Greenpeace is on a mission to dismantle all the FADs it can find.
Obviously this is all statistically based, in that in practice it's not like only locally - sourced fish are eaten in the first six and a half months of the year, but it is a very useful reference point for that state of overfishing and on how our dietary choices affect the world, the species, and the life around us.
That is, these creatures can migrate into unprotected waters and become victims of overfishing.
Next week the issue of overfishing of Pacific tuna stocks will be addressed at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, in Panama City, Panama.
When the North Atlantic's stocks of cod, tuna, halibut, and other big ocean predators threatened to collapse in the 1990s after decades of overfishing, consumers and conservationists alike turned their hopes to farming: raising pellet - fattened fish in net pens in bays and channels.
This, in turn, seems to be causing a rise in the number of jellyfish, which compete with river fish for food and consume their eggs and larvae, thereby threatening native populations that are already dwindling as a result of overfishing.
The ocean is changing fast — too fast, it seems, for us to reliably predict the combined effects of overfishing, pollution and climate change.
Jellyfish are returning to prominence in the world's oceans, thanks to a combination of overfishing, climate change and even «dead zones».
Global Consequences of Overfishing - International Fisheries.
In April, DiCaprio announced plans to build a luxury eco-resort on a private island off the coast of Belize as part of an effort to restore the island's natural balance after years of overfishing and deforestation.
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