Sentences with phrase «of pain intensity»

Data collected for the study included information on the length of hospitalization, administration of drugs for postoperative pain control, vital signs, ratings of pain intensity, distress, fatigue and anxiety, and the patient's room satisfaction questionnaire.
A comparison between multilevel models demonstrated that sleep was a better predictor of physical activity than morning ratings of pain intensity or mood.
The recommendations suggest a nine - item cLBP «Impact Score,» incorporating ratings of pain intensity, interference with normal activities, and functional ability.
They showed that people could learn to manipulate the fMRI signal and their perception of pain intensity through visualization exercises, such as «turning down» pain like a radio dial.

Not exact matches

«It burns more calories than regular walking, improves posture and co-ordination, allows the cardiovascular training intensity of jogging without the high impact and can alleviate neck and shoulder pain.
We must take pains to show that acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord does not carry with it the three - storey universe; that to be a Christian does not imply that one believes that God is the immediate cause of all that happens, however true it may be that he is «first» and «final» cause; and that the findings of modem science as to how God in fact works in the world only illuminate the central truth that in Christ he has worked with a singular intensity and (as we might say) directness to bring to men wholeness of life.
Low - intensity conflict's use of surrogate troops, for example, is designed to keep us from having to confront the psychological trauma of the pain and death we sponsor.
This does not mean that Christian Scientists deny the intensity of the human experience of disease and pain.
For this state to be reached, there must be repeated confrontation with every element of the loss until the intensity of distress is diminished to the point where it becomes tolerable and the pleasure of recollection begins to outweigh the pain.
Once the extraordinary intensity and longevity of grief's pain is actually witnessed, many people (including not a few grievers) simply refuse to believe that an emotional response of this magnitude could possibly be healthy, or be what grieving books, counselors, etc., are referring to («They told me you'd cry, but not this much!»)
In this context elements of pain, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction may contribute to the intensity of the whole.
• The definition of torture has been reinterpreted by the Justice Department as follows: «Physical pain amounting to torture must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.»
Their experiences and my own in Nicaragua had taught me that low - intensity conflict was capable of inflicting high - intensity emotional and physical pain.
If there is any report of pain or any compensation with these basic movements, then that athlete is not ready to increase his / her running speed, intensity or distance.
I have held space for the huge powerful transformation of birth — that involves challenging situations of extreme intensity and vulnerability, pain of all degrees, facing enormous fears head on, surrendering to a process far greater than all of us... as well as great joy, love, and miracles.
Looking back on it, I remember the intensity of it, but not the pain.
I admit I was surprised by the intensity of the pain, even though it was my second time around.
It can be both weak and excessive since the intensity of abdominal pain increases and lowers.
Like other common discomforts of pregnancy, pain is variable and its duration and intensity depends on each woman.
While round ligament pain does not harm you or your baby, it's important to tune into the intensity and duration of the pain you feel and raise any concerns to your healthcare provider.
From using pressure points to ease the pain and intensity of contractions, to blessing us with Scripture verses to ease my mind, we were blessed immensely by her presence.
Placing a moist warm cloth on the ear is certainly effective at cutting down the intensity of the pain.
According to the Global Journal of Health Science, dancing while in labor will reduce the intensity of labor pains.
An hour passed in waves of bone - crushing intensity and unfathomable pain.
All the deep breathing, visualization, and physical preparation could not void the pain — it was more the length of pain, not the intensity.
Easing into the warm water brought almost instant relief, followed by almost instant panic because of the intensity of pain in my lower back..
A research team in Israel reported evidence of hyperalgesia in 17 of 30 patients with radiating spinal nerve pain by asking them to rate the intensity of heat pain on a numerical scale before and after a 4 - week course of hydromorphone.
«The study highlights the importance of a simple bedside evaluation for the presence and intensity of pain or itch as an easily implementable tool for clinicians in evaluating suspicious skin lesions,» concluded the study.
The intensity of the pain experienced varies from person to person, but can be ranked on a scale.
The authors noted that their research confirms previous studies concluding that baseline pain intensity is a key predictor of future pain and disability.
At very high exercise intensities the release of endorphins appears to be linked to increased negative feelings and pain, and may be needed to manage the emotionally and physically demanding challenge.
Research reported in The Journal of Pain shows that high pain intensity at onset is predictive of future pain and disability, even after five years.
Importantly, there was a strong correlation between the degree of ES conditions and the self - reported intensity of chronic pain reported by the patients at the time of EEG testing.
At the same time, the arousal system is switched to a low - energy setting, and the brain is flooded with «opioid analgesia» to reduce the intensity of the fear and pain.
Preventive therapies should also significantly reduce the intensity of pain and ensure that when attacks do occur they are more manageable.
Instead of focusing solely on reducing pain intensity, this psychological treatment encourages patients to engage in meaningful life activities, while promoting mindfulness and acceptance of difficult experiences such as pain.
The subjects of the first two groups reported a significant decrease in pain intensity and unpleasantness after the experiment.
Those getting dronabinol experienced improved pain tolerance and decreased frequency and intensity of chest pain.
As its temperature varied from pleasant (near body temperature) to painful (49 degrees Celsius), subjects had to rate both pain intensity and pain unpleasantness of the noxious stimulus.
Those subjects who experienced the greatest reduction in the intensity of their pain had the largest increase of activity in their right insula and both sides of their anterior cingulate cortices.
«Osteoarthritis - related knee pain commonly results in the avoidance of high intensity physical activities which are required to maintain cartilage health and cardiovascular fitness.
Because people can read these visual cues and gauge the intensity of the animal's pain, Mogil has long thought that other rats could do so as well.
The high prevalence and intensity of opioid use among SSDI recipients parallels the preponderance of musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain — some type of musculoskeletal condition was present in 94 percent of chronic opioid users.
Using CPM, an index of endogenous pain - inhibitory capacity that was calculated from QST measurements, investigators correctly predicted changes in pain intensity and in neuropathic symptoms (p <.05).
In order to find out why people willingly subject themselves to the pain of a spicy meal, Prescott and his colleagues at the CSIRO Sensory Research Centre in Sydney looked at how different amounts of capsaicin affected the flavour and intensity of solutions of sucrose and sodium chloride, which stimulate two of the four basic tastes, sweet and salt (the others are sour and bitter).
The evolution of bone cancer pain in dogs parallels what occurs in humans, with the frequency and intensity of pain increasing over weeks and months.
The Brief Pain Inventory scores were also lower 3 to 5 days after the S2 stimulation than at pre-treatment baseline (p = 0.0127 for the intensity of pain and p = 0.0074 for the interference of pain) or after the S1 / M1 (p = 0.001 and p = 0.0001) and sham (p = 0.0491 and p = 0.0359) stimulations.
The altered PMC connectivity was associated with several phenotype measures, including pain and urologic symptom intensity, depression, anxiety, quality of relationships, and self - esteem levels in patients.
This type of training will help you push your mental pain barrier and improve your high - intensity performance.
I don't want to project my emotions, dilute the intensity of their experiences, or take all of their pain away.
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