Sentences with phrase «of pain involved»

It's so true that there is quite a bit of pain involved with PT in the short term.
That is not to say that there hasn't been a lot of pain involved when I finally saw the truth about myself.
The job of finding the source of his pain involved his vet; a canine nerve specialist, who ordered magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a veterinary orthopedist, who recommended a CT scan.
And if there was a «simple solution» there would be a lot of pain involved in making it happen.
Could work, but with a lot of pain involved.
He's waking up screaming from a dead sleep, which says to me that there's some kind of pain involved.
I'm sure there's a significant amount of pain involved in routine dental procedures, but dentists administer lidocaine.
No matter how it happens, there's going to be a significant amount of pain involved.
If there's a lot of pain involved, if there is low milk production, if a baby is not gaining weight, then you truly need that on - demand lactation support.
Even women who can deliver the baby normally also tends to go for C - section because of the pain involved in the C - section
While the amount of pain involved and the number of animals affected is disputed, [44] these events have occurred and to some extent still occur, but hard data is lacking.
Just for the ease of this convo, she got the shot that flushes your system — it takes a day to 2 weeks for the entire effect, and there is a great deal of pain involved so its most definitely not without its horrors.
Five years ago, there would have been a lot of pain involved in doing that.

Not exact matches

Speaking earlier with The Drum on the decision to drop its buy - side fees, Barrett spoke of the «considerable pain» involved in making this decision, but Rubicon Project believes this will build the scale necessary to survive in a world of increased scrutiny around programmatic buying.
When applied to B2B companies, it involves providing the sales team with the high - level content, training, analytics, feedback, buyer personas, insights, industry data, email workflow, integration between marketing and sales, understanding of pain points, and resources they need to have more successful sales conversations with prospects.
The stories of economic pain are growing involving students but what about adjunct professors?
A happy ending (and this «happy» ending involves a lot of pain along the way) is possible, but it isn't the way to bet.
Regardless of the misrepresentation of Islam by those offenders, ven if the monument is meant to correct the perception brought about by the offenders, the sentiment involved in building a mosque, or a muslim community centre, on that site is hopelessly utopian and marginalises the pain of those who have been affected by the event.
For the substance - dependent person, each act of use involves a series or chain of choices and behaviors mediated by a variety of cognitions (automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, permission - giving beliefs, core beliefs / early maladaptive schemas, etc.), which interact with emotional states and past learning, strongly reinforcing «self - medicating» for emotional and existential pain.
If she has a story of pain that she experienced in which you were involved, it is disappointing that you have been unwillingly to truly consider and acknowledge the pain of those events or any regret over your involvement.
Then there are the Bad Attitudes of the immature in faith: I have a hard time accepting myself; I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and obligations I have; My life is filled with stress and anxiety; I tend to be critical of other people; I do not want churches getting involved in political issues; I do not understand how a loving God can allow so much pain and suffering in the world.
This cruelty is compounded in light of the responsible deity having infinite alternatives which would not have involved inflicting severe terror, suffering and pain upon children and infants.
A person with great relational power is one who can enter into a wide range of personal relationships, who can entertain a wide range of ideas, and who can appreciate a wide range of values, even when those relationships, ideas, and values involve great contrast and produce much pain.
Appropriate care for the previous generation involves, among other things, what family therapist Murray Bowen has called «differentiation of the self from the family of origin» (see Family Therapy and Clinical Practice [Aronson, 19781) Those who work professionally with families have found that people experiencing marital or other family pain frequently have an unfinished agenda with the prior generation.
Touch, furthermore, as the sense of bodily pleasure and pain, involves to a high degree the effective response that, according to Whitehead, is more primitive than the clear perception of a distinct and definite object.
I truly believe that love can cover a multitude of sins — we have been involved in and with people who do fostering and have seen children who have experienced different kinds of abuse transformed through unconditional love and acceptance — sure the pain of what they have experienced may still be there but the unconditional love they receive transforms them from broken to not so much broken... if that makes sense?
«We have speakers coming to this service who will hopefully help us understand better what to pray for, certainly to catch something of the heart and the pain involved in this situation.»
When the Christian confesses that God raised Jesus from the dead he is testifying to the source of spiritual strength which enables him to overcome lethargy and temptation, to continue in the bearing of the cross, and to become involved in the pain and suffering of the world with an attitude of hope.
Wilson offers no extended comment on the book, even though one of the themes in Faces is related to his narrative thread: namely, the difficulty of coming to know ourselves as we are and the pain such knowledge involves.
It is clear that the process of therapy involves struggle and pain and ecstasy, death and rebirth.
Sometimes it is hard to remember that the drudgery or pain involved in being responsible for a baby, a child, or a teen is a labor of love.
The identification to which I have just referred is no easy affair; it implies and it involves such a total sharing that the pain experienced by the one who is loved is also the pain of the one who loves.
The prevention or healing of these person - hurting escapes from mid-years pain involves becoming more growing, intentional, and generative persons, and thus discovering the zest and the lift which the Gospel of John calls «life in all its fullness» (John 10:10, NEB).
That emerging church, I believe, will combine elements of these three decades — the emphasis of the «50s on commitment to training and to significant Christian education; the emphasis of the «60s on the claim that God is involved with all of life and the willingness of Christians to be involved in the pain of the world at the price of jeopardizing their institutional vested interests; and the emphasis of the «70s on a renewed search for a significant sense of the holy.
I added that middle part about convincing others, because in my career as a computer systems builder, I often remembered painful experiences and their causes, wanting to avoid future repeats... but was often not able to do so, because others either could not understand the level of complexity involved enough to want to avoid the pain, or because they were not involved in that past history and therefore could not remember it.
«When they see the child moving in the womb on an ultrasound, when they hear the heartbeat of the unborn child, when they know there are people and programs available to help them with a new baby and new circumstances, when they see what dismemberment abortion does to these precious children, the pain and agony that is involved in every chemical abortion, they look for life - preserving solutions that are better for everyone involved
Second, growth counseling involves a variety of growth - stimulating methods to help people use more of their potentialities by (1) developing better communication with self, others, nature, and God — the four basic relationships within which all growth occurs; (2) developing new skills of relating in mutually - affirming, mutually - fulfilling ways; (3) growing by making constructive decisions and taking responsible action; (4) using the growth possibilities inherent in each life stage; (5) learning to use the pain and problems of unexpected crises as growth opportunities; (6) learning better methods of spiritual growth — the maturing of one's personal faith, working values, sense of purpose, peak experiences, and awareness of really belonging in the universe.
This stage is a clear illustration of the principle that growth involves struggle and pain.
The process of growth, though deeply fulfilling, often involves pain and struggle.
Unless you become a Christian and share her love for Jesus Christ, you are both looking at a lifetime of frustration and pain (She will particularly feel this, as she continues to disobey God's command not to be involved with someone who is not a Christian.)
The effectiveness of chiles on sore throat probably involves the depletion of substance P, the neurotransmitter that sends pain signals to the brain.
My first experiences with seitan involved rinsing and massaging a big ball of wheat flour dough for a half hour or so to isolate the wheat gluten, which was a huge pain in the butt.
Most of us are familiar with inflammation on the surface of our bodies which involves local redness, heat, swelling and pain, but there is another kind of inflammation that lingers within our bodies.
The problem with Grandma Phyl's Orange Drops is they are kind of a pain - in - the - butt to make, there's lots of juicing and zesting and frosting involved.
Football players often complain of «stinger» or «burner» injuries, which classically involve compression of the nerve root and result in burning or stinging pain down the arm from the neck.
I thought birth was always a natural & easy process - all of the women in my life had easy, quick, complication - free births (including a vaginal breech birth)- so I was unprepared for the pain and the stress and the complications involved with my own 1st birth.
The physical impacts of pregnancy alone are immense: morning sickness, gaining weight, losing energy and mobility, medical problems like backache (for which pain medication options are very limited), not to mention actually giving birth, which sometimes involves surgery.
Being at your baby's beck and call rather than practising «controlled crying», a parenting technique popular with the older generation that involves allowing a baby to cry for set periods of time (assuming they are not in any obvious pain) to teach them to soothe themselves, has deemed babywearing a method which spoils our children by the older generation.
«Besides being afraid of the regular things — injury, illness, and such — I am also sad that his innocence will inevitably be eroded over time, and that he will inevitably experience all the various pains involved in growing into an adult.»
As long as there is no pain or other signs of illness involved, the frequency is not a matter of concern.
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